WP_Hook Object
    [callbacks] => Array
            [10] => Array
                    [0000000036f7bc930000000032bc33f2add_recurring_schedules] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => WFCM_Monitor Object
                                            [root_path] => /home/bsbks/public_html/
                                            [excludes:WFCM_Monitor:private] => Array

                                            [scan_settings] => Array
                                                    [enabled] => yes
                                                    [debug-logging] => 
                                                    [delete-data] => 
                                                    [type] => Array
                                                            [0] => added
                                                            [1] => modified
                                                            [2] => deleted

                                                    [frequency] => daily
                                                    [hour] => 02
                                                    [day] => 1
                                                    [date] => 01
                                                    [directories] => Array
                                                            [0] => root
                                                            [1] => wp-content/themes
                                                            [2] => wp-content/plugins
                                                            [3] => wp-content/uploads
                                                            [4] => wp-content

                                                    [wp-repo-core-checksum-validation-enabled] => yes
                                                    [file-size] => 5
                                                    [exclude-dirs] => Array
                                                            [0] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/cache
                                                            [1] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/upgrade

                                                    [exclude-files] => Array
                                                            [0] => wp-config-sample.php

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                                                            [0] => jpg
                                                            [1] => jpeg
                                                            [2] => png
                                                            [3] => bmp
                                                            [4] => pdf
                                                            [5] => txt
                                                            [6] => log
                                                            [7] => mo
                                                            [8] => po
                                                            [9] => mp3
                                                            [10] => wav
                                                            [11] => gif
                                                            [12] => ico
                                                            [13] => jpe
                                                            [14] => psd
                                                            [15] => raw
                                                            [16] => svg
                                                            [17] => tif
                                                            [18] => tiff
                                                            [19] => aif
                                                            [20] => flac
                                                            [21] => m4a
                                                            [22] => oga
                                                            [23] => ogg
                                                            [24] => ra
                                                            [25] => wma
                                                            [26] => asf
                                                            [27] => avi
                                                            [28] => mkv
                                                            [29] => mov
                                                            [30] => mp4
                                                            [31] => mpe
                                                            [32] => mpeg
                                                            [33] => mpg
                                                            [34] => ogv
                                                            [35] => qt
                                                            [36] => rm
                                                            [37] => vob
                                                            [38] => webm
                                                            [39] => wm
                                                            [40] => wmv
                                                            [41] => json

                                                    [scan-dev-folders] => 
                                                    [notify_type] => admin
                                                    [notify_addresses] => Array

                                                    [email-changes-limit] => 10
                                                    [send-email-upon-changes] => yes
                                                    [empty-email-allowed] => no
                                                    [allowed-in-core-dirs] => Array
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                                                            [2] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo
                                                            [3] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/plugins/stops-core-theme-and-plugin-updates
                                                            [4] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/themes/twentytwentytwo
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                                                            [6] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall
                                                            [7] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7
                                                            [8] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-crontrol
                                                            [9] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/plugins/php-compatibility-checker

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                                                            [2] => conexionlocal.php
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                                                            [7] => util-functions.js
                                                            [8] => Thumbs.db
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                                                            [253] => wsal_report_08162021133118_w_I3775j7E_T8u0sSA5XQ1l18.html


                                            [scan_file_count:WFCM_Monitor:private] => 0
                                            [scan_limit_file:WFCM_Monitor:private] => 
                                            [files_to_exclude:WFCM_Monitor:private] => Array

                                            [uploads_dir:WFCM_Monitor:private] => Array

                                            [scan_changes_count:WFCM_Monitor:private] => Array

                                            [scan_start_time:WFCM_Monitor:private] => 0
                                            [scan_max_execution_time:WFCM_Monitor:private] => 240

                                    [1] => add_recurring_schedules

                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [0000000036f7bcbe0000000032bc33f2schedule_cron_healthcheck] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => WFCM_Background_Event_Deletion Object
                                            [action:protected] => wfcm_delete_events
                                            [start_time:protected] => 0
                                            [cron_hook_identifier:protected] => wp_wfcm_delete_events_cron
                                            [cron_interval_identifier:protected] => wp_wfcm_delete_events_cron_interval
                                            [prefix:protected] => wp
                                            [identifier:protected] => wp_wfcm_delete_events
                                            [data:protected] => Array


                                    [1] => schedule_cron_healthcheck

                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [0000000036f7bcba0000000032bc33f2schedule_cron_healthcheck] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => WFCM_Background_Scanner Object
                                            [action:protected] => wfcm_scanner_scan_paths
                                            [check_for_changes:protected] => 
                                            [current_path:protected] => 
                                            [start_time:protected] => 0
                                            [cron_hook_identifier:protected] => wp_wfcm_scanner_scan_paths_cron
                                            [cron_interval_identifier:protected] => wp_wfcm_scanner_scan_paths_cron_interval
                                            [prefix:protected] => wp
                                            [identifier:protected] => wp_wfcm_scanner_scan_paths
                                            [data:protected] => Array


                                    [1] => schedule_cron_healthcheck

                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [0000000036f7bcb60000000032bc33f2schedule_cron_healthcheck] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => WFCM_Background_Check_For_Changes Object
                                            [action:protected] => wfcm_scanner_check_changes
                                            [directory:protected] => 
                                            [start_time:protected] => 0
                                            [cron_hook_identifier:protected] => wp_wfcm_scanner_check_changes_cron
                                            [cron_interval_identifier:protected] => wp_wfcm_scanner_check_changes_cron_interval
                                            [prefix:protected] => wp
                                            [identifier:protected] => wp_wfcm_scanner_check_changes
                                            [data:protected] => Array


                                    [1] => schedule_cron_healthcheck

                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [Crontrol\filter_cron_schedules] => Array
                            [function] => Crontrol\filter_cron_schedules
                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [0000000036f7bc7d0000000032bc33f2add_weekly_schedule] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => Appsero\Insights Object
                                            [notice] => 
                                            [show_notice:protected] => 1
                                            [extra_data:protected] => Array

                                            [client:protected] => Appsero\Client Object
                                                    [version] => 1.2.4
                                                    [hash] => a9151e1a-bc01-4c13-a117-d74263a219d7
                                                    [name] => WP Increase Upload Filesize | Increase Maximum Execution Time
                                                    [file] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-maximum-upload-file-size/wp-maximum-upload-file-size.php
                                                    [basename] => wp-maximum-upload-file-size/wp-maximum-upload-file-size.php
                                                    [slug] => wp-maximum-upload-file-size
                                                    [project_version] => 1.1.2
                                                    [type] => plugin
                                                    [textdomain] => wp-maximum-upload-file-size
                                                    [insights:Appsero\Client:private] => Appsero\Insights Object
                                                    [updater:Appsero\Client:private] => 
                                                    [license:Appsero\Client:private] => 

                                            [plugin_data:Appsero\Insights:private] => 

                                    [1] => add_weekly_schedule

                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [0000000036f7bc720000000032bc33f2recurring_schedules] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object
                                            [version] =>
                                            [views] => 
                                            [alerts] => WSAL_AlertManager Object
                                                    [alerts:protected] => Array
                                                            [1000] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 1000
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Activity
                                                                    [desc] => User logged in
                                                                    [mesg] => User logged in.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => login
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [1001] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 1001
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Activity
                                                                    [desc] => User logged out
                                                                    [mesg] => User logged out.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => logout
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [1002] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 1002
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Activity
                                                                    [desc] => Login failed
                                                                    [mesg] => %Attempts% failed login(s).
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => failed-login
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [1003] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 1003
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Activity
                                                                    [desc] => Login failed  / non existing user
                                                                    [mesg] => %Attempts% failed login(s).
                                                                    [object] => system
                                                                    [event_type] => failed-login
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [0] => %LogFileText%


                                                            [1004] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 1004
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Activity
                                                                    [desc] => Login blocked
                                                                    [mesg] => Login blocked because other session(s) already exist for this user.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => blocked
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [IP address] => %ClientIP%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [1005] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 1005
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Activity
                                                                    [desc] => User logged in with existing session(s)
                                                                    [mesg] => User logged in however there are other session(s) already for this user.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => login
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [IP address(es)] => %IPAddress%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [1006] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 1006
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Activity
                                                                    [desc] => User logged out all other sessions with the same username
                                                                    [mesg] => Logged out all other sessions with the same user.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => logout
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [1007] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 1007
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Activity
                                                                    [desc] => User session destroyed and logged out
                                                                    [mesg] => Terminated the session of the user %TargetUserName%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => logout
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %TargetUserRole%
                                                                            [Session ID] => %TargetSessionID%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [1008] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 1008
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Activity
                                                                    [desc] => Switched to another user
                                                                    [mesg] => Switched the session to being logged in as %TargetUserName%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => login
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %TargetUserRole%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [1009] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 1009
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Activity
                                                                    [desc] => The plugin terminated an idle session for a user
                                                                    [mesg] => The plugin terminated an idle session for the user %username%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => logout
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %TargetUserRole%
                                                                            [Session ID] => %SessionID%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2010] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2010
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Activity
                                                                    [desc] => User uploaded file to the Uploads directory
                                                                    [mesg] => Uploaded a file called %FileName%.
                                                                    [object] => file
                                                                    [event_type] => uploaded
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Directory] => %FilePath%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View attachment page] => %AttachmentUrl%


                                                            [2011] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2011
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Activity
                                                                    [desc] => User deleted file from Uploads directory
                                                                    [mesg] => Deleted the file %FileName%.
                                                                    [object] => file
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Directory] => %FilePath%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [1010] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 1010
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Activity
                                                                    [desc] => User requested a password reset
                                                                    [mesg] => User requested a password reset. This does not mean that the password was changed.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => submitted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2000] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2000
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User created a new post and saved it as draft
                                                                    [mesg] => Created the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => created
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2001] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2001
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User published a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Published the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => published
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2002] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2002
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User modified a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2008] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2008
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User permanently deleted a post from the trash
                                                                    [mesg] => Permanently deleted the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2012] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2012
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User moved a post to the trash
                                                                    [mesg] => Moved the post %PostTitle% to trash.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2014] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2014
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User restored a post from trash
                                                                    [mesg] => Restored the post %PostTitle% from trash.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => restored
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2017] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2017
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User changed post URL
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the URL of the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Previous URL] => %OldUrl%
                                                                            [New URL] => %NewUrl%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%


                                                            [2019] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2019
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User changed post author
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the author of the post %PostTitle% to %NewAuthor%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Previous author] => %OldAuthor%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2021] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2021
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User changed post status
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the post %PostTitle% to %NewStatus%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Previous status] => %OldStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2025] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2025
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the visibility of a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the visibility of the post %PostTitle% to %NewVisibility%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Previous visibility status] => %OldVisibility%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2027] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2027
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the date of a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the date of the post %PostTitle% to %NewDate%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Previous date] => %OldDate%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2047] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2047
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the parent of a page
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the parent of the post %PostTitle% to %NewParentName%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Previous parent] => %OldParentName%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2048] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2048
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the template of a page
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the template of the post %PostTitle% to %NewTemplate%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Previous template] => %OldTemplate%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2049] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2049
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User set a post as sticky
                                                                    [mesg] => Set the post %PostTitle% as sticky.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2050] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2050
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User removed post from sticky
                                                                    [mesg] => Removed the post %PostTitle% from sticky.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2065] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2065
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User modified the content of a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the content of the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the content changes] => %RevisionLink%
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2073] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2073
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User submitted a post for review
                                                                    [mesg] => Submitted the post %PostTitle% for review.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2074] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2074
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User scheduled a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Scheduled the post %PostTitle% to be published on %PublishingDate%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2086] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2086
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User changed title of a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the title of the post %OldTitle% to %NewTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2100] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2100
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User opened a post in the editor
                                                                    [mesg] => Opened the post %PostTitle% in the editor.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => opened
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2101] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2101
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User viewed a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Viewed the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => viewed
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrl%
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%


                                                            [2111] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2111
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User enabled/disabled comments in a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Comments in the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2112] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2112
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User enabled/disabled trackbacks and pingbacks in a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Pingbacks and Trackbacks in the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2129] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2129
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User updated the excerpt in a post
                                                                    [mesg] => The excerpt of the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Previous excerpt entry] => %old_post_excerpt%
                                                                            [New excerpt entry] => %post_excerpt%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2130] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2130
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Content
                                                                    [desc] => User updated the featured image in a post
                                                                    [mesg] => The featured image of the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Previous image] => %previous_image%
                                                                            [New image] => %new_image%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2119] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2119
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Tags
                                                                    [desc] => User added post tag
                                                                    [mesg] => Added tag(s) to the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Added tag(s)] => %tag%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%


                                                            [2120] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2120
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Tags
                                                                    [desc] => User removed post tag
                                                                    [mesg] => Removed tag(s) from the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Removed tag(s)] => %tag%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2121] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2121
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Tags
                                                                    [desc] => User created new tag
                                                                    [mesg] => Created the tag %TagName%.
                                                                    [object] => tag
                                                                    [event_type] => created
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Slug] => Slug

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View tag] => %RevisionLink%


                                                            [2122] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2122
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Tags
                                                                    [desc] => User deleted tag
                                                                    [mesg] => Deleted the tag %TagName%.
                                                                    [object] => tag
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Slug] => Slug

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2123] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2123
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Tags
                                                                    [desc] => Renamed the tag %old_name% to %new_name%.
                                                                    [mesg] => 
                                                                    [object] => tag
                                                                    [event_type] => renamed
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Slug] => %Slug%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View tag] => %RevisionLink%


                                                            [2124] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2124
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Tags
                                                                    [desc] => User changed tag slug
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the slug of the tag %tag% to %new_slug%.
                                                                    [object] => tag
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous slug] => %old_slug%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View tag] => %RevisionLink%


                                                            [2125] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2125
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Tags
                                                                    [desc] => User changed tag description
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the description of the tag %tag%.
                                                                    [object] => tag
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Slug] => %Slug%
                                                                            [Previous description] => %old_desc%
                                                                            [New description] => %new_desc%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View tag] => %RevisionLink%


                                                            [2016] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2016
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Categories
                                                                    [desc] => User changed post category
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the category(ies) of the post %PostTitle% to %NewCategories%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Previous category(ies)] => %OldCategories%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2023] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2023
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Categories
                                                                    [desc] => User created new category
                                                                    [mesg] => Created the category %CategoryName%.
                                                                    [object] => category
                                                                    [event_type] => created
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Slug] => Slug

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View category] => %CategoryLink%


                                                            [2024] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2024
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Categories
                                                                    [desc] => User deleted category
                                                                    [mesg] => Deleted the category %CategoryName%.
                                                                    [object] => category
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Slug] => Slug

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2052] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2052
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Categories
                                                                    [desc] => Changed the parent of a category
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the parent of the category %CategoryName% to %NewParent%.
                                                                    [object] => category
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Slug] => %Slug%
                                                                            [Previous parent] => %OldParent%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View category] => %CategoryLink%


                                                            [2127] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2127
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Categories
                                                                    [desc] => User changed category name
                                                                    [mesg] => Renamed the category %old_name% to %new_name%.
                                                                    [object] => category
                                                                    [event_type] => renamed
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Slug] => %slug%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View category] => %cat_link%


                                                            [2128] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2128
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Categories
                                                                    [desc] => User changed category slug
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the slug of the category %CategoryName% to %new_slug%.
                                                                    [object] => category
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous slug] => %old_slug%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View category] => %cat_link%


                                                            [2053] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2053
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Fields
                                                                    [desc] => User created a custom field for a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Created the new custom field %MetaKey% in the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Custom field value] => %MetaValue%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [0] => %MetaLink%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2054] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2054
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Fields
                                                                    [desc] => User updated a custom field value for a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the value of the custom field %MetaKey% in the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => custom-field
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Previous custom field value] => %MetaValueOld%
                                                                            [New custom field value] => %MetaValueNew%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [0] => %MetaLink%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2055] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2055
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Fields
                                                                    [desc] => User deleted a custom field from a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Deleted the custom field %MetaKey% from the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => custom-field
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2062] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2062
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Fields
                                                                    [desc] => User updated a custom field name for a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Renamed the custom field %MetaKeyOld% on post %PostTitle% to %MetaKeNew%.
                                                                    [object] => custom-field
                                                                    [event_type] => renamed
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post] => %PostTitle%
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2131] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2131
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Fields (ACF)
                                                                    [desc] => User added relationship to a custom field value for a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Added relationships to the custom field %MetaKey% in the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => custom-field
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [New relationships] => %Relationships%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [0] => %MetaLink%


                                                            [2132] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2132
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Fields (ACF)
                                                                    [desc] => User removed relationship from a custom field value for a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Removed relationships from the custom field %MetaKey% in the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => custom-field
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Removed relationships] => %Relationships%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%
                                                                            [0] => %MetaLink%


                                                            [2090] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2090
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Comments
                                                                    [desc] => User approved a comment
                                                                    [mesg] => Approved the comment posted by %Author% on the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => comment
                                                                    [event_type] => approved
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Comment ID] => %CommentID%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [Comment] => Array
                                                                                    [url] => %CommentLink%
                                                                                    [label] => %CommentDate%

                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2091] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2091
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Comments
                                                                    [desc] => User unapproved a comment
                                                                    [mesg] => Unapproved the comment posted by %Author% on the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => comment
                                                                    [event_type] => unapproved
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Comment ID] => %CommentID%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [Comment] => Array
                                                                                    [url] => %CommentLink%
                                                                                    [label] => %CommentDate%

                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2092] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2092
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Comments
                                                                    [desc] => User replied to a comment
                                                                    [mesg] => Replied to the comment posted by %Author% on the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => comment
                                                                    [event_type] => created
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Comment ID] => %CommentID%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [Comment] => Array
                                                                                    [url] => %CommentLink%
                                                                                    [label] => %CommentDate%

                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2093] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2093
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Comments
                                                                    [desc] => User edited a comment
                                                                    [mesg] => Edited the comment posted by %Author% on the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => comment
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Comment ID] => %CommentID%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [Comment] => Array
                                                                                    [url] => %CommentLink%
                                                                                    [label] => %CommentDate%

                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2094] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2094
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Comments
                                                                    [desc] => User marked a comment as Spam
                                                                    [mesg] => Marked the comment posted by %Author% on the post %PostTitle% as spam.
                                                                    [object] => comment
                                                                    [event_type] => unapproved
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Comment ID] => %CommentID%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [Comment] => Array
                                                                                    [url] => %CommentLink%
                                                                                    [label] => %CommentDate%

                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2095] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2095
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Comments
                                                                    [desc] => User marked a comment as Not Spam
                                                                    [mesg] => Marked the comment posted by %Author% on the post %PostTitle% as not spam.
                                                                    [object] => comment
                                                                    [event_type] => approved
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Comment ID] => %CommentID%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [Comment] => Array
                                                                                    [url] => %CommentLink%
                                                                                    [label] => %CommentDate%

                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2096] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2096
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Comments
                                                                    [desc] => User moved a comment to trash
                                                                    [mesg] => Moved the comment posted by %Author% on the post %PostTitle% to trash.
                                                                    [object] => comment
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Comment ID] => %CommentID%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [Comment] => Array
                                                                                    [url] => %CommentLink%
                                                                                    [label] => %CommentDate%

                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2097] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2097
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Comments
                                                                    [desc] => User restored a comment from the trash
                                                                    [mesg] => Restored the comment posted by %Author% on the post %PostTitle% from trash.
                                                                    [object] => comment
                                                                    [event_type] => restored
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Comment ID] => %CommentID%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [Comment] => Array
                                                                                    [url] => %CommentLink%
                                                                                    [label] => %CommentDate%

                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2098] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2098
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Comments
                                                                    [desc] => User permanently deleted a comment
                                                                    [mesg] => Permanently deleted the comment posted by %Author% on the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => comment
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Comment ID] => %CommentID%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2099] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2099
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Comments
                                                                    [desc] => User posted a comment
                                                                    [mesg] => Posted a comment on the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => comment
                                                                    [event_type] => created
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Comment ID] => %CommentID%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [Comment] => Array
                                                                                    [url] => %CommentLink%
                                                                                    [label] => %CommentDate%

                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2126] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2126
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Comments
                                                                    [desc] => Visitor posted a comment
                                                                    [mesg] => Posted a comment on the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => comment
                                                                    [event_type] => created
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Comment ID] => %CommentID%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [Comment] => Array
                                                                                    [url] => %CommentLink%
                                                                                    [label] => %CommentDate%

                                                                            [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished%


                                                            [2042] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2042
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Widgets
                                                                    [desc] => User added a new widget
                                                                    [mesg] => Added a new %WidgetName% widget in %Sidebar%.
                                                                    [object] => widget
                                                                    [event_type] => added
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2043] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2043
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Widgets
                                                                    [desc] => User modified a widget
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the %WidgetName% widget in %Sidebar%.
                                                                    [object] => widget
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2044] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2044
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Widgets
                                                                    [desc] => User deleted widget
                                                                    [mesg] => Deleted the %WidgetName% widget from %Sidebar%.
                                                                    [object] => widget
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2045] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2045
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Widgets
                                                                    [desc] => User moved widget
                                                                    [mesg] => Moved the %WidgetName% widget.
                                                                    [object] => widget
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [From] => %OldSidebar%
                                                                            [To] => %NewSidebar%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2071] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2071
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Widgets
                                                                    [desc] => User changed widget position
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the position of the %WidgetName% widget in %Sidebar%.
                                                                    [object] => widget
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2078] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2078
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Menus
                                                                    [desc] => User created new menu
                                                                    [mesg] => New menu called %MenuName%.
                                                                    [object] => menu
                                                                    [event_type] => created
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View menu] => %MenuUrl%


                                                            [2079] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2079
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Menus
                                                                    [desc] => User added content to a menu
                                                                    [mesg] => Added the item %ContentName% to the menu %MenuName%.
                                                                    [object] => menu
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Item type] => %ContentType%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View menu] => %MenuUrl%


                                                            [2080] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2080
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Menus
                                                                    [desc] => User removed content from a menu
                                                                    [mesg] => Removed the item %ContentName% from the menu %MenuName%.
                                                                    [object] => menu
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Item type] => %ContentType%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View menu] => %MenuUrl%


                                                            [2081] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2081
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Menus
                                                                    [desc] => User deleted menu
                                                                    [mesg] => Deleted the menu %MenuName%.
                                                                    [object] => menu
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2082] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2082
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Menus
                                                                    [desc] => User changed menu setting
                                                                    [mesg] => The setting %MenuSetting% in the menu %MenuName%.
                                                                    [object] => menu
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View menu] => %MenuUrl%


                                                            [2083] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2083
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Menus
                                                                    [desc] => User modified content in a menu
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the item %ContentName% in the menu %MenuName%.
                                                                    [object] => menu
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Item type] => %ContentType%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View menu] => %MenuUrl%


                                                            [2084] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2084
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Menus
                                                                    [desc] => User changed name of a menu
                                                                    [mesg] => Renamed the menu %OldMenuName% to %MenuName%.
                                                                    [object] => menu
                                                                    [event_type] => renamed
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View menu] => %MenuUrl%


                                                            [2085] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2085
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Menus
                                                                    [desc] => User changed order of the objects in a menu
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the order of the items in the menu %MenuName%.
                                                                    [object] => menu
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View menu] => %MenuUrl%


                                                            [2089] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2089
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Menus
                                                                    [desc] => User moved objects as a sub-item
                                                                    [mesg] => Moved items as sub-items in the menu %MenuName%.
                                                                    [object] => menu
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Moved item] => %ItemName%
                                                                            [as a sub-item of] => %ParentName%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View menu] => %MenuUrl%


                                                            [2003] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2003
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User modified a draft blog post
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the draft post with the %PostTitle%. %EditorLinkPost%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2029] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2029
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User created a new post with custom post type and saved it as draft
                                                                    [mesg] => Created a new custom post called %PostTitle% of type %PostType%. %EditorLinkPost%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2030] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2030
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User published a post with custom post type
                                                                    [mesg] => Published a custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType%. Post URL is %PostUrl%. %EditorLinkPost%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2031] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2031
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User modified a post with custom post type
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType%. Post URL is %PostUrl%. %EditorLinkPost%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2032] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2032
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User modified a draft post with custom post type
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the draft custom post %PostTitle% of type is %PostType%. %EditorLinkPost%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2033] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2033
                                                                    [severity] => 2
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User permanently deleted post with custom post type
                                                                    [mesg] => Permanently Deleted the custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2034] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2034
                                                                    [severity] => 2
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User moved post with custom post type to trash
                                                                    [mesg] => Moved the custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% to trash. Post URL was %PostUrl%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2035] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2035
                                                                    [severity] => E_CRITICAL
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User restored post with custom post type from trash
                                                                    [mesg] => The custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% has been restored from trash. %EditorLinkPost%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2036] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2036
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the category of a post with custom post type
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the category(ies) of the custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% from %OldCategories% to %NewCategories%. %EditorLinkPost%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2037] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2037
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the URL of a post with custom post type
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the URL of the custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% from %OldUrl% to %NewUrl%. %EditorLinkPost%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2038] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2038
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the author or post with custom post type
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the author of custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% from %OldAuthor% to %NewAuthor%. %EditorLinkPost%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2039] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2039
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the status of post with custom post type
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% from %OldStatus% to %NewStatus%. %EditorLinkPost%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2040] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2040
                                                                    [severity] => 2
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the visibility of a post with custom post type
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the visibility of the custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% from %OldVisibility% to %NewVisibility%. %EditorLinkPost%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2041] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2041
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the date of post with custom post type
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the date of the custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% from %OldDate% to %NewDate%. %EditorLinkPost%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2056] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2056
                                                                    [severity] => E_CRITICAL
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User created a custom field for a custom post type
                                                                    [mesg] => Created a new custom field %MetaKey% with value %MetaValue% in custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType%. %EditorLinkPost%.<br>%MetaLink%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2057] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2057
                                                                    [severity] => E_CRITICAL
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User updated a custom field for a custom post type
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the value of the custom field %MetaKey% from %MetaValueOld% to %MetaValueNew% in custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% %EditorLinkPost%.<br>%MetaLink%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2058] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2058
                                                                    [severity] => E_CRITICAL
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User deleted a custom field from a custom post type
                                                                    [mesg] => Deleted the custom field %MetaKey% with id %MetaID% from custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% %EditorLinkPost%.<br>%MetaLink%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2063] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2063
                                                                    [severity] => E_CRITICAL
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User updated a custom field name for a custom post type
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the custom field name from %MetaKeyOld% to %MetaKeyNew% in custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% %EditorLinkPost%.<br>%MetaLink%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2067] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2067
                                                                    [severity] => 2
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User modified content for a published custom post type
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the content of the published custom post type %PostTitle%. Post URL is %PostUrl%. %EditorLinkPost%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2068] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2068
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User modified content for a draft post
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the content of the draft post %PostTitle%.%RevisionLink% %EditorLinkPost%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2070] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2070
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User modified content for a draft custom post type
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the content of the draft custom post type %PostTitle%.%EditorLinkPost%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2072] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2072
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User modified content of a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the content of post %PostTitle% which is submitted for review.%RevisionLink% %EditorLinkPost%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2076] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2076
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User scheduled a custom post type
                                                                    [mesg] => Scheduled the custom post type %PostTitle% to be published %PublishingDate%. %EditorLinkPost%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2088] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2088
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User changed title of a custom post type
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the title of the custom post %OldTitle% to %NewTitle%. %EditorLinkPost%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2104] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2104
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User opened a custom post type in the editor
                                                                    [mesg] => Opened the custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% in the editor. View the post: %EditorLinkPost%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2105] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2105
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => User viewed a custom post type
                                                                    [mesg] => Viewed the custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType%. View the post: %PostUrl%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5021] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5021
                                                                    [severity] => E_CRITICAL
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => A plugin created a custom post
                                                                    [mesg] => A plugin automatically created the following custom post: %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5027] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5027
                                                                    [severity] => E_CRITICAL
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => A plugin deleted a custom post
                                                                    [mesg] => A plugin automatically deleted the following custom post: %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2108] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2108
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Custom Post Types
                                                                    [desc] => A plugin modified a custom post
                                                                    [mesg] => Plugin modified the custom post %PostTitle%. View the post: %EditorLinkPost%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2004] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2004
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User created a new WordPress page and saved it as draft
                                                                    [mesg] => Created a new page called %PostTitle% and saved it as draft. %EditorLinkPage%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2005] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2005
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User published a WordPress page
                                                                    [mesg] => Published a page called %PostTitle%. Page URL is %PostUrl%. %EditorLinkPage%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2006] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2006
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User modified a published WordPress page
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the published page %PostTitle%. Page URL is %PostUrl%. %EditorLinkPage%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2007] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2007
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User modified a draft WordPress page
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the draft page %PostTitle%. Page ID is %PostID%. %EditorLinkPage%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2009] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2009
                                                                    [severity] => 2
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User permanently deleted a page from the trash
                                                                    [mesg] => Permanently deleted the page %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2013] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2013
                                                                    [severity] => 2
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User moved WordPress page to the trash
                                                                    [mesg] => Moved the page %PostTitle% to trash. Page URL was %PostUrl%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2015] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2015
                                                                    [severity] => E_CRITICAL
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User restored a WordPress page from trash
                                                                    [mesg] => Page %PostTitle% has been restored from trash. %EditorLinkPage%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2018] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2018
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User changed page URL
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the URL of the page %PostTitle% from %OldUrl% to %NewUrl%. %EditorLinkPage%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2020] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2020
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User changed page author
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the author of the page %PostTitle% from %OldAuthor% to %NewAuthor%. %EditorLinkPage%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2022] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2022
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User changed page status
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the page %PostTitle% from %OldStatus% to %NewStatus%. %EditorLinkPage%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2026] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2026
                                                                    [severity] => 2
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the visibility of a page post
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the visibility of the page %PostTitle% from %OldVisibility% to %NewVisibility%. %EditorLinkPage%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2028] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2028
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the date of a page post
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the date of the page %PostTitle% from %OldDate% to %NewDate%. %EditorLinkPage%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2059] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2059
                                                                    [severity] => E_CRITICAL
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User created a custom field for a page
                                                                    [mesg] => Created a new custom field called %MetaKey% with value %MetaValue% in the page %PostTitle% %EditorLinkPage%.<br>%MetaLink%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2060] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2060
                                                                    [severity] => E_CRITICAL
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User updated a custom field value for a page
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the value of the custom field %MetaKey% from %MetaValueOld% to %MetaValueNew% in the page %PostTitle% %EditorLinkPage%.<br>%MetaLink%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2061] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2061
                                                                    [severity] => E_CRITICAL
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User deleted a custom field from a page
                                                                    [mesg] => Deleted the custom field %MetaKey% with id %MetaID% from page %PostTitle% %EditorLinkPage%<br>%MetaLink%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2064] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2064
                                                                    [severity] => E_CRITICAL
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User updated a custom field name for a page
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the custom field name from %MetaKeyOld% to %MetaKeyNew% in the page %PostTitle% %EditorLinkPage%.<br>%MetaLink%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2066] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2066
                                                                    [severity] => 2
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User modified content for a published page
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the content of the published page %PostTitle%. Page URL is %PostUrl%. %RevisionLink% %EditorLinkPage%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2069] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2069
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User modified content for a draft page
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the content of draft page %PostTitle%.%RevisionLink% %EditorLinkPage%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2075] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2075
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User scheduled a page
                                                                    [mesg] => Scheduled the page %PostTitle% to be published %PublishingDate%. %EditorLinkPage%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2087] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2087
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User changed title of a page
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the title of the page %OldTitle% to %NewTitle%. %EditorLinkPage%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2102] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2102
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User opened a page in the editor
                                                                    [mesg] => Opened the page %PostTitle% in the editor. View the page: %EditorLinkPage%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2103] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2103
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User viewed a page
                                                                    [mesg] => Viewed the page %PostTitle%. View the page: %PostUrl%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2113] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2113
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User disabled Comments/Trackbacks and Pingbacks on a draft post
                                                                    [mesg] => Disabled %Type% on the draft post %PostTitle%. View the post: %PostUrl%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2114] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2114
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User enabled Comments/Trackbacks and Pingbacks on a draft post
                                                                    [mesg] => Enabled %Type% on the draft post %PostTitle%. View the post: %PostUrl%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2115] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2115
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User disabled Comments/Trackbacks and Pingbacks on a published page
                                                                    [mesg] => Disabled %Type% on the published page %PostTitle%. View the page: %PostUrl%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2116] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2116
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User enabled Comments/Trackbacks and Pingbacks on a published page
                                                                    [mesg] => Enabled %Type% on the published page %PostTitle%. View the page: %PostUrl%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2117] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2117
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User disabled Comments/Trackbacks and Pingbacks on a draft page
                                                                    [mesg] => Disabled %Type% on the draft page %PostTitle%. View the page: %PostUrl%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2118] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2118
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => User enabled Comments/Trackbacks and Pingbacks on a draft page
                                                                    [mesg] => Enabled %Type% on the draft page %PostTitle%. View the page: %PostUrl%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5020] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5020
                                                                    [severity] => E_CRITICAL
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => A plugin created a page
                                                                    [mesg] => A plugin automatically created the following page: %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5026] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5026
                                                                    [severity] => E_CRITICAL
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => A plugin deleted a page
                                                                    [mesg] => A plugin automatically deleted the following page: %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2107] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2107
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => Content & Comments
                                                                    [subcatg] => Pages
                                                                    [desc] => A plugin modified a page
                                                                    [mesg] => Plugin modified the page %PostTitle%. View the page: %EditorLinkPage%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [4000] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4000
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => New user was created on WordPress
                                                                    [mesg] => A new user %NewUserData->Username% is created via registration.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => created
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [User] => %NewUserData->Username%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [User profile page] => %EditUserLink%


                                                            [4001] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4001
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => User created another WordPress user
                                                                    [mesg] => Created the new user: %NewUserData->Username%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => created
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %NewUserData->Roles%
                                                                            [First name] => %NewUserData->FirstName%
                                                                            [Last name] => %NewUserData->LastName%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [User profile page] => %EditUserLink%


                                                            [4002] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4002
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => The role of a user was changed by another WordPress user
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the role of user %TargetUsername% to %NewRole%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous role] => %OldRole%
                                                                            [First name] => %FirstName%
                                                                            [Last name] => %LastName%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [User profile page] => %EditUserLink%


                                                            [4003] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4003
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => User has changed his or her password
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the password.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %TargetUserData->Roles%
                                                                            [First name] => %TargetUserData->FirstName%
                                                                            [Last name] => %TargetUserData->LastName%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [User profile page] => %EditUserLink%


                                                            [4004] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4004
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => User changed another user's password
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the password of the user %TargetUserData->Username%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %TargetUserData->Roles%
                                                                            [First name] => %TargetUserData->FirstName%
                                                                            [Last name] => %TargetUserData->LastName%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [User profile page] => %EditUserLink%


                                                            [4005] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4005
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => User changed his or her email address
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the email address to %NewEmail%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %Roles%
                                                                            [First name] => %FirstName%
                                                                            [Last name] => %LastName%
                                                                            [Previous email address] => %OldEmail%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [User profile page] => %EditUserLink%


                                                            [4006] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4006
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => User changed another user's email address
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the email address of the user %TargetUsername% to %NewEmail%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %Roles%
                                                                            [First name] => %FirstName%
                                                                            [Last name] => %LastName%
                                                                            [Previous email address] => %OldEmail%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [User profile page] => %EditUserLink%


                                                            [4007] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4007
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => User was deleted by another user
                                                                    [mesg] => Deleted the user %TargetUserData->Username%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %TargetUserData->Roles%
                                                                            [First name] => %NewUserData->FirstName%
                                                                            [Last name] => %NewUserData->LastName%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [4014] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4014
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => User opened the profile page of another user
                                                                    [mesg] => Opened the profile page of user %TargetUsername%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => opened
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %Roles%
                                                                            [First name] => %FirstName%
                                                                            [Last name] => %LastName%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [User profile page] => %EditUserLink%


                                                            [4015] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4015
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => User updated a custom field value for a user
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the value of the custom field %custom_field_name% in the user profile %TargetUsername%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %Roles%
                                                                            [First name] => %FirstName%
                                                                            [Last name] => %LastName%
                                                                            [Previous value] => %old_value%
                                                                            [New value] => %new_value%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [User profile page] => %EditUserLink%
                                                                            [0] => %MetaLink%


                                                            [4016] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4016
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => User created a custom field value for a user
                                                                    [mesg] => Created the custom field %custom_field_name% in the user profile %TargetUsername%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %Roles%
                                                                            [First name] => %FirstName%
                                                                            [Last name] => %LastName%
                                                                            [Custom field value] => %new_value%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [User profile page] => %EditUserLink%
                                                                            [0] => %MetaLink%


                                                            [4017] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4017
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => User changed first name for a user
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the first name of the user %TargetUsername% to %new_firstname%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %Roles%
                                                                            [Previous name] => %old_firstname%
                                                                            [Last name] => %LastName%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [User profile page] => %EditUserLink%


                                                            [4018] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4018
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => User changed last name for a user
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the last name of the user %TargetUsername% to %new_lastname%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %Roles%
                                                                            [First name] => %FirstName%
                                                                            [Previous last name] => %old_lastname%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [User profile page] => %EditUserLink%


                                                            [4019] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4019
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => User changed nickname for a user
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the nickname of the user %TargetUsername% to %new_nickname%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %Roles%
                                                                            [First name] => %FirstName%
                                                                            [Last name] => %LastName%
                                                                            [Previous nickname] => %old_nickname%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [User profile page] => %EditUserLink%


                                                            [4020] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4020
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the display name for a user
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the display name of the user %TargetUsername% to %new_displayname%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %Roles%
                                                                            [First name] => %FirstName%
                                                                            [Last name] => %LastName%
                                                                            [Previous display name] => %old_displayname%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [User profile page] => %EditUserLink%


                                                            [4021] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4021
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => User's website URL was modified
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the website URL of the user %TargetUsername% to %new_url%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %Roles%
                                                                            [First name] => %FirstName%
                                                                            [Last name] => %LastName%
                                                                            [Previous website URL] => %old_url%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [User profile page] => %EditUserLink%


                                                            [4025] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4025
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => User created an application password
                                                                    [mesg] => The application password %friendly_name%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => added
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %roles%
                                                                            [First name] => %firstname%
                                                                            [Last name] => %lastname%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [4026] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4026
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => User created an application password
                                                                    [mesg] => The application password %friendly_name% for the user %login%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => added
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %roles%
                                                                            [First name] => %firstname%
                                                                            [Last name] => %lastname%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [4027] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4027
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => User revoked all application passwords
                                                                    [mesg] => All application passwords.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => revoked
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %roles%
                                                                            [First name] => %firstname%
                                                                            [Last name] => %lastname%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [4028] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4028
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => User revoked all application passwords for a user
                                                                    [mesg] => All application passwords from the user %login%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => revoked
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %roles%
                                                                            [First name] => %firstname%
                                                                            [Last name] => %lastname%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [4029] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4029
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => Admin sent a password reset request to a user
                                                                    [mesg] => Sent a password reset request to the user %login%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => submitted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %roles%
                                                                            [First name] => %firstname%
                                                                            [Last name] => %lastname%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [4008] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4008
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => Multisite User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => User granted Super Admin privileges
                                                                    [mesg] => Granted Super Admin privileges to the user %TargetUsername%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %Roles%
                                                                            [First name] => %FirstName%
                                                                            [Last name] => %LastName%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [User profile page] => %EditUserLink%


                                                            [4009] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4009
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => Multisite User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => User revoked from Super Admin privileges
                                                                    [mesg] => Revoked Super Admin privileges from %TargetUsername%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %Roles%
                                                                            [First name] => %FirstName%
                                                                            [Last name] => %LastName%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [User profile page] => %EditUserLink%


                                                            [4010] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4010
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => Multisite User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => Existing user added to a site
                                                                    [mesg] => Added user %TargetUsername% to the site %SiteName%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %TargetUserRole%
                                                                            [First name] => %FirstName%
                                                                            [Last name] => %LastName%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [User profile page] => %EditUserLink%


                                                            [4011] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4011
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => Multisite User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => User removed from site
                                                                    [mesg] => Removed user %TargetUsername% from the site %SiteName%
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Site role] => %TargetUserRole%
                                                                            [First name] => %FirstName%
                                                                            [Last name] => %LastName%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [User profile page] => %EditUserLink%


                                                            [4012] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4012
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => Multisite User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => New network user created
                                                                    [mesg] => Created the new network user %NewUserData->Username%.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => created
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [First name] => %NewUserData->FirstName%
                                                                            [Last name] => %NewUserData->LastName%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [User profile page] => %EditUserLink%


                                                            [4013] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4013
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => Multisite User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => Network user has been activated
                                                                    [mesg] => User %NewUserData->Username% has been activated.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => activated
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %NewUserData->Roles%
                                                                            [First name] => %NewUserData->FirstName%
                                                                            [Last name] => %NewUserData->LastName%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [User profile page] => %EditUserLink%


                                                            [4024] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4024
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => User Accounts
                                                                    [subcatg] => Multisite User Profiles
                                                                    [desc] => Network user has signed-up
                                                                    [mesg] => User with the email address %email_address% has signed up to the network.
                                                                    [object] => user
                                                                    [event_type] => created
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Username] => %username%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5000] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5000
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => Plugins & Themes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugins
                                                                    [desc] => User installed a plugin
                                                                    [mesg] => Installed the plugin %Plugin->Name%.
                                                                    [object] => plugin
                                                                    [event_type] => installed
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Version] => %Plugin->Version%
                                                                            [Install location] => %Plugin->plugin_dir_path%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5001] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5001
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => Plugins & Themes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugins
                                                                    [desc] => User activated a WordPress plugin
                                                                    [mesg] => Activated the plugin %PluginData->Name%.
                                                                    [object] => plugin
                                                                    [event_type] => activated
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Version] => %PluginData->Version%
                                                                            [Install location] => %PluginFile%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5002] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5002
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => Plugins & Themes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugins
                                                                    [desc] => User deactivated a WordPress plugin
                                                                    [mesg] => Deactivated the plugin %PluginData->Name%.
                                                                    [object] => plugin
                                                                    [event_type] => deactivated
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Version] => %PluginData->Version%
                                                                            [Install location] => %PluginFile%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5003] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5003
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => Plugins & Themes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugins
                                                                    [desc] => User uninstalled a plugin
                                                                    [mesg] => Uninstalled the plugin %PluginData->Name%.
                                                                    [object] => plugin
                                                                    [event_type] => uninstalled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Version] => %PluginData->Version%
                                                                            [Install location] => %PluginFile%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5004] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5004
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Plugins & Themes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugins
                                                                    [desc] => User upgraded a plugin
                                                                    [mesg] => Updated the plugin %PluginData->Name%.
                                                                    [object] => plugin
                                                                    [event_type] => updated
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Updated version] => %PluginData->Version%
                                                                            [Install location] => %PluginFile%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5019] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5019
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Plugins & Themes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugins
                                                                    [desc] => A plugin created a post
                                                                    [mesg] => The plugin created the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => created
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Plugin] => %PluginName%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View page in the editor] => %EditorLinkPage%


                                                            [5025] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5025
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Plugins & Themes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugins
                                                                    [desc] => A plugin deleted a post
                                                                    [mesg] => A plugin deleted the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => post
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Plugin] => %PluginName%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5028] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5028
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Plugins & Themes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugins
                                                                    [desc] => Changed the Automatic updates setting for a plugin.
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Automatic updates setting for the plugin %name%.
                                                                    [object] => plugin
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Install location] => %install_directory%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5029] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5029
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Plugins & Themes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugins
                                                                    [desc] => Changed the Automatic updates setting for a theme.
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Automatic updates setting for the theme %name%.
                                                                    [object] => theme
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Install location] => %install_directory%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2051] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2051
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => Plugins & Themes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugins
                                                                    [desc] => User changed a file using the plugin editor
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the file %File% with the plugin editor.
                                                                    [object] => file
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5005] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5005
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => Plugins & Themes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Themes
                                                                    [desc] => User installed a theme
                                                                    [mesg] => Installed the theme %Theme->Name%.
                                                                    [object] => theme
                                                                    [event_type] => installed
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Version] => %Theme->Version%
                                                                            [Install location] => %Theme->get_template_directory%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [0] => 


                                                            [5006] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5006
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => Plugins & Themes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Themes
                                                                    [desc] => User activated a theme
                                                                    [mesg] => Activated the theme %Theme->Name%.
                                                                    [object] => theme
                                                                    [event_type] => activated
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Version] => %Theme->Version%
                                                                            [Install location] => %Theme->get_template_directory%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5007] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5007
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => Plugins & Themes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Themes
                                                                    [desc] => User uninstalled a theme
                                                                    [mesg] => Deleted the theme %Theme->Name%.
                                                                    [object] => theme
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Version] => %Theme->Version%
                                                                            [Install location] => %Theme->get_template_directory%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5031] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5031
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Plugins & Themes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Themes
                                                                    [desc] => User updated a theme
                                                                    [mesg] => Updated the theme %Theme->Name%.
                                                                    [object] => theme
                                                                    [event_type] => updated
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [New version] => %Theme->Version%
                                                                            [Install location] => %Theme->get_template_directory%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2046] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2046
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => Plugins & Themes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Themes
                                                                    [desc] => User changed a file using the theme editor
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the file %Theme%/%File% with the theme editor.
                                                                    [object] => file
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5008] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5008
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => Plugins & Themes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Themes on Multisite
                                                                    [desc] => Activated theme on network
                                                                    [mesg] => Network activated the theme %Theme->Name%.
                                                                    [object] => theme
                                                                    [event_type] => activated
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Version] => %Theme->Version%
                                                                            [Install location] => %Theme->get_template_directory%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5009] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5009
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Plugins & Themes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Themes on Multisite
                                                                    [desc] => Deactivated theme from network
                                                                    [mesg] => Network deactivated the theme %Theme->Name%.
                                                                    [object] => theme
                                                                    [event_type] => deactivated
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Version] => %Theme->Version%
                                                                            [Install location] => %Theme->get_template_directory%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [0] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 0
                                                                    [severity] => E_CRITICAL
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => System
                                                                    [desc] => Unknown Error
                                                                    [mesg] => An unexpected error has occurred.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [1] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 1
                                                                    [severity] => E_CRITICAL
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => System
                                                                    [desc] => PHP error
                                                                    [mesg] => %Message%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [2] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 2
                                                                    [severity] => 2
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => System
                                                                    [desc] => PHP warning
                                                                    [mesg] => %Message%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [3] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 3
                                                                    [severity] => 8
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => System
                                                                    [desc] => PHP notice
                                                                    [mesg] => %Message%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [4] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 4
                                                                    [severity] => E_CRITICAL
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => System
                                                                    [desc] => PHP exception
                                                                    [mesg] => %Message%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5
                                                                    [severity] => E_CRITICAL
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => System
                                                                    [desc] => PHP shutdown error
                                                                    [mesg] => %Message%.
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6004] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6004
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => System
                                                                    [desc] => WordPress was updated
                                                                    [mesg] => Updated WordPress.
                                                                    [object] => system
                                                                    [event_type] => updated
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous version] => %OldVersion%
                                                                            [New version] => %NewVersion%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [9999] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 9999
                                                                    [severity] => E_CRITICAL
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => System
                                                                    [desc] => Advertising Extensions
                                                                    [mesg] => %PromoName% %PromoMessage%
                                                                    [object] => 
                                                                    [event_type] => 
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6000] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6000
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Activity log plugin
                                                                    [desc] => Events automatically pruned by system
                                                                    [mesg] => System automatically deleted %EventCount% events from the activity log.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6006] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6006
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Activity log plugin
                                                                    [desc] => Reset the plugin's settings to default
                                                                    [mesg] => Reset the activity log plugin's settings to default.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6034] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6034
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Activity log plugin
                                                                    [desc] => Purged the activity log
                                                                    [mesg] => Purged the activity log.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6038] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6038
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Activity log plugin
                                                                    [desc] => Deleted all the data about a user from the activity log.
                                                                    [mesg] => Deleted all the data about the user %user% from the activity log.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Role] => %Role%
                                                                            [First name] => %FirstName%
                                                                            [Last name] => %LastName%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6039] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6039
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Activity log plugin
                                                                    [desc] => Deleted all the data of a specific type from the activity log.
                                                                    [mesg] => Deleted all the data about the %1$deleted_data_type% %2$deleted_data% from the activity log.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6043] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6043
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Activity log plugin
                                                                    [desc] => Some WP Activity Log plugin settings on this site were propagated and overridden from the MainWP dashboard
                                                                    [mesg] => Some WP Activity Log plugin settings on this site were propagated and overridden from the MainWP dashboard.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6046] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6046
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Activity log plugin
                                                                    [desc] => Changed the status of the Login Page Notification
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the Login Page Notification.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6047] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6047
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Activity log plugin
                                                                    [desc] => Changed the text of the Login Page Notification
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the text of the Login Page Notification.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6048] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6048
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Activity log plugin
                                                                    [desc] => Changed the status of the Reverse proxy / firewall option
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the Reverse proxy / firewall option.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6049] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6049
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Activity log plugin
                                                                    [desc] => Changed the Restrict plugin access setting
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Restrict plugin access setting to %new_setting%.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous setting] => %previous_setting%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6050] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6050
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Activity log plugin
                                                                    [desc] => The user %user% to / from the list of users who can view the activity log
                                                                    [mesg] => The user %user% to / from the list of users who can view the activity log.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => added
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous list of users who had access to view the activity log] => %previous_users%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6051] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6051
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Activity log plugin
                                                                    [desc] => Changed the status of the Hide plugin in plugins page setting
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the Hide plugin in plugins page setting.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6052] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6052
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Activity log plugin
                                                                    [desc] => Changed the Activity log retention setting
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Activity log retention to %new_setting%.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous setting] => %previous_setting%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6053] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6053
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Activity log plugin
                                                                    [desc] => A user was added to / from the list of excluded users from the activity log
                                                                    [mesg] => The user %user% to / from the list of excluded users from the activity log.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => added
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous list of users] => %previous_users%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6054] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6054
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Activity log plugin
                                                                    [desc] => A user role was added to / from the list of excluded roles from the activity log
                                                                    [mesg] => The user role %role% to / from the list of excluded roles from the activity log.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => added
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous list of users] => %previous_users%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6055] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6055
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Activity log plugin
                                                                    [desc] => An IP address was added to / from the list of excluded IP addresses from the activity log
                                                                    [mesg] => The IP address %ip% to / from the list of excluded IP addresses from the activity log.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => added
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous list of IPs] => %previous_ips%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6056] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6056
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Activity log plugin
                                                                    [desc] => A post type was added to / from the list of excluded post types from the activity log
                                                                    [mesg] => The post type %post_type% to / from the list of excluded post types from the activity log.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => added
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous list of Post types] => %previous_types%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6057] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6057
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Activity log plugin
                                                                    [desc] => A custom field was added to / from the list of excluded custom fields from the activity log
                                                                    [mesg] => The custom field %custom_field% to / from the list of excluded custom fields from the activity log.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => added
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous list of Custom fields] => %previous_fields%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6058] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6058
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Activity log plugin
                                                                    [desc] => A custom field was added to / from the list of excluded user profile custom fields from the activity log
                                                                    [mesg] => The custom field %custom_field% to / from the list of excluded user profile custom fields from the activity log.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => added
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous list of user profile Custom fields] => %previous_fields%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6310] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6310
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations
                                                                    [desc] => Changed the status of the Daily Summary of Activity Log
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the Daily Summary of Activity Log..
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6311] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6311
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations
                                                                    [desc] => Modified the recipients of the Daily Summary of Activity Log.
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the recipients of the Daily Summary of Activity Log.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [New recipient] => %recipient%
                                                                            [Previous recipient] => %previous_recipient%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6312] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6312
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations
                                                                    [desc] => Changed the status of a built in notification
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the built in notification %notification_name%.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6313] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6313
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations
                                                                    [desc] => Modified the recipient(s) of the built a notification
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the recipient(s) of the built in notification %notification_name%.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => added
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [New recipient(s)] => %recipient%
                                                                            [Previous recipient(s)] => %previous_recipient%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6314] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6314
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations
                                                                    [desc] => Added a new custom notification
                                                                    [mesg] => Added a new custom notification %notification_name%.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => added
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Recipient(s)] => %recipient%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6315] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6315
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations
                                                                    [desc] => Modified a custom notification
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the custom notification %notification_name%.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Recipient(s)] => %recipient%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6316] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6316
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations
                                                                    [desc] => Changed the status of a custom notification
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the custom notification %notification_name%.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6317] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6317
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations
                                                                    [desc] => Deleted a custom notification
                                                                    [mesg] => Deleted the custom notification %notification_name%.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6318] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6318
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations
                                                                    [desc] => Modified a default notification template
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the default %template_name% notification template.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6320] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6320
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations
                                                                    [desc] => Added a new integrations connection
                                                                    [mesg] => Added / removed the integrations connection %name%
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => added
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Connection type] => %type%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6321] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6321
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations
                                                                    [desc] => Modified an integrations connection
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the integrations connection %name%.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Connection type] => %type%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6322] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6322
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations
                                                                    [desc] => Deleted a integrations connection
                                                                    [mesg] => Deleted the integrations connection %name%.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6323] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6323
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations
                                                                    [desc] => Added a new activity log mirror
                                                                    [mesg] => Added a new activity log mirror %name%.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => added
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Connection used by this mirror] => %connection%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6324] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6324
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations
                                                                    [desc] => Modified an activity log mirror
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the activity log mirror %name%.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Connection used by this mirror] => %connection%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6325] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6325
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations
                                                                    [desc] => Changed the status of an activity log mirror
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the activity log mirror %name%.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Connection used by this mirror] => %connection%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6326] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6326
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations
                                                                    [desc] => Deleted an activity log mirror
                                                                    [mesg] => Deleted the activity log mirror %name%.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6327] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6327
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations
                                                                    [desc] => Changed the status of Logging of events to the database
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of Logging of events to the database.
                                                                    [object] => wp-activity-log
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6001] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6001
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Option Anyone Can Register in WordPress settings changed
                                                                    [mesg] => The Membership setting Anyone can register.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6002] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6002
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => New User Default Role changed
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the New user default role WordPress setting.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous role] => %OldRole%
                                                                            [New role] => %NewRole%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6003] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6003
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => WordPress Administrator Notification email changed
                                                                    [mesg] => Change the Administrator email address in the WordPress settings.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous address] => %OldEmail%
                                                                            [New address] => %NewEmail%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6005] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6005
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => User changes the WordPress Permalinks
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the WordPress permalinks.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous permalinks] => %OldPattern%
                                                                            [New permalinks] => %NewPattern%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6008] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6008
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Enabled/Disabled the option Discourage search engines from indexing this site
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the WordPress setting Search engine visibility (Discourage search engines from indexing this site)
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6009] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6009
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Enabled/Disabled comments on all the website
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the WordPress setting Allow people to submit comments on new posts.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6010] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6010
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Enabled/Disabled the option Comment author must fill out name and email
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the WordPress setting .Comment author must fill out name and email.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6011] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6011
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Enabled/Disabled the option Users must be logged in and registered to comment
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the WordPress setting Users must be registered and logged in to comment.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6012] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6012
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Enabled/Disabled the option to automatically close comments
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the WordPress setting Automatically close comments after %Value% days.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6013] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6013
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Changed the value of the option Automatically close comments
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the value of the WordPress setting Automatically close comments after a number of days to %NewValue%.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous value] => %OldValue%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6014] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6014
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Enabled/Disabled the option for comments to be manually approved
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the value of the WordPress setting Comments must be manualy approved.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6015] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6015
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Enabled/Disabled the option for an author to have previously approved comments for the comments to appear
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the value of the WordPress setting Comment author must have a previously approved comment.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6016] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6016
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Changed the number of links that a comment must have to be held in the queue
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the value of the WordPress setting Hold a comment in the queue if it contains links to %NewValue% links.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous value] => %OldValue%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6017] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6017
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Modified the list of keywords for comments moderation
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the list of keywords for comments moderation in WordPress.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6018] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6018
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Modified the list of keywords for comments blacklisting
                                                                    [mesg] => Modified the list of Disallowed comment keys (keywords) for comments blacklisting in WordPress.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6024] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6024
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Option WordPress Address (URL) in WordPress settings changed
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the WordPress address (URL) tp %new_url%.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous URL] => %old_url%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6025] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6025
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Option Site Address (URL) in WordPress settings changed
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Site address (URL) to %new_url%.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous URL] => %old_url%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6035] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6035
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Option Your homepage displays in WordPress settings changed
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Your homepage displays WordPress setting to %new_homepage%.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous setting] => %old_homepage%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6036] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6036
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Option homepage in WordPress settings changed
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Homepage in the WordPress settings to %new_page%.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous page] => %old_page%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6037] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6037
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Option posts page in WordPress settings changed
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the  Posts  page in the WordPress settings to %new_page%.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous page] => %old_page%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6040] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6040
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Option Timezone in WordPress settings changed
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Timezone in the WordPress settings to %new_timezone%.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous timezone] => %old_timezone%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6041] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6041
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Option Date format in WordPress settings changed
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Date format in the WordPress settings to %new_date_format%.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous format] => %old_date_format%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6042] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6042
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Option Time format in WordPress settings changed
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Time format in the WordPress settings to %new_time_format%.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous format] => %old_time_format%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6044] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6044
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Option Automatic updates setting changed
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Automatic updates setting.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [New setting status] => %updates_status%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6045] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6045
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Option Site Language setting changed
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Site Language to %new_value%.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous setting] => %previous_value%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6059] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6059
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings
                                                                    [desc] => Option Site Title changed
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Site Title to %new_value%.
                                                                    [object] => system-setting
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous setting] => %previous_value%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5010] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5010
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Database Events
                                                                    [desc] => Plugin created table
                                                                    [mesg] => The plugin %Plugin->Name% created this table in the database.
                                                                    [object] => database
                                                                    [event_type] => created
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Table] => %TableNames%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5011] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5011
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Database Events
                                                                    [desc] => Plugin modified table structure
                                                                    [mesg] => The plugin %Plugin->Name% modified the structure of a database table.
                                                                    [object] => database
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Table] => %TableNames%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5012] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5012
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Database Events
                                                                    [desc] => Plugin deleted table
                                                                    [mesg] => The plugin %Plugin->Name% deleted this table from the database.
                                                                    [object] => database
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Table] => %TableNames%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5013] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5013
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Database Events
                                                                    [desc] => Theme created tables
                                                                    [mesg] => The theme %Theme->Name% created this tables in the database.
                                                                    [object] => database
                                                                    [event_type] => created
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Table] => %TableNames%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5014] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5014
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Database Events
                                                                    [desc] => Theme modified tables structure
                                                                    [mesg] => The theme %Theme->Name% modified the structure of this database table
                                                                    [object] => database
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Table] => %TableNames%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5015] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5015
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Database Events
                                                                    [desc] => Theme deleted tables
                                                                    [mesg] => The theme %Theme->Name% deleted this table from the database.
                                                                    [object] => database
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Tables] => %TableNames%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5016] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5016
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Database Events
                                                                    [desc] => Unknown component created tables
                                                                    [mesg] => An unknown component created these tables in the database.
                                                                    [object] => database
                                                                    [event_type] => created
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Tables] => %TableNames%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5017] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5017
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Database Events
                                                                    [desc] => Unknown component modified tables structure
                                                                    [mesg] => An unknown component modified the structure of these database tables.
                                                                    [object] => database
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Tables] => %TableNames%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5018] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5018
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Database Events
                                                                    [desc] => Unknown component deleted tables
                                                                    [mesg] => An unknown component deleted these tables from the database.
                                                                    [object] => database
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Tables] => %TableNames%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5022] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5022
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Database Events
                                                                    [desc] => WordPress created tables
                                                                    [mesg] => WordPress has created these tables in the database.
                                                                    [object] => database
                                                                    [event_type] => created
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Tables] => %TableNames%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5023] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5023
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Database Events
                                                                    [desc] => WordPress modified tables structure
                                                                    [mesg] => WordPress modified the structure of these database tables.
                                                                    [object] => database
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Tables] => %TableNames%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [5024] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 5024
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => WordPress & System
                                                                    [subcatg] => Database Events
                                                                    [desc] => WordPress deleted tables
                                                                    [mesg] => WordPress deleted these tables from the database.
                                                                    [object] => database
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Tables] => %TableNames%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [7000] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 7000
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => Multisite Network Sites
                                                                    [subcatg] => MultiSite
                                                                    [desc] => New site added on the network
                                                                    [mesg] => Added the new site %SiteName% to the network.
                                                                    [object] => multisite-network
                                                                    [event_type] => added
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [URL] => %BlogURL%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [7001] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 7001
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => Multisite Network Sites
                                                                    [subcatg] => MultiSite
                                                                    [desc] => Existing site archived
                                                                    [mesg] => Archived the site %SiteName% on the network.
                                                                    [object] => multisite-network
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [URL] => %BlogURL%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [7002] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 7002
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => Multisite Network Sites
                                                                    [subcatg] => MultiSite
                                                                    [desc] => Archived site has been unarchived
                                                                    [mesg] => Unarchived the site %SiteName%.
                                                                    [object] => multisite-network
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [URL] => %BlogURL%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [7003] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 7003
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => Multisite Network Sites
                                                                    [subcatg] => MultiSite
                                                                    [desc] => Deactivated site has been activated
                                                                    [mesg] => Activated the site %SiteName% on the network.
                                                                    [object] => multisite-network
                                                                    [event_type] => activated
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [URL] => %BlogURL%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [7004] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 7004
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => Multisite Network Sites
                                                                    [subcatg] => MultiSite
                                                                    [desc] => Site has been deactivated
                                                                    [mesg] => Deactiveated the site %SiteName% on the network.
                                                                    [object] => multisite-network
                                                                    [event_type] => deactivated
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [URL] => %BlogURL%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [7005] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 7005
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => Multisite Network Sites
                                                                    [subcatg] => MultiSite
                                                                    [desc] => Existing site deleted from network
                                                                    [mesg] => The site: %SiteName%.
                                                                    [object] => multisite-network
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [URL] => %BlogURL%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [7007] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 7007
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => Multisite Network Sites
                                                                    [subcatg] => MultiSite
                                                                    [desc] => Allow site administrators to add new users to their sites settings changed
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the network setting Allow site administrators to add new users to their sites.
                                                                    [object] => multisite-network
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [7008] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 7008
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => Multisite Network Sites
                                                                    [subcatg] => MultiSite
                                                                    [desc] => Site upload space settings changed
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the network setting Site upload space (to limit space allocated for each site's upload directory).
                                                                    [object] => multisite-network
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [7009] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 7009
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Multisite Network Sites
                                                                    [subcatg] => MultiSite
                                                                    [desc] => Site upload space file size settings changed
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the file size in the Site upload space network setting to %new_value%.
                                                                    [object] => multisite-network
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous size (MB)] => %old_value%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [7010] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 7010
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => Multisite Network Sites
                                                                    [subcatg] => MultiSite
                                                                    [desc] => Site Upload file types settings changed
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the network setting Upload file types (list of allowed file types).
                                                                    [object] => multisite-network
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous value] => %old_value%
                                                                            [New value] => %new_value%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [7011] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 7011
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => Multisite Network Sites
                                                                    [subcatg] => MultiSite
                                                                    [desc] => Site Max upload file size settings changed
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Max upload file size network setting to %new_value%.
                                                                    [object] => multisite-network
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous size (KB)] => %old_value%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [7012] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 7012
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => Multisite Network Sites
                                                                    [subcatg] => MultiSite
                                                                    [desc] => Allow new registrations settings changed
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Allow new registrations setting to %new_setting%.
                                                                    [object] => multisite-network
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous setting] => %previous_setting%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8801] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8801
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Post Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User changed title of a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the SEO title of the post %PostTitle% to %NewSEOTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-metabox
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Previous title] => %OldSEOTitle%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%


                                                            [8802] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8802
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Post Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the meta description of a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Meta description of the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-metabox
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Previous description] => %old_desc%
                                                                            [New description] => %new_desc%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%


                                                            [8803] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8803
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Post Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User changed setting to allow search engines to show post in search results of a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the setting Allow seach engines to show post in search results for the post %PostTitle% to %NewStatus%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-metabox
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Previous setting] => %OldStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%


                                                            [8804] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8804
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Post Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled the option for search engine to follow links of a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the setting Search engines to follow links in post in the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-metabox
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%


                                                            [8805] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8805
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Post Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User set the Meta robots advanced setting of a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Meta robots advanced setting for the post %PostTitle% to %NewStatus%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-metabox
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Previous setting] => %OldStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%


                                                            [8806] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8806
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Post Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the canonical URL of a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Canonical URL of the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-metabox
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Previous URL] => %OldCanonicalUrl%
                                                                            [New URL] => %NewCanonicalUrl%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%


                                                            [8807] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8807
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Post Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the focus keyword of a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the focus keyword for the post %PostTitle% to %new_keywords%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-metabox
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Previous keyword] => %old_keywords%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%


                                                            [8808] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8808
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Post Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled the option Cornerston Content of a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the setting Cornerstone content in the post %PostTitle%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-metabox
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%


                                                            [8850] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8850
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Post Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User changed Breadcrumbs Title for a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Breadcrumbs Title for the post %PostTitle% to %new_breadcrumb%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-metabox
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Previous Breadcrumbs Title] => %old_breadcrumb%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%


                                                            [8851] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8851
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Post Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User changed to the Schema settings of a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Page type in the Schema settings to %new_type%
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-metabox
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Previous Page type] => %old_type%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%


                                                            [8852] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8852
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Post Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User changed to the Schema settings of a post
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Article type in the Schema settings to %new_type%
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-metabox
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Post ID] => %PostID%
                                                                            [Post type] => %PostType%
                                                                            [Post status] => %PostStatus%
                                                                            [Previous Article type] => %old_type%

                                                                    [links] => Array
                                                                            [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost%


                                                            [8809] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8809
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Website Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the Title Separator
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Title separator in the plugin settings to %new%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous separator] => %old%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8810] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8810
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Website Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the Homepage Title
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Knowledge Graph & Schema.org in the plugin settings to %new%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous title] => %old%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8811] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8811
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Website Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the Homepage Meta description
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the homepage Meta description.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous description] => %old%
                                                                            [New description] => %new%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8812] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8812
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Website Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the Knowledge Graph & Schema.org
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Knowledge Graph & Schema.org in the plugin settings to %new%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous setting] => %old%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8815] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8815
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled SEO analysis in the Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the SEO Analysis plugin feature.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8816] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8816
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled readability analysis in the Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Readability Analysis plugin feature.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8817] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8817
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled cornerstone content in the Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Cornerstone content plugin feature.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8818] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8818
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled the text link counter in the Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Text link counter plugin feature.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8819] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8819
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled XML sitemaps in the Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the XML sitemap plugin feature.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8820] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8820
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled an integration in the Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the %type% integration.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8821] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8821
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled the admin bar menu in the Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Admin bar menu plugin feature.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8822] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8822
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the Posts/Pages meta description template in the Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the %SEOPostType% Meta description template to %new%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous template] => %old%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8824] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8824
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User set the option to show the Yoast SEO Meta Box for Posts/Pages in the Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the option to show the Yoast SEO Meta Box for %SEOPostType%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8825] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8825
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled the advanced or schema settings for authors in the Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the setting Security: advanced or schema settings for authors in the plugin.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8826] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8826
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled redirecting attachment URLs in the Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the setting Redirect attachment URLs in the Media search appearance settings.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8827] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8827
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled Usage tracking in the Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the Usage tracking plugin setting.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8828] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8828
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled REST API: Head endpoint in the Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the REST API: Head endpoint plugin setting.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8829] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8829
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Added/Removed a social profile in the Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the URL of an Organization social profile.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => added
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Social media profile] => %social_profile%
                                                                            [Old URL] => %old_url%
                                                                            [New URL] => %new_url%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8838] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8838
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User changed who should have access to the setting on Network Level
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the setting Who should have access to the Yoast SEO settings on a multisite network to %new%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous setting] => %old%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8839] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8839
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => New sites inherit their SEO options from site changed
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the setting New sites in the network inherit their SEO settings from this site to %new%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous setting] => %old%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8840] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8840
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => Reset the site's SEO settings to default
                                                                    [mesg] => Reset the SEO settings of the site %old% to default.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Site ID] => %old%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8842] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8842
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => Disabled a plugin feature networkwide
                                                                    [mesg] => Disabled the plugin feature %feature_name% networkwide.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => disabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8843] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8843
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => Allowed site administrators to toggle a plugin feature on or off for their site
                                                                    [mesg] => Allowed site administrators to toggle the plugin feature %feature_name% on or off on their sites.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8813] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8813
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled the option Show Posts/Pages in Search Results in the Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the content type setting to show %SEOPostType% in search results.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8814] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8814
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User changed the Posts/Pages title template in the Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the %SEOPostType% SEO title template in the plugin settings to %new%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous template] => %old%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8830] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8830
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled the taxonomies to show in search results setting in the Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the taxonomies setting to show %SEOPostType% in search results.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8831] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8831
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Modified the SEO title template for a taxonomy in the Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the SEO title template for the taxonomy %SEOPostType% to %new%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous title] => %old%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8832] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8832
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Modified the Meta description template for a taxonomy in the Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Meta description template for the taxonomy %SEOPostType% to %new%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous description] => %old%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8833] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8833
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled Author or Data archives in Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the %archive_type% archives in the plugin settings.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8834] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8834
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled showing Author or Date archives in search results in Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the setting to show the %archive_type% archives in the search results.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8835] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8835
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Modified the SEO title template for Author or Date archives in the Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the SEO title template for the %archive_type% archives to %new%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous title] => %old%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8836] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8836
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Modified the SEO Meta description for Author or Date archives in the Yoast SEO plugin settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Meta description template for the %archive_type% archives to %new%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous description] => %old%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8837] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8837
                                                                    [severity] => 250
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled the SEO meta box for a taxonomy
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the setting to show SEO settings for the %SEOPostType% taxonomy.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance
                                                                    [event_type] => enabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8853] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8853
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User the Default Page type in the Scheme settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Default Page type in the Schema settings for %SEOPostType% to %new_type%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => added
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous Default Page type] => %old_type%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8854] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8854
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User the Default Article type in the Scheme settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Default Article type in the Schema settings for %SEOPostType% to %new_type%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => added
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous Default Article type] => %old_type%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8841] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8841
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => User Added/Removed/Modified a Webmaster Tools verification code for a search engine
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Webmaster Tools verification code for a search engine.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => added
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Search engine] => %search_engine_type%
                                                                            [Previous code] => %old%
                                                                            [New code] => %new%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8844] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8844
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => Changed the status of the setting Add Open Graph meta data in the Facebook settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the setting Add Open Graph meta data in the Facebook settings.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => disabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8845] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8845
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => Changed the Default Image in the Facebook settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Default Image in the Facebook settings to %image_name%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Image path] => %image_path%
                                                                            [Previous image] => %old_image%
                                                                            [Previous image path] => %old_path%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8846] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8846
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => Changed the status of the setting Add Twitter card meta data in the Twitter settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the status of the setting Add Twitter card meta data in the Twitter settings.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => disabled
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8847] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8847
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => Changed the Default card type to use in Twitter settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Default card type to use in Twitter settings to %new_setting%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous setting] => %old_setting%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8848] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8848
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => Changed the Pinterest confirmation meta tag in the Pinterest settings
                                                                    [mesg] => Changed the Pinterest confirmation meta tag in the Pinterest settings to %new_value%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous value] => %old_value%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8855] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8855
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => A new plain / regex redirect was added
                                                                    [mesg] => A %redirect_code% %redirect_type% redirect for the old URL %old_url%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-redirects
                                                                    [event_type] => added
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [New URL] => %new_url%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8856] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8856
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => A plain / regex redirect was modified
                                                                    [mesg] => A %redirect_type% redirect was modified.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-redirects
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Previous old URL] => %old_url%
                                                                            [New old URL] => %new_old_url%
                                                                            [Previous new URL] => %old_new_url%
                                                                            [New new URL] => %new_new_url%
                                                                            [Previous redirect type] => %old_redirect_code%
                                                                            [New redirect type] => %new_redirect_code%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8857] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8857
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => A plain / regex redirect was deleted
                                                                    [mesg] => A %redirect_code% %redirect_type% redirect for the URL %old_url% was deleted.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-redirects
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [8858] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 8858
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => Yoast SEO
                                                                    [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes
                                                                    [desc] => The Redirect method was modified
                                                                    [mesg] => The Redirect method has been Changed to %new_method%.
                                                                    [object] => yoast-seo-redirects
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array
                                                                            [Old redirect method] => %old_method%

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6028] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6028
                                                                    [severity] => 400
                                                                    [catg] => File Changes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Monitor File Changes
                                                                    [desc] => File content has been modified
                                                                    [mesg] => Content of file(s) on this website modified. %ReviewChangesLink%
                                                                    [object] => file
                                                                    [event_type] => modified
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6029] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6029
                                                                    [severity] => 500
                                                                    [catg] => File Changes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Monitor File Changes
                                                                    [desc] => File added to the site
                                                                    [mesg] => New file(s) added on this website. %ReviewAdditionsLink%
                                                                    [object] => file
                                                                    [event_type] => added
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6030] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6030
                                                                    [severity] => 300
                                                                    [catg] => File Changes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Monitor File Changes
                                                                    [desc] => File deleted from the site
                                                                    [mesg] => File(s) deleted from this website. %ReviewDeletionsLink%
                                                                    [object] => file
                                                                    [event_type] => deleted
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6031] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6031
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => File Changes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Monitor File Changes
                                                                    [desc] => File not scanned because it is bigger than the maximum file size limit
                                                                    [mesg] => File not scanned because it is bigger than the maximum file size limit %LineBreak% File: %File% %LineBreak% Location: %FileLocation% %LineBreak% %ReviewChangesLink%
                                                                    [object] => system
                                                                    [event_type] => blocked
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6032] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6032
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => File Changes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Monitor File Changes
                                                                    [desc] => File integrity scan stopped due to the limit of 200,000 files
                                                                    [mesg] => Your website has more than 200,000 files so the file integrity scanner cannot scan them all. Contact support for more information. %LineBreak% %ContactSupport%
                                                                    [object] => system
                                                                    [event_type] => blocked
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array


                                                            [6033] => WSAL_Alert Object
                                                                    [code] => 6033
                                                                    [severity] => 200
                                                                    [catg] => File Changes
                                                                    [subcatg] => Monitor File Changes
                                                                    [desc] => File integrity scan started/stopped
                                                                    [mesg] => The file integrity scan has %ScanStatus%.
                                                                    [object] => system
                                                                    [event_type] => started
                                                                    [metadata] => Array

                                                                    [links] => Array



                                                    [deprecated_events:protected] => Array
                                                            [0] => 2004
                                                            [1] => 2005
                                                            [2] => 2006
                                                            [3] => 2007
                                                            [4] => 2009
                                                            [5] => 2013
                                                            [6] => 2015
                                                            [7] => 2018
                                                            [8] => 2020
                                                            [9] => 2022
                                                            [10] => 2026
                                                            [11] => 2028
                                                            [12] => 2059
                                                            [13] => 2060
                                                            [14] => 2061
                                                            [15] => 2064
                                                            [16] => 2066
                                                            [17] => 2069
                                                            [18] => 2075
                                                            [19] => 2087
                                                            [20] => 2102
                                                            [21] => 2103
                                                            [22] => 2113
                                                            [23] => 2114
                                                            [24] => 2115
                                                            [25] => 2116
                                                            [26] => 2117
                                                            [27] => 2118
                                                            [28] => 5020
                                                            [29] => 5026
                                                            [30] => 2107
                                                            [31] => 2003
                                                            [32] => 2029
                                                            [33] => 2030
                                                            [34] => 2031
                                                            [35] => 2032
                                                            [36] => 2033
                                                            [37] => 2034
                                                            [38] => 2035
                                                            [39] => 2036
                                                            [40] => 2037
                                                            [41] => 2038
                                                            [42] => 2039
                                                            [43] => 2040
                                                            [44] => 2041
                                                            [45] => 2056
                                                            [46] => 2057
                                                            [47] => 2058
                                                            [48] => 2063
                                                            [49] => 2067
                                                            [50] => 2068
                                                            [51] => 2070
                                                            [52] => 2072
                                                            [53] => 2076
                                                            [54] => 2088
                                                            [55] => 2104
                                                            [56] => 2105
                                                            [57] => 5021
                                                            [58] => 5027
                                                            [59] => 2108

                                                    [loggers:protected] => Array
                                                            [0] => WSAL_Loggers_Database Object
                                                                    [plugin:protected] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object

                                                            [1] => WSAL_NP_Notifier Object
                                                                    [alert_date:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => 
                                                                    [email_address:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => 
                                                                    [phone_number:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => 
                                                                    [alert_id:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => 
                                                                    [alert_data:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => 
                                                                    [s1_data:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => 
                                                                    [s2_data:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => 
                                                                    [s3_data:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => 
                                                                    [s4_data:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => 
                                                                    [s5_data:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => 
                                                                    [s6_data:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => 
                                                                    [s7_data:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => 
                                                                    [s8_data:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => 
                                                                    [is_built_in:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => 
                                                                    [has_template:protected] => 
                                                                    [notifications:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => 
                                                                    [cache_expiration:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => 43200
                                                                    [is_url_shortner:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => 
                                                                    [plugin:protected] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object


                                                    [plugin:protected] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object
                                                    [pipeline:protected] => Array

                                                    [triggered_types:protected] => Array

                                                    [wp_users:WSAL_AlertManager:private] => Array

                                                    [ignored_cpts] => Array
                                                            [0] => attachment
                                                            [1] => revision
                                                            [2] => nav_menu_item
                                                            [3] => customize_changeset
                                                            [4] => custom_css
                                                            [5] => wfcm_file_event

                                                    [date_format:WSAL_AlertManager:private] => F j, Y
                                                    [sanitized_date_format:WSAL_AlertManager:private] => Y-m-d

                                            [sensors] => WSAL_SensorManager Object
                                                    [sensors:protected] => Array
                                                            [0] => WSAL_Sensors_LogInOut Object
                                                                    [current_user:protected] => 
                                                                    [plugin:protected] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object

                                                            [1] => WSAL_Sensors_YoastSEO Object
                                                                    [post_id:WSAL_Sensors_YoastSEO:private] => 0
                                                                    [post:WSAL_Sensors_YoastSEO:private] => 
                                                                    [post_seo_data:WSAL_Sensors_YoastSEO:private] => Array
                                                                            [_yoast_wpseo_title] => 
                                                                            [_yoast_wpseo_metadesc] => 
                                                                            [_yoast_wpseo_focuskw] => 
                                                                            [_yoast_wpseo_is_cornerstone] => 
                                                                            [_yoast_wpseo_meta-robots-noindex] => 
                                                                            [_yoast_wpseo_meta-robots-nofollow] => 
                                                                            [_yoast_wpseo_meta-robots-adv] => 
                                                                            [_yoast_wpseo_canonical] => 
                                                                            [_yoast_wpseo_schema_page_type] => 
                                                                            [_yoast_wpseo_schema_article_type] => 

                                                                    [schema_labels:WSAL_Sensors_YoastSEO:private] => Array
                                                                            [Article] => Article
                                                                            [BlogPosting] => Blog Post
                                                                            [SocialMediaPosting] => Social Media Posting
                                                                            [NewsArticle] => News Article
                                                                            [AdvertiserContentArticle] => Advertiser Content Article
                                                                            [SatiricalArticle] => Satirical Article
                                                                            [ScholarlyArticle] => Scholarly Article
                                                                            [TechArticle] => Tech Article
                                                                            [Report] => Report
                                                                            [WebPage] => Web Page
                                                                            [ItemPage] => Item Page
                                                                            [AboutPage] => About Page
                                                                            [FAQPage] => FAQ Page
                                                                            [QAPage] => QA Page
                                                                            [ProfilePage] => Profile Page
                                                                            [ContactPage] => Contact Page
                                                                            [MedicalWebPage] => Medical Web Page
                                                                            [CollectionPage] => Collection Page
                                                                            [CheckoutPage] => Checkout Page
                                                                            [RealEstateListing] => Real Estate Listing
                                                                            [SearchResultsPage] => Search Results Page
                                                                            [_yoast_wpseo_bctitle] => 

                                                                    [plugin:protected] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object

                                                            [2] => WSAL_Sensors_FileChanges Object
                                                                    [root_path:WSAL_Sensors_FileChanges:private] => /home/bsbks/public_html/
                                                                    [plugin:protected] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object


                                                    [plugin:protected] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object

                                            [settings:protected] => WSAL_Settings Object
                                                    [plugin:protected] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object
                                                    [site_admins:WSAL_Settings:private] => Array

                                                    [pruning:protected] => 0
                                                    [disabled:protected] => 
                                                    [viewers:protected] => 
                                                    [per_page:protected] => 
                                                    [excluded_users:protected] => Array

                                                    [excluded_roles:protected] => Array

                                                    [excluded_post_meta:protected] => Array

                                                    [excluded_user_meta:protected] => Array

                                                    [post_types:protected] => Array

                                                    [excluded_ip:protected] => Array

                                                    [geek_alerts] => Array
                                                            [0] => 1004
                                                            [1] => 1005
                                                            [2] => 1006
                                                            [3] => 1007
                                                            [4] => 2023
                                                            [5] => 2024
                                                            [6] => 2053
                                                            [7] => 2054
                                                            [8] => 2055
                                                            [9] => 2062
                                                            [10] => 2100
                                                            [11] => 2111
                                                            [12] => 2112
                                                            [13] => 2124
                                                            [14] => 2125
                                                            [15] => 2131
                                                            [16] => 2132
                                                            [17] => 2094
                                                            [18] => 2095
                                                            [19] => 2043
                                                            [20] => 2071
                                                            [21] => 2082
                                                            [22] => 2083
                                                            [23] => 2085
                                                            [24] => 2089
                                                            [25] => 4014
                                                            [26] => 4015
                                                            [27] => 4016
                                                            [28] => 5019
                                                            [29] => 5025
                                                            [30] => 6001
                                                            [31] => 6002
                                                            [32] => 6008
                                                            [33] => 6010
                                                            [34] => 6011
                                                            [35] => 6012
                                                            [36] => 6013
                                                            [37] => 6014
                                                            [38] => 6015
                                                            [39] => 6016
                                                            [40] => 6017
                                                            [41] => 6018
                                                            [42] => 6024
                                                            [43] => 6025

                                                    [always_disabled_alerts] => Array
                                                            [0] => 5010
                                                            [1] => 5011
                                                            [2] => 5012
                                                            [3] => 5013
                                                            [4] => 5014
                                                            [5] => 5015
                                                            [6] => 5016
                                                            [7] => 5017
                                                            [8] => 5018
                                                            [9] => 5022
                                                            [10] => 5023
                                                            [11] => 5024

                                                    [current_screen:WSAL_Settings:private] => 

                                            [autoloader] => WSAL_Autoloader Object
                                                    [plugin:protected] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object
                                                    [paths:protected] => Array
                                                            [WSAL_] => Array
                                                                    [0] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-security-audit-log-premium/classes/

                                                            [WSAL_NP_] => Array
                                                                    [0] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-security-audit-log-premium/extensions/email-notifications/classes/



                                            [constants] => WSAL_ConstantManager Object
                                                    [constants:protected] => Array
                                                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                                                    [name] => WSAL_CRITICAL
                                                                    [value] => 500
                                                                    [description] => Critical severity events.

                                                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                                                    [name] => WSAL_HIGH
                                                                    [value] => 400
                                                                    [description] => High severity events.

                                                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                                                    [name] => WSAL_MEDIUM
                                                                    [value] => 300
                                                                    [description] => Medium severity events.

                                                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                                                    [name] => WSAL_LOW
                                                                    [value] => 250
                                                                    [description] => Low severity events.

                                                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                                                    [name] => WSAL_INFORMATIONAL
                                                                    [value] => 200
                                                                    [description] => Informational events.


                                                    [constants_cache:protected] => Array


                                            [options_helper] => WSAL\Helpers\Options Object
                                                    [prefix] => wsal_

                                            [cleanup_hooks:protected] => Array
                                                    [0] => Array
                                                            [0] => WSAL_Loggers_Database Object
                                                                    [plugin:protected] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object

                                                            [1] => clean_up


                                            [extensions] => 
                                            [allowed_html_tags] => Array
                                                    [a] => Array
                                                            [href] => Array

                                                            [title] => Array

                                                            [target] => Array


                                                    [br] => Array

                                                    [code] => Array

                                                    [em] => Array

                                                    [strong] => Array

                                                    [p] => Array
                                                            [class] => Array



                                            [notifications_util] => WSAL_NP_Common Object
                                                    [wsal] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object

                                            [external_db_util] => 
                                            [reports_util] => 
                                            [user_sessions] => 
                                            [third_party_extensions] => Array


                                    [1] => recurring_schedules

                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [AIOWPSecurity_Cronjob_Handler::cron_schedules] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => AIOWPSecurity_Cronjob_Handler
                                    [1] => cron_schedules

                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [0000000036f7bc070000000032bc33f2add_wp_cron_schedule] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => ActionScheduler_QueueRunner Object
                                            [async_request:protected] => ActionScheduler_AsyncRequest_QueueRunner Object
                                                    [store:protected] => ActionScheduler_DBStore Object
                                                            [claim_before_date:ActionScheduler_DBStore:private] => 

                                                    [prefix:protected] => as
                                                    [action:protected] => async_request_queue_runner
                                                    [identifier:protected] => as_async_request_queue_runner
                                                    [data:protected] => Array


                                            [cleaner:protected] => ActionScheduler_QueueCleaner Object
                                                    [batch_size:protected] => 20
                                                    [store:ActionScheduler_QueueCleaner:private] => ActionScheduler_DBStore Object
                                                            [claim_before_date:ActionScheduler_DBStore:private] => 

                                                    [month_in_seconds:ActionScheduler_QueueCleaner:private] => 2678400

                                            [monitor:protected] => ActionScheduler_FatalErrorMonitor Object
                                                    [claim:ActionScheduler_FatalErrorMonitor:private] => 
                                                    [store:ActionScheduler_FatalErrorMonitor:private] => ActionScheduler_DBStore Object
                                                            [claim_before_date:ActionScheduler_DBStore:private] => 

                                                    [action_id:ActionScheduler_FatalErrorMonitor:private] => 0

                                            [store:protected] => ActionScheduler_DBStore Object
                                                    [claim_before_date:ActionScheduler_DBStore:private] => 

                                            [created_time:ActionScheduler_Abstract_QueueRunner:private] => 1728487126.3137

                                    [1] => add_wp_cron_schedule

                            [accepted_args] => 1

                    [0000000036f7b7760000000032bc33f2add_cron_schedule] => Array
                            [function] => Array
                                    [0] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Integrations\Admin\Background_Indexing_Integration Object
                                            [complete_indexation_action:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Actions\Indexing\Indexable_Indexing_Complete_Action Object
                                                    [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object
                                                            [repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                    [builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder Object
                                                                            [author_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Author_Builder Object
                                                                                    [author_archive:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Author_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Author_Archive_Helper Object
                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Author_Archive_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                            [post_type_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Author_Archive_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                    [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object



                                                                                    [version:protected] => 2
                                                                                    [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                    [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                            [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                            [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                    [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                            [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                    [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object


                                                                                    [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                            [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                            [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object



                                                                                    [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                            [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object




                                                                            [post_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Post_Builder Object
                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                    [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                            [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                            [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                    [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                            [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                    [post_type_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                    [version:protected] => 2
                                                                                    [meta:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Meta_Helper Object

                                                                                    [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object


                                                                                    [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                            [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                            [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object



                                                                                    [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                            [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object




                                                                            [term_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Term_Builder Object
                                                                                    [taxonomy_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper Object
                                                                                            [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                            [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object


                                                                                    [version:protected] => 2
                                                                                    [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                            [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                            [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                    [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                            [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                    [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object


                                                                                    [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                            [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                            [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object



                                                                                    [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                            [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object




                                                                            [home_page_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Home_Page_Builder Object
                                                                                    [options:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                    [url_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                    [version:protected] => 2
                                                                                    [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                            [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                            [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                    [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                            [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                    [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object


                                                                                    [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                            [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                            [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object



                                                                                    [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                            [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object




                                                                            [post_type_archive_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Post_Type_Archive_Builder Object
                                                                                    [options:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                    [version:protected] => 2
                                                                                    [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                            [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                            [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                    [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                            [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                    [post_type_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object



                                                                            [date_archive_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Date_Archive_Builder Object
                                                                                    [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Date_Archive_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                    [version:protected] => 1

                                                                            [system_page_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_System_Page_Builder Object
                                                                                    [options:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                    [version:protected] => 1

                                                                            [hierarchy_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder Object
                                                                                    [saved_ancestors:protected] => Array

                                                                                    [indexable_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                    [indexable_hierarchy_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Hierarchy_Repository Object
                                                                                            [builder:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder Object
                                                                                            [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object

                                                                                    [primary_term_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Primary_Term_Repository Object

                                                                                    [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                    [post:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                            [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                            [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                    [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                            [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                    [indexable_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object

                                                                            [primary_term_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Primary_Term_Builder Object
                                                                                    [repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Primary_Term_Repository Object

                                                                                    [indexable_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Primary_Term_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object
                                                                                    [primary_term:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Primary_Term_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Primary_Term_Helper Object

                                                                                    [meta:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Primary_Term_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Meta_Helper Object


                                                                            [link_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Link_Builder Object
                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                    [url_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                    [image_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object


                                                                                    [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object
                                                                                    [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                            [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                            [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                    [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                            [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                    [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                            [indexable_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                            [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object
                                                                            [version_manager:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Services\Indexables\Indexable_Version_Manager Object
                                                                                    [indexable_builder_versions:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Values\Indexables\Indexable_Builder_Versions Object
                                                                                            [indexable_builder_versions_by_type:protected] => Array
                                                                                                    [date-archive] => 1
                                                                                                    [general] => 1
                                                                                                    [home-page] => 2
                                                                                                    [post] => 2
                                                                                                    [post-type-archive] => 2
                                                                                                    [term] => 2
                                                                                                    [user] => 2
                                                                                                    [system-page] => 1




                                                                    [hierarchy_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Hierarchy_Repository Object
                                                                            [builder:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder Object
                                                                                    [saved_ancestors:protected] => Array

                                                                                    [indexable_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                    [indexable_hierarchy_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Hierarchy_Repository Object
                                                                                    [primary_term_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Primary_Term_Repository Object

                                                                                    [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                    [post:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                            [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                            [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                    [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                            [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                    [indexable_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object

                                                                            [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object

                                                                    [current_page:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Current_Page_Helper Object
                                                                            [wp_query_wrapper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Current_Page_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Wrappers\WP_Query_Wrapper Object


                                                                    [logger:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Loggers\Logger Object
                                                                            [wrapped_logger:protected] => YoastSEO_Vendor\Psr\Log\NullLogger Object


                                                                    [wpdb:protected] => wpdb Object
                                                                            [show_errors] => 
                                                                            [suppress_errors] => 
                                                                            [last_error] => 
                                                                            [num_queries] => 84
                                                                            [num_rows] => 1
                                                                            [rows_affected] => 0
                                                                            [insert_id] => 0
                                                                            [last_query] => SELECT * FROM cxfgh_posts WHERE ID = 9966 LIMIT 1
                                                                            [last_result] => Array
                                                                                    [0] => stdClass Object
                                                                                            [ID] => 9966
                                                                                            [post_author] => 4
                                                                                            [post_date] => 2023-12-22 09:04:27
                                                                                            [post_date_gmt] => 2023-12-22 15:04:27
                                                                                            [post_content] => 
                                                                                            [post_title] => Bennington State Bank logo 260x95
                                                                                            [post_excerpt] => 
                                                                                            [post_status] => inherit
                                                                                            [comment_status] => open
                                                                                            [ping_status] => closed
                                                                                            [post_password] => 
                                                                                            [post_name] => bennington-state-bank-logo-260x95
                                                                                            [to_ping] => 
                                                                                            [pinged] => 
                                                                                            [post_modified] => 2023-12-22 09:04:27
                                                                                            [post_modified_gmt] => 2023-12-22 15:04:27
                                                                                            [post_content_filtered] => 
                                                                                            [post_parent] => 0
                                                                                            [guid] => https://www.bsbks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Bennington-State-Bank-logo-260x95-1.png
                                                                                            [menu_order] => 0
                                                                                            [post_type] => attachment
                                                                                            [post_mime_type] => image/png
                                                                                            [comment_count] => 0
                                                                                            [filter] => raw


                                                                            [result:protected] => mysqli_result Object
                                                                                    [current_field] => 0
                                                                                    [field_count] => 23
                                                                                    [lengths] => 
                                                                                    [num_rows] => 1
                                                                                    [type] => 0

                                                                            [col_meta:protected] => Array

                                                                            [table_charset:protected] => Array

                                                                            [check_current_query:protected] => 1
                                                                            [checking_collation:wpdb:private] => 
                                                                            [col_info:protected] => 
                                                                            [queries] => 
                                                                            [reconnect_retries:protected] => 5
                                                                            [prefix] => cxfgh_
                                                                            [base_prefix] => cxfgh_
                                                                            [ready] => 1
                                                                            [blogid] => 0
                                                                            [siteid] => 0
                                                                            [tables] => Array
                                                                                    [0] => posts
                                                                                    [1] => comments
                                                                                    [2] => links
                                                                                    [3] => options
                                                                                    [4] => postmeta
                                                                                    [5] => terms
                                                                                    [6] => term_taxonomy
                                                                                    [7] => term_relationships
                                                                                    [8] => termmeta
                                                                                    [9] => commentmeta
                                                                                    [10] => actionscheduler_actions
                                                                                    [11] => actionscheduler_claims
                                                                                    [12] => actionscheduler_groups
                                                                                    [13] => actionscheduler_logs

                                                                            [old_tables] => Array
                                                                                    [0] => categories
                                                                                    [1] => post2cat
                                                                                    [2] => link2cat

                                                                            [global_tables] => Array
                                                                                    [0] => users
                                                                                    [1] => usermeta

                                                                            [ms_global_tables] => Array
                                                                                    [0] => blogs
                                                                                    [1] => blogmeta
                                                                                    [2] => signups
                                                                                    [3] => site
                                                                                    [4] => sitemeta
                                                                                    [5] => registration_log

                                                                            [old_ms_global_tables] => Array
                                                                                    [0] => sitecategories

                                                                            [comments] => cxfgh_comments
                                                                            [commentmeta] => cxfgh_commentmeta
                                                                            [links] => cxfgh_links
                                                                            [options] => cxfgh_options
                                                                            [postmeta] => cxfgh_postmeta
                                                                            [posts] => cxfgh_posts
                                                                            [terms] => cxfgh_terms
                                                                            [term_relationships] => cxfgh_term_relationships
                                                                            [term_taxonomy] => cxfgh_term_taxonomy
                                                                            [termmeta] => cxfgh_termmeta
                                                                            [usermeta] => cxfgh_usermeta
                                                                            [users] => cxfgh_users
                                                                            [blogs] => 
                                                                            [blogmeta] => 
                                                                            [registration_log] => 
                                                                            [signups] => 
                                                                            [site] => 
                                                                            [sitecategories] => 
                                                                            [sitemeta] => 
                                                                            [field_types] => Array
                                                                                    [post_author] => %d
                                                                                    [post_parent] => %d
                                                                                    [menu_order] => %d
                                                                                    [term_id] => %d
                                                                                    [term_group] => %d
                                                                                    [term_taxonomy_id] => %d
                                                                                    [parent] => %d
                                                                                    [count] => %d
                                                                                    [object_id] => %d
                                                                                    [term_order] => %d
                                                                                    [ID] => %d
                                                                                    [comment_ID] => %d
                                                                                    [comment_post_ID] => %d
                                                                                    [comment_parent] => %d
                                                                                    [user_id] => %d
                                                                                    [link_id] => %d
                                                                                    [link_owner] => %d
                                                                                    [link_rating] => %d
                                                                                    [option_id] => %d
                                                                                    [blog_id] => %d
                                                                                    [meta_id] => %d
                                                                                    [post_id] => %d
                                                                                    [user_status] => %d
                                                                                    [umeta_id] => %d
                                                                                    [comment_karma] => %d
                                                                                    [comment_count] => %d
                                                                                    [active] => %d
                                                                                    [cat_id] => %d
                                                                                    [deleted] => %d
                                                                                    [lang_id] => %d
                                                                                    [mature] => %d
                                                                                    [public] => %d
                                                                                    [site_id] => %d
                                                                                    [spam] => %d

                                                                            [charset] => utf8mb4
                                                                            [collate] => utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci
                                                                            [dbuser:protected] => bsbks
                                                                            [dbpassword:protected] => fXGZpu6wH67x97Q%
                                                                            [dbname:protected] => wp_bsbksavada
                                                                            [dbhost:protected] => localhost
                                                                            [dbh:protected] => mysqli Object
                                                                                    [affected_rows] => 1
                                                                                    [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 3591daad22de08524295e1bd073aceeff11e6579 $
                                                                                    [client_version] => 50012
                                                                                    [connect_errno] => 0
                                                                                    [connect_error] => 
                                                                                    [errno] => 0
                                                                                    [error] => 
                                                                                    [error_list] => Array

                                                                                    [field_count] => 23
                                                                                    [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket
                                                                                    [info] => 
                                                                                    [insert_id] => 0
                                                                                    [server_info] => 5.7.42-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
                                                                                    [server_version] => 50742
                                                                                    [stat] => Uptime: 280897  Threads: 1  Questions: 46708582  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 1668  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 512  Queries per second avg: 166.283
                                                                                    [sqlstate] => 00000
                                                                                    [protocol_version] => 10
                                                                                    [thread_id] => 198178
                                                                                    [warning_count] => 0

                                                                            [func_call] => $db->query("SELECT * FROM cxfgh_posts WHERE ID = 9966 LIMIT 1")
                                                                            [is_mysql] => 1
                                                                            [incompatible_modes:protected] => Array
                                                                                    [0] => NO_ZERO_DATE
                                                                                    [1] => ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY
                                                                                    [2] => STRICT_TRANS_TABLES
                                                                                    [3] => STRICT_ALL_TABLES
                                                                                    [4] => TRADITIONAL
                                                                                    [5] => ANSI

                                                                            [allow_unsafe_unquoted_parameters:wpdb:private] => 1
                                                                            [use_mysqli:wpdb:private] => 1
                                                                            [has_connected:wpdb:private] => 1
                                                                            [time_start] => 
                                                                            [error] => 
                                                                            [categories] => cxfgh_categories
                                                                            [post2cat] => cxfgh_post2cat
                                                                            [link2cat] => cxfgh_link2cat
                                                                            [lockdown_login_fails] => cxfgh_login_fails
                                                                            [lockdown_lockdowns] => cxfgh_lockdowns
                                                                            [actionscheduler_actions] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_actions
                                                                            [actionscheduler_claims] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_claims
                                                                            [actionscheduler_groups] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_groups
                                                                            [actionscheduler_logs] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_logs

                                                                    [indexable_helper:protected] => 
                                                                    [version_manager:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Services\Indexables\Indexable_Version_Manager Object
                                                                            [indexable_builder_versions:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Values\Indexables\Indexable_Builder_Versions Object
                                                                                    [indexable_builder_versions_by_type:protected] => Array
                                                                                            [date-archive] => 1
                                                                                            [general] => 1
                                                                                            [home-page] => 2
                                                                                            [post] => 2
                                                                                            [post-type-archive] => 2
                                                                                            [term] => 2
                                                                                            [user] => 2
                                                                                            [system-page] => 1




                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                            [environment_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Environment_Helper Object

                                                            [indexing_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexing_Helper Object
                                                                    [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                    [date_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Date_Helper Object

                                                                    [notification_center:protected] => Yoast_Notification_Center Object
                                                                            [notifications:Yoast_Notification_Center:private] => Array

                                                                            [new:Yoast_Notification_Center:private] => Array

                                                                            [resolved:Yoast_Notification_Center:private] => 0
                                                                            [queued_transactions:Yoast_Notification_Center:private] => Array

                                                                            [notifications_retrieved:Yoast_Notification_Center:private] => 1
                                                                            [notifications_need_storage:Yoast_Notification_Center:private] => 

                                                                    [indexing_actions:protected] => Array
                                                                            [0] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Actions\Indexing\Indexable_Post_Indexation_Action Object
                                                                                    [post_type_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                    [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                            [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                            [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                    [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                            [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                    [builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder Object
                                                                                                            [author_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Author_Builder Object
                                                                                                                    [author_archive:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Author_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Author_Archive_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Author_Archive_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [post_type_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Author_Archive_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                                    [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object



                                                                                                                    [version:protected] => 2
                                                                                                                    [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object


                                                                                                                    [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object



                                                                                                                    [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object




                                                                                                            [post_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Post_Builder Object
                                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                    [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [post_type_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                                                    [version:protected] => 2
                                                                                                                    [meta:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Meta_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object


                                                                                                                    [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object



                                                                                                                    [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object




                                                                                                            [term_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Term_Builder Object
                                                                                                                    [taxonomy_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object


                                                                                                                    [version:protected] => 2
                                                                                                                    [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object


                                                                                                                    [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object



                                                                                                                    [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object




                                                                                                            [home_page_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Home_Page_Builder Object
                                                                                                                    [options:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [url_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [version:protected] => 2
                                                                                                                    [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object


                                                                                                                    [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object



                                                                                                                    [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object




                                                                                                            [post_type_archive_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Post_Type_Archive_Builder Object
                                                                                                                    [options:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [version:protected] => 2
                                                                                                                    [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [post_type_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object



                                                                                                            [date_archive_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Date_Archive_Builder Object
                                                                                                                    [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Date_Archive_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [version:protected] => 1

                                                                                                            [system_page_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_System_Page_Builder Object
                                                                                                                    [options:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [version:protected] => 1

                                                                                                            [hierarchy_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder Object
                                                                                                                    [saved_ancestors:protected] => Array

                                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                    [indexable_hierarchy_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Hierarchy_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [builder:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [primary_term_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Primary_Term_Repository Object

                                                                                                                    [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [post:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [indexable_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object

                                                                                                            [primary_term_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Primary_Term_Builder Object
                                                                                                                    [repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Primary_Term_Repository Object

                                                                                                                    [indexable_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Primary_Term_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [primary_term:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Primary_Term_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Primary_Term_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [meta:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Primary_Term_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Meta_Helper Object


                                                                                                            [link_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Link_Builder Object
                                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                    [url_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [image_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object


                                                                                                                    [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                            [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object
                                                                                                            [version_manager:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Services\Indexables\Indexable_Version_Manager Object
                                                                                                                    [indexable_builder_versions:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Values\Indexables\Indexable_Builder_Versions Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_builder_versions_by_type:protected] => Array
                                                                                                                                    [date-archive] => 1
                                                                                                                                    [general] => 1
                                                                                                                                    [home-page] => 2
                                                                                                                                    [post] => 2
                                                                                                                                    [post-type-archive] => 2
                                                                                                                                    [term] => 2
                                                                                                                                    [user] => 2
                                                                                                                                    [system-page] => 1




                                                                                                    [hierarchy_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Hierarchy_Repository Object
                                                                                                            [builder:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder Object
                                                                                                                    [saved_ancestors:protected] => Array

                                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                    [indexable_hierarchy_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Hierarchy_Repository Object
                                                                                                                    [primary_term_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Primary_Term_Repository Object

                                                                                                                    [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [post:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [indexable_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object

                                                                                                            [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object

                                                                                                    [current_page:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Current_Page_Helper Object
                                                                                                            [wp_query_wrapper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Current_Page_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Wrappers\WP_Query_Wrapper Object


                                                                                                    [logger:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Loggers\Logger Object
                                                                                                            [wrapped_logger:protected] => YoastSEO_Vendor\Psr\Log\NullLogger Object


                                                                                                    [wpdb:protected] => wpdb Object
                                                                                                            [show_errors] => 
                                                                                                            [suppress_errors] => 
                                                                                                            [last_error] => 
                                                                                                            [num_queries] => 84
                                                                                                            [num_rows] => 1
                                                                                                            [rows_affected] => 0
                                                                                                            [insert_id] => 0
                                                                                                            [last_query] => SELECT * FROM cxfgh_posts WHERE ID = 9966 LIMIT 1
                                                                                                            [last_result] => Array
                                                                                                                    [0] => stdClass Object
                                                                                                                            [ID] => 9966
                                                                                                                            [post_author] => 4
                                                                                                                            [post_date] => 2023-12-22 09:04:27
                                                                                                                            [post_date_gmt] => 2023-12-22 15:04:27
                                                                                                                            [post_content] => 
                                                                                                                            [post_title] => Bennington State Bank logo 260x95
                                                                                                                            [post_excerpt] => 
                                                                                                                            [post_status] => inherit
                                                                                                                            [comment_status] => open
                                                                                                                            [ping_status] => closed
                                                                                                                            [post_password] => 
                                                                                                                            [post_name] => bennington-state-bank-logo-260x95
                                                                                                                            [to_ping] => 
                                                                                                                            [pinged] => 
                                                                                                                            [post_modified] => 2023-12-22 09:04:27
                                                                                                                            [post_modified_gmt] => 2023-12-22 15:04:27
                                                                                                                            [post_content_filtered] => 
                                                                                                                            [post_parent] => 0
                                                                                                                            [guid] => https://www.bsbks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Bennington-State-Bank-logo-260x95-1.png
                                                                                                                            [menu_order] => 0
                                                                                                                            [post_type] => attachment
                                                                                                                            [post_mime_type] => image/png
                                                                                                                            [comment_count] => 0
                                                                                                                            [filter] => raw


                                                                                                            [result:protected] => mysqli_result Object
                                                                                                                    [current_field] => 0
                                                                                                                    [field_count] => 23
                                                                                                                    [lengths] => 
                                                                                                                    [num_rows] => 1
                                                                                                                    [type] => 0

                                                                                                            [col_meta:protected] => Array

                                                                                                            [table_charset:protected] => Array

                                                                                                            [check_current_query:protected] => 1
                                                                                                            [checking_collation:wpdb:private] => 
                                                                                                            [col_info:protected] => 
                                                                                                            [queries] => 
                                                                                                            [reconnect_retries:protected] => 5
                                                                                                            [prefix] => cxfgh_
                                                                                                            [base_prefix] => cxfgh_
                                                                                                            [ready] => 1
                                                                                                            [blogid] => 0
                                                                                                            [siteid] => 0
                                                                                                            [tables] => Array
                                                                                                                    [0] => posts
                                                                                                                    [1] => comments
                                                                                                                    [2] => links
                                                                                                                    [3] => options
                                                                                                                    [4] => postmeta
                                                                                                                    [5] => terms
                                                                                                                    [6] => term_taxonomy
                                                                                                                    [7] => term_relationships
                                                                                                                    [8] => termmeta
                                                                                                                    [9] => commentmeta
                                                                                                                    [10] => actionscheduler_actions
                                                                                                                    [11] => actionscheduler_claims
                                                                                                                    [12] => actionscheduler_groups
                                                                                                                    [13] => actionscheduler_logs

                                                                                                            [old_tables] => Array
                                                                                                                    [0] => categories
                                                                                                                    [1] => post2cat
                                                                                                                    [2] => link2cat

                                                                                                            [global_tables] => Array
                                                                                                                    [0] => users
                                                                                                                    [1] => usermeta

                                                                                                            [ms_global_tables] => Array
                                                                                                                    [0] => blogs
                                                                                                                    [1] => blogmeta
                                                                                                                    [2] => signups
                                                                                                                    [3] => site
                                                                                                                    [4] => sitemeta
                                                                                                                    [5] => registration_log

                                                                                                            [old_ms_global_tables] => Array
                                                                                                                    [0] => sitecategories

                                                                                                            [comments] => cxfgh_comments
                                                                                                            [commentmeta] => cxfgh_commentmeta
                                                                                                            [links] => cxfgh_links
                                                                                                            [options] => cxfgh_options
                                                                                                            [postmeta] => cxfgh_postmeta
                                                                                                            [posts] => cxfgh_posts
                                                                                                            [terms] => cxfgh_terms
                                                                                                            [term_relationships] => cxfgh_term_relationships
                                                                                                            [term_taxonomy] => cxfgh_term_taxonomy
                                                                                                            [termmeta] => cxfgh_termmeta
                                                                                                            [usermeta] => cxfgh_usermeta
                                                                                                            [users] => cxfgh_users
                                                                                                            [blogs] => 
                                                                                                            [blogmeta] => 
                                                                                                            [registration_log] => 
                                                                                                            [signups] => 
                                                                                                            [site] => 
                                                                                                            [sitecategories] => 
                                                                                                            [sitemeta] => 
                                                                                                            [field_types] => Array
                                                                                                                    [post_author] => %d
                                                                                                                    [post_parent] => %d
                                                                                                                    [menu_order] => %d
                                                                                                                    [term_id] => %d
                                                                                                                    [term_group] => %d
                                                                                                                    [term_taxonomy_id] => %d
                                                                                                                    [parent] => %d
                                                                                                                    [count] => %d
                                                                                                                    [object_id] => %d
                                                                                                                    [term_order] => %d
                                                                                                                    [ID] => %d
                                                                                                                    [comment_ID] => %d
                                                                                                                    [comment_post_ID] => %d
                                                                                                                    [comment_parent] => %d
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                                                                                                                    [link_id] => %d
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                                                                                                                    [link_rating] => %d
                                                                                                                    [option_id] => %d
                                                                                                                    [blog_id] => %d
                                                                                                                    [meta_id] => %d
                                                                                                                    [post_id] => %d
                                                                                                                    [user_status] => %d
                                                                                                                    [umeta_id] => %d
                                                                                                                    [comment_karma] => %d
                                                                                                                    [comment_count] => %d
                                                                                                                    [active] => %d
                                                                                                                    [cat_id] => %d
                                                                                                                    [deleted] => %d
                                                                                                                    [lang_id] => %d
                                                                                                                    [mature] => %d
                                                                                                                    [public] => %d
                                                                                                                    [site_id] => %d
                                                                                                                    [spam] => %d

                                                                                                            [charset] => utf8mb4
                                                                                                            [collate] => utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci
                                                                                                            [dbuser:protected] => bsbks
                                                                                                            [dbpassword:protected] => fXGZpu6wH67x97Q%
                                                                                                            [dbname:protected] => wp_bsbksavada
                                                                                                            [dbhost:protected] => localhost
                                                                                                            [dbh:protected] => mysqli Object
                                                                                                                    [affected_rows] => -1
                                                                                                                    [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 3591daad22de08524295e1bd073aceeff11e6579 $
                                                                                                                    [client_version] => 50012
                                                                                                                    [connect_errno] => 0
                                                                                                                    [connect_error] => 
                                                                                                                    [errno] => 0
                                                                                                                    [error] => 
                                                                                                                    [error_list] => Array

                                                                                                                    [field_count] => 23
                                                                                                                    [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket
                                                                                                                    [info] => 
                                                                                                                    [insert_id] => 0
                                                                                                                    [server_info] => 5.7.42-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
                                                                                                                    [server_version] => 50742
                                                                                                                    [stat] => Uptime: 280897  Threads: 1  Questions: 46708583  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 1668  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 512  Queries per second avg: 166.283
                                                                                                                    [sqlstate] => 00000
                                                                                                                    [protocol_version] => 10
                                                                                                                    [thread_id] => 198178
                                                                                                                    [warning_count] => 0

                                                                                                            [func_call] => $db->query("SELECT * FROM cxfgh_posts WHERE ID = 9966 LIMIT 1")
                                                                                                            [is_mysql] => 1
                                                                                                            [incompatible_modes:protected] => Array
                                                                                                                    [0] => NO_ZERO_DATE
                                                                                                                    [1] => ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY
                                                                                                                    [2] => STRICT_TRANS_TABLES
                                                                                                                    [3] => STRICT_ALL_TABLES
                                                                                                                    [4] => TRADITIONAL
                                                                                                                    [5] => ANSI

                                                                                                            [allow_unsafe_unquoted_parameters:wpdb:private] => 1
                                                                                                            [use_mysqli:wpdb:private] => 1
                                                                                                            [has_connected:wpdb:private] => 1
                                                                                                            [time_start] => 
                                                                                                            [error] => 
                                                                                                            [categories] => cxfgh_categories
                                                                                                            [post2cat] => cxfgh_post2cat
                                                                                                            [link2cat] => cxfgh_link2cat
                                                                                                            [lockdown_login_fails] => cxfgh_login_fails
                                                                                                            [lockdown_lockdowns] => cxfgh_lockdowns
                                                                                                            [actionscheduler_actions] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_actions
                                                                                                            [actionscheduler_claims] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_claims
                                                                                                            [actionscheduler_groups] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_groups
                                                                                                            [actionscheduler_logs] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_logs

                                                                                                    [indexable_helper:protected] => 
                                                                                                    [version_manager:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Services\Indexables\Indexable_Version_Manager Object
                                                                                                            [indexable_builder_versions:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Values\Indexables\Indexable_Builder_Versions Object
                                                                                                                    [indexable_builder_versions_by_type:protected] => Array
                                                                                                                            [date-archive] => 1
                                                                                                                            [general] => 1
                                                                                                                            [home-page] => 2
                                                                                                                            [post] => 2
                                                                                                                            [post-type-archive] => 2
                                                                                                                            [term] => 2
                                                                                                                            [user] => 2
                                                                                                                            [system-page] => 1





                                                                                    [repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                            [builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder Object
                                                                                                    [author_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Author_Builder Object
                                                                                                            [author_archive:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Author_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Author_Archive_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Author_Archive_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [post_type_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Author_Archive_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object



                                                                                                            [version:protected] => 2
                                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                            [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                                                    [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                                            [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object


                                                                                                            [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object



                                                                                                            [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object




                                                                                                    [post_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Post_Builder Object
                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                            [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                                                    [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                                            [post_type_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                                            [version:protected] => 2
                                                                                                            [meta:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Meta_Helper Object

                                                                                                            [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object


                                                                                                            [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object



                                                                                                            [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object




                                                                                                    [term_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Term_Builder Object
                                                                                                            [taxonomy_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object


                                                                                                            [version:protected] => 2
                                                                                                            [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                                                    [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                                            [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object


                                                                                                            [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object



                                                                                                            [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object




                                                                                                    [home_page_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Home_Page_Builder Object
                                                                                                            [options:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                            [url_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                                            [version:protected] => 2
                                                                                                            [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                                                    [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                                            [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object


                                                                                                            [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object



                                                                                                            [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object




                                                                                                    [post_type_archive_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Post_Type_Archive_Builder Object
                                                                                                            [options:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                            [version:protected] => 2
                                                                                                            [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                                                    [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                                            [post_type_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object



                                                                                                    [date_archive_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Date_Archive_Builder Object
                                                                                                            [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Date_Archive_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                            [version:protected] => 1

                                                                                                    [system_page_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_System_Page_Builder Object
                                                                                                            [options:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                            [version:protected] => 1

                                                                                                    [hierarchy_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder Object
                                                                                                            [saved_ancestors:protected] => Array

                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                            [indexable_hierarchy_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Hierarchy_Repository Object
                                                                                                                    [builder:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder Object
                                                                                                                    [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object

                                                                                                            [primary_term_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Primary_Term_Repository Object

                                                                                                            [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                            [post:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                                                    [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                                            [indexable_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object

                                                                                                    [primary_term_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Primary_Term_Builder Object
                                                                                                            [repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Primary_Term_Repository Object

                                                                                                            [indexable_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Primary_Term_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object
                                                                                                            [primary_term:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Primary_Term_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Primary_Term_Helper Object

                                                                                                            [meta:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Primary_Term_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Meta_Helper Object


                                                                                                    [link_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Link_Builder Object
                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                            [url_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                                            [image_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object


                                                                                                            [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object
                                                                                                            [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                                                    [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                    [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object
                                                                                                    [version_manager:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Services\Indexables\Indexable_Version_Manager Object
                                                                                                            [indexable_builder_versions:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Values\Indexables\Indexable_Builder_Versions Object
                                                                                                                    [indexable_builder_versions_by_type:protected] => Array
                                                                                                                            [date-archive] => 1
                                                                                                                            [general] => 1
                                                                                                                            [home-page] => 2
                                                                                                                            [post] => 2
                                                                                                                            [post-type-archive] => 2
                                                                                                                            [term] => 2
                                                                                                                            [user] => 2
                                                                                                                            [system-page] => 1




                                                                                            [hierarchy_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Hierarchy_Repository Object
                                                                                                    [builder:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder Object
                                                                                                            [saved_ancestors:protected] => Array

                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                            [indexable_hierarchy_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Hierarchy_Repository Object
                                                                                                            [primary_term_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Primary_Term_Repository Object

                                                                                                            [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                            [post:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                                                    [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                                            [indexable_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object

                                                                                                    [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object

                                                                                            [current_page:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Current_Page_Helper Object
                                                                                                    [wp_query_wrapper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Current_Page_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Wrappers\WP_Query_Wrapper Object


                                                                                            [logger:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Loggers\Logger Object
                                                                                                    [wrapped_logger:protected] => YoastSEO_Vendor\Psr\Log\NullLogger Object


                                                                                            [wpdb:protected] => wpdb Object
                                                                                                    [show_errors] => 
                                                                                                    [suppress_errors] => 
                                                                                                    [last_error] => 
                                                                                                    [num_queries] => 84
                                                                                                    [num_rows] => 1
                                                                                                    [rows_affected] => 0
                                                                                                    [insert_id] => 0
                                                                                                    [last_query] => SELECT * FROM cxfgh_posts WHERE ID = 9966 LIMIT 1
                                                                                                    [last_result] => Array
                                                                                                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                                                                                                    [ID] => 9966
                                                                                                                    [post_author] => 4
                                                                                                                    [post_date] => 2023-12-22 09:04:27
                                                                                                                    [post_date_gmt] => 2023-12-22 15:04:27
                                                                                                                    [post_content] => 
                                                                                                                    [post_title] => Bennington State Bank logo 260x95
                                                                                                                    [post_excerpt] => 
                                                                                                                    [post_status] => inherit
                                                                                                                    [comment_status] => open
                                                                                                                    [ping_status] => closed
                                                                                                                    [post_password] => 
                                                                                                                    [post_name] => bennington-state-bank-logo-260x95
                                                                                                                    [to_ping] => 
                                                                                                                    [pinged] => 
                                                                                                                    [post_modified] => 2023-12-22 09:04:27
                                                                                                                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2023-12-22 15:04:27
                                                                                                                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                                                                                                                    [post_parent] => 0
                                                                                                                    [guid] => https://www.bsbks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Bennington-State-Bank-logo-260x95-1.png
                                                                                                                    [menu_order] => 0
                                                                                                                    [post_type] => attachment
                                                                                                                    [post_mime_type] => image/png
                                                                                                                    [comment_count] => 0
                                                                                                                    [filter] => raw


                                                                                                    [result:protected] => mysqli_result Object
                                                                                                            [current_field] => 0
                                                                                                            [field_count] => 23
                                                                                                            [lengths] => 
                                                                                                            [num_rows] => 1
                                                                                                            [type] => 0

                                                                                                    [col_meta:protected] => Array

                                                                                                    [table_charset:protected] => Array

                                                                                                    [check_current_query:protected] => 1
                                                                                                    [checking_collation:wpdb:private] => 
                                                                                                    [col_info:protected] => 
                                                                                                    [queries] => 
                                                                                                    [reconnect_retries:protected] => 5
                                                                                                    [prefix] => cxfgh_
                                                                                                    [base_prefix] => cxfgh_
                                                                                                    [ready] => 1
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                                                                                                            [0] => posts
                                                                                                            [1] => comments
                                                                                                            [2] => links
                                                                                                            [3] => options
                                                                                                            [4] => postmeta
                                                                                                            [5] => terms
                                                                                                            [6] => term_taxonomy
                                                                                                            [7] => term_relationships
                                                                                                            [8] => termmeta
                                                                                                            [9] => commentmeta
                                                                                                            [10] => actionscheduler_actions
                                                                                                            [11] => actionscheduler_claims
                                                                                                            [12] => actionscheduler_groups
                                                                                                            [13] => actionscheduler_logs

                                                                                                    [old_tables] => Array
                                                                                                            [0] => categories
                                                                                                            [1] => post2cat
                                                                                                            [2] => link2cat

                                                                                                    [global_tables] => Array
                                                                                                            [0] => users
                                                                                                            [1] => usermeta

                                                                                                    [ms_global_tables] => Array
                                                                                                            [0] => blogs
                                                                                                            [1] => blogmeta
                                                                                                            [2] => signups
                                                                                                            [3] => site
                                                                                                            [4] => sitemeta
                                                                                                            [5] => registration_log

                                                                                                    [old_ms_global_tables] => Array
                                                                                                            [0] => sitecategories

                                                                                                    [comments] => cxfgh_comments
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                                                                                                    [usermeta] => cxfgh_usermeta
                                                                                                    [users] => cxfgh_users
                                                                                                    [blogs] => 
                                                                                                    [blogmeta] => 
                                                                                                    [registration_log] => 
                                                                                                    [signups] => 
                                                                                                    [site] => 
                                                                                                    [sitecategories] => 
                                                                                                    [sitemeta] => 
                                                                                                    [field_types] => Array
                                                                                                            [post_author] => %d
                                                                                                            [post_parent] => %d
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                                                                                                            [parent] => %d
                                                                                                            [count] => %d
                                                                                                            [object_id] => %d
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                                                                                                            [comment_count] => %d
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                                                                                                            [public] => %d
                                                                                                            [site_id] => %d
                                                                                                            [spam] => %d

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                                                                                                    [collate] => utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci
                                                                                                    [dbuser:protected] => bsbks
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                                                                                                    [dbname:protected] => wp_bsbksavada
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                                                                                                    [dbh:protected] => mysqli Object
                                                                                                            [affected_rows] => -1
                                                                                                            [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 3591daad22de08524295e1bd073aceeff11e6579 $
                                                                                                            [client_version] => 50012
                                                                                                            [connect_errno] => 0
                                                                                                            [connect_error] => 
                                                                                                            [errno] => 0
                                                                                                            [error] => 
                                                                                                            [error_list] => Array

                                                                                                            [field_count] => 23
                                                                                                            [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket
                                                                                                            [info] => 
                                                                                                            [insert_id] => 0
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                                                                                                            [server_version] => 50742
                                                                                                            [stat] => Uptime: 280897  Threads: 1  Questions: 46708584  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 1668  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 512  Queries per second avg: 166.283
                                                                                                            [sqlstate] => 00000
                                                                                                            [protocol_version] => 10
                                                                                                            [thread_id] => 198178
                                                                                                            [warning_count] => 0

                                                                                                    [func_call] => $db->query("SELECT * FROM cxfgh_posts WHERE ID = 9966 LIMIT 1")
                                                                                                    [is_mysql] => 1
                                                                                                    [incompatible_modes:protected] => Array
                                                                                                            [0] => NO_ZERO_DATE
                                                                                                            [1] => ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY
                                                                                                            [2] => STRICT_TRANS_TABLES
                                                                                                            [3] => STRICT_ALL_TABLES
                                                                                                            [4] => TRADITIONAL
                                                                                                            [5] => ANSI

                                                                                                    [allow_unsafe_unquoted_parameters:wpdb:private] => 1
                                                                                                    [use_mysqli:wpdb:private] => 1
                                                                                                    [has_connected:wpdb:private] => 1
                                                                                                    [time_start] => 
                                                                                                    [error] => 
                                                                                                    [categories] => cxfgh_categories
                                                                                                    [post2cat] => cxfgh_post2cat
                                                                                                    [link2cat] => cxfgh_link2cat
                                                                                                    [lockdown_login_fails] => cxfgh_login_fails
                                                                                                    [lockdown_lockdowns] => cxfgh_lockdowns
                                                                                                    [actionscheduler_actions] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_actions
                                                                                                    [actionscheduler_claims] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_claims
                                                                                                    [actionscheduler_groups] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_groups
                                                                                                    [actionscheduler_logs] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_logs

                                                                                            [indexable_helper:protected] => 
                                                                                            [version_manager:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Services\Indexables\Indexable_Version_Manager Object
                                                                                                    [indexable_builder_versions:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Values\Indexables\Indexable_Builder_Versions Object
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                                                                                                                    [general] => 1
                                                                                                                    [home-page] => 2
                                                                                                                    [post] => 2
                                                                                                                    [post-type-archive] => 2
                                                                                                                    [term] => 2
                                                                                                                    [user] => 2
                                                                                                                    [system-page] => 1




                                                                                    [wpdb:protected] => wpdb Object
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                                                                                            [suppress_errors] => 
                                                                                            [last_error] => 
                                                                                            [num_queries] => 84
                                                                                            [num_rows] => 1
                                                                                            [rows_affected] => 0
                                                                                            [insert_id] => 0
                                                                                            [last_query] => SELECT * FROM cxfgh_posts WHERE ID = 9966 LIMIT 1
                                                                                            [last_result] => Array
                                                                                                    [0] => stdClass Object
                                                                                                            [ID] => 9966
                                                                                                            [post_author] => 4
                                                                                                            [post_date] => 2023-12-22 09:04:27
                                                                                                            [post_date_gmt] => 2023-12-22 15:04:27
                                                                                                            [post_content] => 
                                                                                                            [post_title] => Bennington State Bank logo 260x95
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                                                                                                            [post_status] => inherit
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                                                                                                            [post_name] => bennington-state-bank-logo-260x95
                                                                                                            [to_ping] => 
                                                                                                            [pinged] => 
                                                                                                            [post_modified] => 2023-12-22 09:04:27
                                                                                                            [post_modified_gmt] => 2023-12-22 15:04:27
                                                                                                            [post_content_filtered] => 
                                                                                                            [post_parent] => 0
                                                                                                            [guid] => https://www.bsbks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Bennington-State-Bank-logo-260x95-1.png
                                                                                                            [menu_order] => 0
                                                                                                            [post_type] => attachment
                                                                                                            [post_mime_type] => image/png
                                                                                                            [comment_count] => 0
                                                                                                            [filter] => raw


                                                                                            [result:protected] => mysqli_result Object
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                                                                                                    [field_count] => 23
                                                                                                    [lengths] => 
                                                                                                    [num_rows] => 1
                                                                                                    [type] => 0

                                                                                            [col_meta:protected] => Array

                                                                                            [table_charset:protected] => Array

                                                                                            [check_current_query:protected] => 1
                                                                                            [checking_collation:wpdb:private] => 
                                                                                            [col_info:protected] => 
                                                                                            [queries] => 
                                                                                            [reconnect_retries:protected] => 5
                                                                                            [prefix] => cxfgh_
                                                                                            [base_prefix] => cxfgh_
                                                                                            [ready] => 1
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                                                                                            [siteid] => 0
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                                                                                                    [1] => comments
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                                                                                                    [5] => terms
                                                                                                    [6] => term_taxonomy
                                                                                                    [7] => term_relationships
                                                                                                    [8] => termmeta
                                                                                                    [9] => commentmeta
                                                                                                    [10] => actionscheduler_actions
                                                                                                    [11] => actionscheduler_claims
                                                                                                    [12] => actionscheduler_groups
                                                                                                    [13] => actionscheduler_logs

                                                                                            [old_tables] => Array
                                                                                                    [0] => categories
                                                                                                    [1] => post2cat
                                                                                                    [2] => link2cat

                                                                                            [global_tables] => Array
                                                                                                    [0] => users
                                                                                                    [1] => usermeta

                                                                                            [ms_global_tables] => Array
                                                                                                    [0] => blogs
                                                                                                    [1] => blogmeta
                                                                                                    [2] => signups
                                                                                                    [3] => site
                                                                                                    [4] => sitemeta
                                                                                                    [5] => registration_log

                                                                                            [old_ms_global_tables] => Array
                                                                                                    [0] => sitecategories

                                                                                            [comments] => cxfgh_comments
                                                                                            [commentmeta] => cxfgh_commentmeta
                                                                                            [links] => cxfgh_links
                                                                                            [options] => cxfgh_options
                                                                                            [postmeta] => cxfgh_postmeta
                                                                                            [posts] => cxfgh_posts
                                                                                            [terms] => cxfgh_terms
                                                                                            [term_relationships] => cxfgh_term_relationships
                                                                                            [term_taxonomy] => cxfgh_term_taxonomy
                                                                                            [termmeta] => cxfgh_termmeta
                                                                                            [usermeta] => cxfgh_usermeta
                                                                                            [users] => cxfgh_users
                                                                                            [blogs] => 
                                                                                            [blogmeta] => 
                                                                                            [registration_log] => 
                                                                                            [signups] => 
                                                                                            [site] => 
                                                                                            [sitecategories] => 
                                                                                            [sitemeta] => 
                                                                                            [field_types] => Array
                                                                                                    [post_author] => %d
                                                                                                    [post_parent] => %d
                                                                                                    [menu_order] => %d
                                                                                                    [term_id] => %d
                                                                                                    [term_group] => %d
                                                                                                    [term_taxonomy_id] => %d
                                                                                                    [parent] => %d
                                                                                                    [count] => %d
                                                                                                    [object_id] => %d
                                                                                                    [term_order] => %d
                                                                                                    [ID] => %d
                                                                                                    [comment_ID] => %d
                                                                                                    [comment_post_ID] => %d
                                                                                                    [comment_parent] => %d
                                                                                                    [user_id] => %d
                                                                                                    [link_id] => %d
                                                                                                    [link_owner] => %d
                                                                                                    [link_rating] => %d
                                                                                                    [option_id] => %d
                                                                                                    [blog_id] => %d
                                                                                                    [meta_id] => %d
                                                                                                    [post_id] => %d
                                                                                                    [user_status] => %d
                                                                                                    [umeta_id] => %d
                                                                                                    [comment_karma] => %d
                                                                                                    [comment_count] => %d
                                                                                                    [active] => %d
                                                                                                    [cat_id] => %d
                                                                                                    [deleted] => %d
                                                                                                    [lang_id] => %d
                                                                                                    [mature] => %d
                                                                                                    [public] => %d
                                                                                                    [site_id] => %d
                                                                                                    [spam] => %d

                                                                                            [charset] => utf8mb4
                                                                                            [collate] => utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci
                                                                                            [dbuser:protected] => bsbks
                                                                                            [dbpassword:protected] => fXGZpu6wH67x97Q%
                                                                                            [dbname:protected] => wp_bsbksavada
                                                                                            [dbhost:protected] => localhost
                                                                                            [dbh:protected] => mysqli Object
                                                                                                    [affected_rows] => -1
                                                                                                    [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 3591daad22de08524295e1bd073aceeff11e6579 $
                                                                                                    [client_version] => 50012
                                                                                                    [connect_errno] => 0
                                                                                                    [connect_error] => 
                                                                                                    [errno] => 0
                                                                                                    [error] => 
                                                                                                    [error_list] => Array

                                                                                                    [field_count] => 23
                                                                                                    [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket
                                                                                                    [info] => 
                                                                                                    [insert_id] => 0
                                                                                                    [server_info] => 5.7.42-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
                                                                                                    [server_version] => 50742
                                                                                                    [stat] => Uptime: 280897  Threads: 1  Questions: 46708585  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 1668  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 512  Queries per second avg: 166.283
                                                                                                    [sqlstate] => 00000
                                                                                                    [protocol_version] => 10
                                                                                                    [thread_id] => 198178
                                                                                                    [warning_count] => 0

                                                                                            [func_call] => $db->query("SELECT * FROM cxfgh_posts WHERE ID = 9966 LIMIT 1")
                                                                                            [is_mysql] => 1
                                                                                            [incompatible_modes:protected] => Array
                                                                                                    [0] => NO_ZERO_DATE
                                                                                                    [1] => ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY
                                                                                                    [2] => STRICT_TRANS_TABLES
                                                                                                    [3] => STRICT_ALL_TABLES
                                                                                                    [4] => TRADITIONAL
                                                                                                    [5] => ANSI

                                                                                            [allow_unsafe_unquoted_parameters:wpdb:private] => 1
                                                                                            [use_mysqli:wpdb:private] => 1
                                                                                            [has_connected:wpdb:private] => 1
                                                                                            [time_start] => 
                                                                                            [error] => 
                                                                                            [categories] => cxfgh_categories
                                                                                            [post2cat] => cxfgh_post2cat
                                                                                            [link2cat] => cxfgh_link2cat
                                                                                            [lockdown_login_fails] => cxfgh_login_fails
                                                                                            [lockdown_lockdowns] => cxfgh_lockdowns
                                                                                            [actionscheduler_actions] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_actions
                                                                                            [actionscheduler_claims] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_claims
                                                                                            [actionscheduler_groups] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_groups
                                                                                            [actionscheduler_logs] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_logs

                                                                                    [version:protected] => 2

                                                                            [1] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Actions\Indexing\Indexable_Term_Indexation_Action Object
                                                                                    [taxonomy:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper Object
                                                                                            [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                            [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object


                                                                                    [repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                            [builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder Object
                                                                                                    [author_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Author_Builder Object
                                                                                                            [author_archive:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Author_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Author_Archive_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Author_Archive_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [post_type_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Author_Archive_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object



                                                                                                            [version:protected] => 2
                                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                            [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                                                    [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                                            [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object


                                                                                                            [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object



                                                                                                            [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object




                                                                                                    [post_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Post_Builder Object
                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                            [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                                                    [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                                            [post_type_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                                            [version:protected] => 2
                                                                                                            [meta:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Meta_Helper Object

                                                                                                            [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object


                                                                                                            [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object



                                                                                                            [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object




                                                                                                    [term_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Term_Builder Object
                                                                                                            [taxonomy_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object


                                                                                                            [version:protected] => 2
                                                                                                            [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                                                    [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                                            [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object


                                                                                                            [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object



                                                                                                            [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object




                                                                                                    [home_page_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Home_Page_Builder Object
                                                                                                            [options:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                            [url_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                                            [version:protected] => 2
                                                                                                            [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                                                    [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                                            [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                    [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                    [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object


                                                                                                            [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object



                                                                                                            [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object
                                                                                                                            [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object

                                                                                                                            [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                                            [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object




                                                                                                    [post_type_archive_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Post_Type_Archive_Builder Object
                                                                                                            [options:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                            [version:protected] => 2
                                                                                                            [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object

                                                                                                                    [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                            [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object


                                                                                                                    [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object

                                                                                                            [post_type_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object
                                                                                                                    [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object



                                                                                                    [date_archive_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Date_Archive_Builder Object
                                                                                                            [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Date_Archive_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object

                                                                                                            [version:protected] => 1

                                                                                                    [system_page_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_System_Page_Builder Object
                                                                                                            [options:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object