[cron_schedules] WP_Hook Object ( [callbacks] => Array ( [10] => Array ( [000000007bf6746500000000677e8907add_recurring_schedules] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => WFCM_Monitor Object ( [root_path] => /home/bsbks/public_html/ [excludes:WFCM_Monitor:private] => Array ( ) [scan_settings] => Array ( [enabled] => yes [debug-logging] => [delete-data] => [type] => Array ( [0] => added [1] => modified [2] => deleted ) [frequency] => daily [hour] => 02 [day] => 1 [date] => 01 [directories] => Array ( [0] => root [1] => wp-content/themes [2] => wp-content/plugins [3] => wp-content/uploads [4] => wp-content ) [wp-repo-core-checksum-validation-enabled] => yes [file-size] => 5 [exclude-dirs] => Array ( [0] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/cache [1] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/upgrade ) [exclude-files] => Array ( [0] => wp-config-sample.php ) [exclude-exts] => Array ( [0] => jpg [1] => jpeg [2] => png [3] => bmp [4] => pdf [5] => txt [6] => log [7] => mo [8] => po [9] => mp3 [10] => wav [11] => gif [12] => ico [13] => jpe [14] => psd [15] => raw [16] => svg [17] => tif [18] => tiff [19] => aif [20] => flac [21] => m4a [22] => oga [23] => ogg [24] => ra [25] => wma [26] => asf [27] => avi [28] => mkv [29] => mov [30] => mp4 [31] => mpe [32] => mpeg [33] => mpg [34] => ogv [35] => qt [36] => rm [37] => vob [38] => webm [39] => wm [40] => wmv [41] => json ) [scan-dev-folders] => [notify_type] => admin [notify_addresses] => Array ( ) [email-changes-limit] => 10 [send-email-upon-changes] => yes [empty-email-allowed] => no [allowed-in-core-dirs] => Array ( [0] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-security-audit-log-premium [1] => /home/bsbks/public_html/ [2] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo [3] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/plugins/stops-core-theme-and-plugin-updates [4] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/themes/twentytwentytwo [5] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/plugins/custom-facebook-feed [6] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall [7] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7 [8] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-crontrol [9] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/plugins/php-compatibility-checker ) [allowed-in-core-files] => Array ( [0] => wp-config.php [1] => .htaccess [2] => conexionlocal.php [3] => clear-default-text.js [4] => config.php [5] => search.htm [6] => syn_class.php [7] => util-functions.js [8] => Thumbs.db [9] => TISA.docx [10] => google649a09f5cc87ab76.html [11] => conexion.php [12] => style.css [13] => img_list.JPG [14] => list.htm [15] => lang.php [16] => index.php [17] => ja.moomenu.js [18] => caption.js [19] => menu_400.font.js [20] => AC_RunActiveContent.js [21] => leave_page.js [22] => ja.script.js [23] => jquery.slideviewer.1.1.js [24] => mootools.js [25] => cufon-yui.js [26] => jquery-1.3.2.min.js [27] => jquery.easing.1.3.js [28] => templateie.css [29] => template.css [30] => constant.css [31] => ja-sosdmenu.css [32] => test.html [33] => fcgi.py [34] => test.fcgi [35] => bsbks_com.sql [36] => jquery-1.6.1.min.js [37] => test.php [38] => test.asp [39] => test.cfm [40] => test.mvc [41] => temp.js [42] => Copy of default.css [43] => test.py [44] => test.pl [45] => test.shtml [46] => trust.php [47] => google9708c8bb799f1093.html [48] => deposit.php [49] => deposit_1.php [50] => contentslider.js [51] => content.css [52] => brochure.css [53] => stCdHmJx.html [54] => mm_css_menu.js [55] => contentslider.css [56] => usage_201903.html [57] => usage_201908.html [58] => usage_201909.html [59] => usage_202006.html [60] => usage_202003.html [61] => usage_201904.html [62] => footerlinks.html [63] => popup.js [64] => usage_201906.html [65] => usage_201905.html [66] => usage_201912.html [67] => usage_202001.html [68] => usage_202008.html [69] => webalizer.hist [70] => usage_201910.html [71] => webalizer.current [72] => .htaccess_old [73] => usage_202007.html [74] => 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page-about-links-dark.php [218] => page-sidebar-grid-posts.php [219] => header-text-only-green-background.php [220] => header-logo-navigation-offset-tagline.php [221] => general-video-trailer.php [222] => wsal_report_01242022143108_sH09Gw7BeZ75__ah4IK3LNQ_M.html [223] => wsal_report_01102022143108_8DTjR7ZNqdwI_39aL_7sc0e3E.html [224] => wsal_report_12272021143114_3ssh1Gum1DD6l_dM0_Qfqhj_T.html [225] => wsal_report_12202021143107_7AhQiDqrG8U9_W0wsYhgb5720.html [226] => 48cfa03ee4a9207edd83fd6f61b8bb93.min.css [227] => wsal_report_12062021143111_JfvdsCQ8_rw9D05bWI7S4p2_9.html [228] => ef90d703f73063ee84953f96e84b126a.min.css [229] => wsal_report_11082021143132__WPU5Lw3FAGJBbIat4jO9rmY0.html [230] => afd5d25f37d11a4b105849dbc955624a.min.css [231] => 6648925e7de48a4558d0f46f02944dd0.min.css [232] => 1e0c1adbba7105cc39f8a42ac876308a.min.css [233] => fc66a25c2bf39b015863928aa1624aec.min.css [234] => 9e3a3770c135458d1fde9f225197337b.min.css [235] => af02dad04c492c69283de82aa8dbfe2e.min.css [236] => 3b4ff07dd5858f65feddcd797a055091.min.css [237] => d4c4744ee45b842a53ca3d96c5ab7426.min.css [238] => b594c03e59c6a22f3e4a1eecf92e9740.min.css [239] => 96a4de2c90a1d30a96c1790b780b7713.min.css [240] => bf4479134def90a56fe462ba54fc94d3.min.css [241] => d07eee9339015b668f4767e6f13cef88.min.css [242] => 5ae29111acfa89cd3d2c42dd2ede04b2.min.css [243] => c1a7c929325cb97c159d0810b2e7f5b2.min.css [244] => wsal_report_10182021133113_LX0j53_sIwcn728d690bZ7k_T.html [245] => c61339b0b5378f6ef749c61f11e1c87b.min.css [246] => wsal_report_10112021133108_ZPw988HYhkWRDqh7y_Ei_0u0I.html [247] => wsal_report_09272021133110_09T_89MDCq1bQAOL085x_Wjly.html [248] => 6fd42de874aa1fee503ce49fb8be4389.min.css [249] => wsal_report_09202021133111_1r28pUgb_5uNyPhexH_C4_Ya8.html [250] => wsal_report_09132021133118_3_p7H8RceO4gU_Xuj5h_zI_QA.html [251] => wsal_report_08232021133115_9_zdM8gyri_874Nh33U_0_Q8D.html [252] => wsal_report_08162021132319_JtsOf_VnNWG993ge_iCw8mHy0.html [253] => wsal_report_08162021133118_w_I3775j7E_T8u0sSA5XQ1l18.html ) ) [scan_file_count:WFCM_Monitor:private] => 0 [scan_limit_file:WFCM_Monitor:private] => [files_to_exclude:WFCM_Monitor:private] => Array ( ) [uploads_dir:WFCM_Monitor:private] => Array ( ) [scan_changes_count:WFCM_Monitor:private] => Array ( ) [scan_start_time:WFCM_Monitor:private] => 0 [scan_max_execution_time:WFCM_Monitor:private] => 240 ) [1] => add_recurring_schedules ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000007bf6747600000000677e8907schedule_cron_healthcheck] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => WFCM_Background_Event_Deletion Object ( [action:protected] => wfcm_delete_events [start_time:protected] => 0 [cron_hook_identifier:protected] => wp_wfcm_delete_events_cron [cron_interval_identifier:protected] => wp_wfcm_delete_events_cron_interval [prefix:protected] => wp [identifier:protected] => wp_wfcm_delete_events [data:protected] => Array ( ) ) [1] => schedule_cron_healthcheck ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000007bf6747200000000677e8907schedule_cron_healthcheck] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => WFCM_Background_Scanner Object ( [action:protected] => wfcm_scanner_scan_paths [check_for_changes:protected] => [current_path:protected] => [start_time:protected] => 0 [cron_hook_identifier:protected] => wp_wfcm_scanner_scan_paths_cron [cron_interval_identifier:protected] => wp_wfcm_scanner_scan_paths_cron_interval [prefix:protected] => wp [identifier:protected] => wp_wfcm_scanner_scan_paths [data:protected] => Array ( ) ) [1] => schedule_cron_healthcheck ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000007bf6744e00000000677e8907schedule_cron_healthcheck] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => WFCM_Background_Check_For_Changes Object ( [action:protected] => wfcm_scanner_check_changes [directory:protected] => [start_time:protected] => 0 [cron_hook_identifier:protected] => wp_wfcm_scanner_check_changes_cron [cron_interval_identifier:protected] => wp_wfcm_scanner_check_changes_cron_interval [prefix:protected] => wp [identifier:protected] => wp_wfcm_scanner_check_changes [data:protected] => Array ( ) ) [1] => schedule_cron_healthcheck ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [Crontrol\filter_cron_schedules] => Array ( [function] => Crontrol\filter_cron_schedules [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000007bf677ee00000000677e8907add_weekly_schedule] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => Appsero\Insights Object ( [notice] => [show_notice:protected] => 1 [extra_data:protected] => Array ( ) [client:protected] => Appsero\Client Object ( [version] => 1.2.4 [hash] => a9151e1a-bc01-4c13-a117-d74263a219d7 [name] => WP Increase Upload Filesize | Increase Maximum Execution Time [file] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-maximum-upload-file-size/wp-maximum-upload-file-size.php [basename] => wp-maximum-upload-file-size/wp-maximum-upload-file-size.php [slug] => wp-maximum-upload-file-size [project_version] => 1.1.2 [type] => plugin [textdomain] => wp-maximum-upload-file-size [insights:Appsero\Client:private] => Appsero\Insights Object *RECURSION* [updater:Appsero\Client:private] => [license:Appsero\Client:private] => ) [plugin_data:Appsero\Insights:private] => ) [1] => add_weekly_schedule ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000007bf6761700000000677e8907recurring_schedules] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object ( [version] => [views] => [alerts] => WSAL_AlertManager Object ( [alerts:protected] => Array ( [1000] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 1000 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events [subcatg] => User Activity [desc] => User logged in [mesg] => User logged in. [object] => user [event_type] => login [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [1001] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 1001 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events [subcatg] => User Activity [desc] => User logged out [mesg] => User logged out. [object] => user [event_type] => logout [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [1002] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 1002 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events [subcatg] => User Activity [desc] => Login failed [mesg] => %Attempts% failed login(s). [object] => user [event_type] => failed-login [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [1003] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 1003 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events [subcatg] => User Activity [desc] => Login failed / non existing user [mesg] => %Attempts% failed login(s). [object] => system [event_type] => failed-login [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( [0] => %LogFileText% ) ) [1004] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 1004 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events [subcatg] => User Activity [desc] => Login blocked [mesg] => Login blocked because other session(s) already exist for this user. [object] => user [event_type] => blocked [metadata] => Array ( [IP address] => %ClientIP% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [1005] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 1005 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events [subcatg] => User Activity [desc] => User logged in with existing session(s) [mesg] => User logged in however there are other session(s) already for this user. [object] => user [event_type] => login [metadata] => Array ( [IP address(es)] => %IPAddress% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [1006] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 1006 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events [subcatg] => User Activity [desc] => User logged out all other sessions with the same username [mesg] => Logged out all other sessions with the same user. [object] => user [event_type] => logout [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [1007] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 1007 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events [subcatg] => User Activity [desc] => User session destroyed and logged out [mesg] => Terminated the session of the user %TargetUserName%. [object] => user [event_type] => logout [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %TargetUserRole% [Session ID] => %TargetSessionID% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [1008] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 1008 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events [subcatg] => User Activity [desc] => Switched to another user [mesg] => Switched the session to being logged in as %TargetUserName%. [object] => user [event_type] => login [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %TargetUserRole% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [1009] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 1009 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events [subcatg] => User Activity [desc] => The plugin terminated an idle session for a user [mesg] => The plugin terminated an idle session for the user %username%. [object] => user [event_type] => logout [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %TargetUserRole% [Session ID] => %SessionID% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2010] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2010 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events [subcatg] => User Activity [desc] => User uploaded file to the Uploads directory [mesg] => Uploaded a file called %FileName%. [object] => file [event_type] => uploaded [metadata] => Array ( [Directory] => %FilePath% ) [links] => Array ( [View attachment page] => %AttachmentUrl% ) ) [2011] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2011 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events [subcatg] => User Activity [desc] => User deleted file from Uploads directory [mesg] => Deleted the file %FileName%. [object] => file [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( [Directory] => %FilePath% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [1010] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 1010 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Users Logins & Sessions Events [subcatg] => User Activity [desc] => User requested a password reset [mesg] => User requested a password reset. This does not mean that the password was changed. [object] => user [event_type] => submitted [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2000] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2000 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User created a new post and saved it as draft [mesg] => Created the post %PostTitle%. [object] => post [event_type] => created [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2001] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2001 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User published a post [mesg] => Published the post %PostTitle%. [object] => post [event_type] => published [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2002] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2002 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User modified a post [mesg] => Modified the post %PostTitle%. [object] => post [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2008] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2008 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User permanently deleted a post from the trash [mesg] => Permanently deleted the post %PostTitle%. [object] => post [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2012] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2012 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User moved a post to the trash [mesg] => Moved the post %PostTitle% to trash. [object] => post [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2014] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2014 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User restored a post from trash [mesg] => Restored the post %PostTitle% from trash. [object] => post [event_type] => restored [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2017] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2017 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User changed post URL [mesg] => Changed the URL of the post %PostTitle%. [object] => post [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Previous URL] => %OldUrl% [New URL] => %NewUrl% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% ) ) [2019] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2019 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User changed post author [mesg] => Changed the author of the post %PostTitle% to %NewAuthor%. [object] => post [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Previous author] => %OldAuthor% ) [links] => Array ( [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2021] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2021 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User changed post status [mesg] => Changed the status of the post %PostTitle% to %NewStatus%. [object] => post [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Previous status] => %OldStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2025] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2025 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User changed the visibility of a post [mesg] => Changed the visibility of the post %PostTitle% to %NewVisibility%. [object] => post [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Previous visibility status] => %OldVisibility% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2027] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2027 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User changed the date of a post [mesg] => Changed the date of the post %PostTitle% to %NewDate%. [object] => post [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Previous date] => %OldDate% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2047] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2047 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User changed the parent of a page [mesg] => Changed the parent of the post %PostTitle% to %NewParentName%. [object] => post [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Previous parent] => %OldParentName% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2048] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2048 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User changed the template of a page [mesg] => Changed the template of the post %PostTitle% to %NewTemplate%. [object] => post [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Previous template] => %OldTemplate% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2049] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2049 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User set a post as sticky [mesg] => Set the post %PostTitle% as sticky. [object] => post [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2050] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2050 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User removed post from sticky [mesg] => Removed the post %PostTitle% from sticky. [object] => post [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2065] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2065 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User modified the content of a post [mesg] => Modified the content of the post %PostTitle%. [object] => post [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [View the content changes] => %RevisionLink% [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2073] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2073 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User submitted a post for review [mesg] => Submitted the post %PostTitle% for review. [object] => post [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2074] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2074 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User scheduled a post [mesg] => Scheduled the post %PostTitle% to be published on %PublishingDate%. [object] => post [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2086] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2086 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User changed title of a post [mesg] => Changed the title of the post %OldTitle% to %NewTitle%. [object] => post [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2100] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2100 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User opened a post in the editor [mesg] => Opened the post %PostTitle% in the editor. [object] => post [event_type] => opened [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2101] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2101 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User viewed a post [mesg] => Viewed the post %PostTitle%. [object] => post [event_type] => viewed [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [URL] => %PostUrl% [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% ) ) [2111] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2111 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User enabled/disabled comments in a post [mesg] => Comments in the post %PostTitle%. [object] => post [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2112] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2112 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User enabled/disabled trackbacks and pingbacks in a post [mesg] => Pingbacks and Trackbacks in the post %PostTitle%. [object] => post [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2129] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2129 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User updated the excerpt in a post [mesg] => The excerpt of the post %PostTitle%. [object] => post [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Previous excerpt entry] => %old_post_excerpt% [New excerpt entry] => %post_excerpt% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2130] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2130 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Content [desc] => User updated the featured image in a post [mesg] => The featured image of the post %PostTitle%. [object] => post [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Previous image] => %previous_image% [New image] => %new_image% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2119] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2119 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Tags [desc] => User added post tag [mesg] => Added tag(s) to the post %PostTitle%. [object] => post [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [ID] => %PostID% [Type] => %PostType% [Status] => %PostStatus% [Added tag(s)] => %tag% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% ) ) [2120] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2120 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Tags [desc] => User removed post tag [mesg] => Removed tag(s) from the post %PostTitle%. [object] => post [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [ID] => %PostID% [Type] => %PostType% [Status] => %PostStatus% [Removed tag(s)] => %tag% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2121] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2121 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Tags [desc] => User created new tag [mesg] => Created the tag %TagName%. [object] => tag [event_type] => created [metadata] => Array ( [Slug] => Slug ) [links] => Array ( [View tag] => %RevisionLink% ) ) [2122] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2122 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Tags [desc] => User deleted tag [mesg] => Deleted the tag %TagName%. [object] => tag [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( [Slug] => Slug ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2123] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2123 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Tags [desc] => Renamed the tag %old_name% to %new_name%. [mesg] => [object] => tag [event_type] => renamed [metadata] => Array ( [Slug] => %Slug% ) [links] => Array ( [View tag] => %RevisionLink% ) ) [2124] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2124 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Tags [desc] => User changed tag slug [mesg] => Changed the slug of the tag %tag% to %new_slug%. [object] => tag [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous slug] => %old_slug% ) [links] => Array ( [View tag] => %RevisionLink% ) ) [2125] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2125 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Tags [desc] => User changed tag description [mesg] => Changed the description of the tag %tag%. [object] => tag [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Slug] => %Slug% [Previous description] => %old_desc% [New description] => %new_desc% ) [links] => Array ( [View tag] => %RevisionLink% ) ) [2016] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2016 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Categories [desc] => User changed post category [mesg] => Changed the category(ies) of the post %PostTitle% to %NewCategories%. [object] => post [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Previous category(ies)] => %OldCategories% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2023] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2023 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Categories [desc] => User created new category [mesg] => Created the category %CategoryName%. [object] => category [event_type] => created [metadata] => Array ( [Slug] => Slug ) [links] => Array ( [View category] => %CategoryLink% ) ) [2024] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2024 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Categories [desc] => User deleted category [mesg] => Deleted the category %CategoryName%. [object] => category [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( [Slug] => Slug ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2052] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2052 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Categories [desc] => Changed the parent of a category [mesg] => Changed the parent of the category %CategoryName% to %NewParent%. [object] => category [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Slug] => %Slug% [Previous parent] => %OldParent% ) [links] => Array ( [View category] => %CategoryLink% ) ) [2127] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2127 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Categories [desc] => User changed category name [mesg] => Renamed the category %old_name% to %new_name%. [object] => category [event_type] => renamed [metadata] => Array ( [Slug] => %slug% ) [links] => Array ( [View category] => %cat_link% ) ) [2128] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2128 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Categories [desc] => User changed category slug [mesg] => Changed the slug of the category %CategoryName% to %new_slug%. [object] => category [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous slug] => %old_slug% ) [links] => Array ( [View category] => %cat_link% ) ) [2053] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2053 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Fields [desc] => User created a custom field for a post [mesg] => Created the new custom field %MetaKey% in the post %PostTitle%. [object] => post [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Custom field value] => %MetaValue% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [0] => %MetaLink% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2054] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2054 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Fields [desc] => User updated a custom field value for a post [mesg] => Modified the value of the custom field %MetaKey% in the post %PostTitle%. [object] => custom-field [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Previous custom field value] => %MetaValueOld% [New custom field value] => %MetaValueNew% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [0] => %MetaLink% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2055] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2055 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Fields [desc] => User deleted a custom field from a post [mesg] => Deleted the custom field %MetaKey% from the post %PostTitle%. [object] => custom-field [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2062] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2062 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Fields [desc] => User updated a custom field name for a post [mesg] => Renamed the custom field %MetaKeyOld% on post %PostTitle% to %MetaKeNew%. [object] => custom-field [event_type] => renamed [metadata] => Array ( [Post] => %PostTitle% [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2131] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2131 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Fields (ACF) [desc] => User added relationship to a custom field value for a post [mesg] => Added relationships to the custom field %MetaKey% in the post %PostTitle%. [object] => custom-field [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [New relationships] => %Relationships% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [0] => %MetaLink% ) ) [2132] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2132 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Fields (ACF) [desc] => User removed relationship from a custom field value for a post [mesg] => Removed relationships from the custom field %MetaKey% in the post %PostTitle%. [object] => custom-field [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Removed relationships] => %Relationships% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% [0] => %MetaLink% ) ) [2090] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2090 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Comments [desc] => User approved a comment [mesg] => Approved the comment posted by %Author% on the post %PostTitle%. [object] => comment [event_type] => approved [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Comment ID] => %CommentID% ) [links] => Array ( [Comment] => Array ( [url] => %CommentLink% [label] => %CommentDate% ) [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2091] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2091 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Comments [desc] => User unapproved a comment [mesg] => Unapproved the comment posted by %Author% on the post %PostTitle%. [object] => comment [event_type] => unapproved [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Comment ID] => %CommentID% ) [links] => Array ( [Comment] => Array ( [url] => %CommentLink% [label] => %CommentDate% ) [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2092] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2092 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Comments [desc] => User replied to a comment [mesg] => Replied to the comment posted by %Author% on the post %PostTitle%. [object] => comment [event_type] => created [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Comment ID] => %CommentID% ) [links] => Array ( [Comment] => Array ( [url] => %CommentLink% [label] => %CommentDate% ) [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2093] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2093 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Comments [desc] => User edited a comment [mesg] => Edited the comment posted by %Author% on the post %PostTitle%. [object] => comment [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Comment ID] => %CommentID% ) [links] => Array ( [Comment] => Array ( [url] => %CommentLink% [label] => %CommentDate% ) [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2094] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2094 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Comments [desc] => User marked a comment as Spam [mesg] => Marked the comment posted by %Author% on the post %PostTitle% as spam. [object] => comment [event_type] => unapproved [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Comment ID] => %CommentID% ) [links] => Array ( [Comment] => Array ( [url] => %CommentLink% [label] => %CommentDate% ) [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2095] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2095 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Comments [desc] => User marked a comment as Not Spam [mesg] => Marked the comment posted by %Author% on the post %PostTitle% as not spam. [object] => comment [event_type] => approved [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Comment ID] => %CommentID% ) [links] => Array ( [Comment] => Array ( [url] => %CommentLink% [label] => %CommentDate% ) [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2096] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2096 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Comments [desc] => User moved a comment to trash [mesg] => Moved the comment posted by %Author% on the post %PostTitle% to trash. [object] => comment [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Comment ID] => %CommentID% ) [links] => Array ( [Comment] => Array ( [url] => %CommentLink% [label] => %CommentDate% ) [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2097] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2097 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Comments [desc] => User restored a comment from the trash [mesg] => Restored the comment posted by %Author% on the post %PostTitle% from trash. [object] => comment [event_type] => restored [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Comment ID] => %CommentID% ) [links] => Array ( [Comment] => Array ( [url] => %CommentLink% [label] => %CommentDate% ) [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2098] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2098 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Comments [desc] => User permanently deleted a comment [mesg] => Permanently deleted the comment posted by %Author% on the post %PostTitle%. [object] => comment [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Comment ID] => %CommentID% ) [links] => Array ( [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2099] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2099 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Comments [desc] => User posted a comment [mesg] => Posted a comment on the post %PostTitle%. [object] => comment [event_type] => created [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Comment ID] => %CommentID% ) [links] => Array ( [Comment] => Array ( [url] => %CommentLink% [label] => %CommentDate% ) [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2126] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2126 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Comments [desc] => Visitor posted a comment [mesg] => Posted a comment on the post %PostTitle%. [object] => comment [event_type] => created [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Comment ID] => %CommentID% ) [links] => Array ( [Comment] => Array ( [url] => %CommentLink% [label] => %CommentDate% ) [URL] => %PostUrlIfPlublished% ) ) [2042] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2042 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Widgets [desc] => User added a new widget [mesg] => Added a new %WidgetName% widget in %Sidebar%. [object] => widget [event_type] => added [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2043] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2043 [severity] => 400 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Widgets [desc] => User modified a widget [mesg] => Modified the %WidgetName% widget in %Sidebar%. [object] => widget [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2044] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2044 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Widgets [desc] => User deleted widget [mesg] => Deleted the %WidgetName% widget from %Sidebar%. [object] => widget [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2045] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2045 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Widgets [desc] => User moved widget [mesg] => Moved the %WidgetName% widget. [object] => widget [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [From] => %OldSidebar% [To] => %NewSidebar% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2071] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2071 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Widgets [desc] => User changed widget position [mesg] => Changed the position of the %WidgetName% widget in %Sidebar%. [object] => widget [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2078] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2078 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Menus [desc] => User created new menu [mesg] => New menu called %MenuName%. [object] => menu [event_type] => created [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( [View menu] => %MenuUrl% ) ) [2079] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2079 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Menus [desc] => User added content to a menu [mesg] => Added the item %ContentName% to the menu %MenuName%. [object] => menu [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Item type] => %ContentType% ) [links] => Array ( [View menu] => %MenuUrl% ) ) [2080] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2080 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Menus [desc] => User removed content from a menu [mesg] => Removed the item %ContentName% from the menu %MenuName%. [object] => menu [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Item type] => %ContentType% ) [links] => Array ( [View menu] => %MenuUrl% ) ) [2081] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2081 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Menus [desc] => User deleted menu [mesg] => Deleted the menu %MenuName%. [object] => menu [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2082] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2082 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Menus [desc] => User changed menu setting [mesg] => The setting %MenuSetting% in the menu %MenuName%. [object] => menu [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( [View menu] => %MenuUrl% ) ) [2083] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2083 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Menus [desc] => User modified content in a menu [mesg] => Modified the item %ContentName% in the menu %MenuName%. [object] => menu [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Item type] => %ContentType% ) [links] => Array ( [View menu] => %MenuUrl% ) ) [2084] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2084 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Menus [desc] => User changed name of a menu [mesg] => Renamed the menu %OldMenuName% to %MenuName%. [object] => menu [event_type] => renamed [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( [View menu] => %MenuUrl% ) ) [2085] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2085 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Menus [desc] => User changed order of the objects in a menu [mesg] => Changed the order of the items in the menu %MenuName%. [object] => menu [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( [View menu] => %MenuUrl% ) ) [2089] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2089 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Menus [desc] => User moved objects as a sub-item [mesg] => Moved items as sub-items in the menu %MenuName%. [object] => menu [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Moved item] => %ItemName% [as a sub-item of] => %ParentName% ) [links] => Array ( [View menu] => %MenuUrl% ) ) [2003] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2003 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User modified a draft blog post [mesg] => Modified the draft post with the %PostTitle%. %EditorLinkPost%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2029] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2029 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User created a new post with custom post type and saved it as draft [mesg] => Created a new custom post called %PostTitle% of type %PostType%. %EditorLinkPost%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2030] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2030 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User published a post with custom post type [mesg] => Published a custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType%. Post URL is %PostUrl%. %EditorLinkPost%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2031] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2031 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User modified a post with custom post type [mesg] => Modified the custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType%. Post URL is %PostUrl%. %EditorLinkPost%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2032] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2032 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User modified a draft post with custom post type [mesg] => Modified the draft custom post %PostTitle% of type is %PostType%. %EditorLinkPost%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2033] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2033 [severity] => 2 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User permanently deleted post with custom post type [mesg] => Permanently Deleted the custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2034] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2034 [severity] => 2 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User moved post with custom post type to trash [mesg] => Moved the custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% to trash. Post URL was %PostUrl%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2035] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2035 [severity] => E_CRITICAL [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User restored post with custom post type from trash [mesg] => The custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% has been restored from trash. %EditorLinkPost%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2036] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2036 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User changed the category of a post with custom post type [mesg] => Changed the category(ies) of the custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% from %OldCategories% to %NewCategories%. %EditorLinkPost%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2037] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2037 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User changed the URL of a post with custom post type [mesg] => Changed the URL of the custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% from %OldUrl% to %NewUrl%. %EditorLinkPost%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2038] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2038 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User changed the author or post with custom post type [mesg] => Changed the author of custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% from %OldAuthor% to %NewAuthor%. %EditorLinkPost%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2039] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2039 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User changed the status of post with custom post type [mesg] => Changed the status of custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% from %OldStatus% to %NewStatus%. %EditorLinkPost%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2040] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2040 [severity] => 2 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User changed the visibility of a post with custom post type [mesg] => Changed the visibility of the custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% from %OldVisibility% to %NewVisibility%. %EditorLinkPost%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2041] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2041 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User changed the date of post with custom post type [mesg] => Changed the date of the custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% from %OldDate% to %NewDate%. %EditorLinkPost%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2056] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2056 [severity] => E_CRITICAL [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User created a custom field for a custom post type [mesg] => Created a new custom field %MetaKey% with value %MetaValue% in custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType%. %EditorLinkPost%.<br>%MetaLink%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2057] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2057 [severity] => E_CRITICAL [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User updated a custom field for a custom post type [mesg] => Modified the value of the custom field %MetaKey% from %MetaValueOld% to %MetaValueNew% in custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% %EditorLinkPost%.<br>%MetaLink%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2058] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2058 [severity] => E_CRITICAL [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User deleted a custom field from a custom post type [mesg] => Deleted the custom field %MetaKey% with id %MetaID% from custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% %EditorLinkPost%.<br>%MetaLink%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2063] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2063 [severity] => E_CRITICAL [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User updated a custom field name for a custom post type [mesg] => Changed the custom field name from %MetaKeyOld% to %MetaKeyNew% in custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% %EditorLinkPost%.<br>%MetaLink%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2067] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2067 [severity] => 2 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User modified content for a published custom post type [mesg] => Modified the content of the published custom post type %PostTitle%. Post URL is %PostUrl%. %EditorLinkPost%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2068] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2068 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User modified content for a draft post [mesg] => Modified the content of the draft post %PostTitle%.%RevisionLink% %EditorLinkPost%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2070] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2070 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User modified content for a draft custom post type [mesg] => Modified the content of the draft custom post type %PostTitle%.%EditorLinkPost%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2072] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2072 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User modified content of a post [mesg] => Modified the content of post %PostTitle% which is submitted for review.%RevisionLink% %EditorLinkPost%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2076] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2076 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User scheduled a custom post type [mesg] => Scheduled the custom post type %PostTitle% to be published %PublishingDate%. %EditorLinkPost%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2088] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2088 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User changed title of a custom post type [mesg] => Changed the title of the custom post %OldTitle% to %NewTitle%. %EditorLinkPost%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2104] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2104 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User opened a custom post type in the editor [mesg] => Opened the custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType% in the editor. View the post: %EditorLinkPost%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2105] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2105 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => User viewed a custom post type [mesg] => Viewed the custom post %PostTitle% of type %PostType%. View the post: %PostUrl%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5021] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5021 [severity] => E_CRITICAL [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => A plugin created a custom post [mesg] => A plugin automatically created the following custom post: %PostTitle%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5027] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5027 [severity] => E_CRITICAL [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => A plugin deleted a custom post [mesg] => A plugin automatically deleted the following custom post: %PostTitle%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2108] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2108 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Custom Post Types [desc] => A plugin modified a custom post [mesg] => Plugin modified the custom post %PostTitle%. View the post: %EditorLinkPost%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2004] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2004 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User created a new WordPress page and saved it as draft [mesg] => Created a new page called %PostTitle% and saved it as draft. %EditorLinkPage%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2005] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2005 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User published a WordPress page [mesg] => Published a page called %PostTitle%. Page URL is %PostUrl%. %EditorLinkPage%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2006] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2006 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User modified a published WordPress page [mesg] => Modified the published page %PostTitle%. Page URL is %PostUrl%. %EditorLinkPage%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2007] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2007 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User modified a draft WordPress page [mesg] => Modified the draft page %PostTitle%. Page ID is %PostID%. %EditorLinkPage%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2009] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2009 [severity] => 2 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User permanently deleted a page from the trash [mesg] => Permanently deleted the page %PostTitle%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2013] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2013 [severity] => 2 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User moved WordPress page to the trash [mesg] => Moved the page %PostTitle% to trash. Page URL was %PostUrl%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2015] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2015 [severity] => E_CRITICAL [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User restored a WordPress page from trash [mesg] => Page %PostTitle% has been restored from trash. %EditorLinkPage%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2018] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2018 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User changed page URL [mesg] => Changed the URL of the page %PostTitle% from %OldUrl% to %NewUrl%. %EditorLinkPage%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2020] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2020 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User changed page author [mesg] => Changed the author of the page %PostTitle% from %OldAuthor% to %NewAuthor%. %EditorLinkPage%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2022] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2022 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User changed page status [mesg] => Changed the status of the page %PostTitle% from %OldStatus% to %NewStatus%. %EditorLinkPage%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2026] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2026 [severity] => 2 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User changed the visibility of a page post [mesg] => Changed the visibility of the page %PostTitle% from %OldVisibility% to %NewVisibility%. %EditorLinkPage%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2028] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2028 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User changed the date of a page post [mesg] => Changed the date of the page %PostTitle% from %OldDate% to %NewDate%. %EditorLinkPage%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2059] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2059 [severity] => E_CRITICAL [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User created a custom field for a page [mesg] => Created a new custom field called %MetaKey% with value %MetaValue% in the page %PostTitle% %EditorLinkPage%.<br>%MetaLink%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2060] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2060 [severity] => E_CRITICAL [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User updated a custom field value for a page [mesg] => Modified the value of the custom field %MetaKey% from %MetaValueOld% to %MetaValueNew% in the page %PostTitle% %EditorLinkPage%.<br>%MetaLink%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2061] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2061 [severity] => E_CRITICAL [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User deleted a custom field from a page [mesg] => Deleted the custom field %MetaKey% with id %MetaID% from page %PostTitle% %EditorLinkPage%<br>%MetaLink%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2064] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2064 [severity] => E_CRITICAL [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User updated a custom field name for a page [mesg] => Changed the custom field name from %MetaKeyOld% to %MetaKeyNew% in the page %PostTitle% %EditorLinkPage%.<br>%MetaLink%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2066] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2066 [severity] => 2 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User modified content for a published page [mesg] => Modified the content of the published page %PostTitle%. Page URL is %PostUrl%. %RevisionLink% %EditorLinkPage%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2069] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2069 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User modified content for a draft page [mesg] => Modified the content of draft page %PostTitle%.%RevisionLink% %EditorLinkPage%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2075] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2075 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User scheduled a page [mesg] => Scheduled the page %PostTitle% to be published %PublishingDate%. %EditorLinkPage%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2087] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2087 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User changed title of a page [mesg] => Changed the title of the page %OldTitle% to %NewTitle%. %EditorLinkPage%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2102] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2102 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User opened a page in the editor [mesg] => Opened the page %PostTitle% in the editor. View the page: %EditorLinkPage%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2103] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2103 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User viewed a page [mesg] => Viewed the page %PostTitle%. View the page: %PostUrl%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2113] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2113 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User disabled Comments/Trackbacks and Pingbacks on a draft post [mesg] => Disabled %Type% on the draft post %PostTitle%. View the post: %PostUrl%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2114] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2114 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User enabled Comments/Trackbacks and Pingbacks on a draft post [mesg] => Enabled %Type% on the draft post %PostTitle%. View the post: %PostUrl%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2115] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2115 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User disabled Comments/Trackbacks and Pingbacks on a published page [mesg] => Disabled %Type% on the published page %PostTitle%. View the page: %PostUrl%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2116] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2116 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User enabled Comments/Trackbacks and Pingbacks on a published page [mesg] => Enabled %Type% on the published page %PostTitle%. View the page: %PostUrl%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2117] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2117 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User disabled Comments/Trackbacks and Pingbacks on a draft page [mesg] => Disabled %Type% on the draft page %PostTitle%. View the page: %PostUrl%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2118] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2118 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => User enabled Comments/Trackbacks and Pingbacks on a draft page [mesg] => Enabled %Type% on the draft page %PostTitle%. View the page: %PostUrl%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5020] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5020 [severity] => E_CRITICAL [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => A plugin created a page [mesg] => A plugin automatically created the following page: %PostTitle%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5026] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5026 [severity] => E_CRITICAL [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => A plugin deleted a page [mesg] => A plugin automatically deleted the following page: %PostTitle%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2107] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2107 [severity] => 8 [catg] => Content & Comments [subcatg] => Pages [desc] => A plugin modified a page [mesg] => Plugin modified the page %PostTitle%. View the page: %EditorLinkPage%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [4000] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4000 [severity] => 500 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => User Profiles [desc] => New user was created on WordPress [mesg] => A new user %NewUserData->Username% is created via registration. [object] => user [event_type] => created [metadata] => Array ( [User] => %NewUserData->Username% ) [links] => Array ( [User profile page] => %EditUserLink% ) ) [4001] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4001 [severity] => 500 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => User Profiles [desc] => User created another WordPress user [mesg] => Created the new user: %NewUserData->Username%. [object] => user [event_type] => created [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %NewUserData->Roles% [First name] => %NewUserData->FirstName% [Last name] => %NewUserData->LastName% ) [links] => Array ( [User profile page] => %EditUserLink% ) ) [4002] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4002 [severity] => 500 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => User Profiles [desc] => The role of a user was changed by another WordPress user [mesg] => Changed the role of user %TargetUsername% to %NewRole%. [object] => user [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous role] => %OldRole% [First name] => %FirstName% [Last name] => %LastName% ) [links] => Array ( [User profile page] => %EditUserLink% ) ) [4003] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4003 [severity] => 400 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => User Profiles [desc] => User has changed his or her password [mesg] => Changed the password. [object] => user [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %TargetUserData->Roles% [First name] => %TargetUserData->FirstName% [Last name] => %TargetUserData->LastName% ) [links] => Array ( [User profile page] => %EditUserLink% ) ) [4004] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4004 [severity] => 400 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => User Profiles [desc] => User changed another user's password [mesg] => Changed the password of the user %TargetUserData->Username%. [object] => user [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %TargetUserData->Roles% [First name] => %TargetUserData->FirstName% [Last name] => %TargetUserData->LastName% ) [links] => Array ( [User profile page] => %EditUserLink% ) ) [4005] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4005 [severity] => 300 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => User Profiles [desc] => User changed his or her email address [mesg] => Changed the email address to %NewEmail%. [object] => user [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %Roles% [First name] => %FirstName% [Last name] => %LastName% [Previous email address] => %OldEmail% ) [links] => Array ( [User profile page] => %EditUserLink% ) ) [4006] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4006 [severity] => 300 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => User Profiles [desc] => User changed another user's email address [mesg] => Changed the email address of the user %TargetUsername% to %NewEmail%. [object] => user [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %Roles% [First name] => %FirstName% [Last name] => %LastName% [Previous email address] => %OldEmail% ) [links] => Array ( [User profile page] => %EditUserLink% ) ) [4007] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4007 [severity] => 400 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => User Profiles [desc] => User was deleted by another user [mesg] => Deleted the user %TargetUserData->Username%. [object] => user [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %TargetUserData->Roles% [First name] => %NewUserData->FirstName% [Last name] => %NewUserData->LastName% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [4014] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4014 [severity] => 200 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => User Profiles [desc] => User opened the profile page of another user [mesg] => Opened the profile page of user %TargetUsername%. [object] => user [event_type] => opened [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %Roles% [First name] => %FirstName% [Last name] => %LastName% ) [links] => Array ( [User profile page] => %EditUserLink% ) ) [4015] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4015 [severity] => 250 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => User Profiles [desc] => User updated a custom field value for a user [mesg] => Changed the value of the custom field %custom_field_name% in the user profile %TargetUsername%. [object] => user [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %Roles% [First name] => %FirstName% [Last name] => %LastName% [Previous value] => %old_value% [New value] => %new_value% ) [links] => Array ( [User profile page] => %EditUserLink% [0] => %MetaLink% ) ) [4016] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4016 [severity] => 250 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => User Profiles [desc] => User created a custom field value for a user [mesg] => Created the custom field %custom_field_name% in the user profile %TargetUsername%. [object] => user [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %Roles% [First name] => %FirstName% [Last name] => %LastName% [Custom field value] => %new_value% ) [links] => Array ( [User profile page] => %EditUserLink% [0] => %MetaLink% ) ) [4017] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4017 [severity] => 200 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => User Profiles [desc] => User changed first name for a user [mesg] => Changed the first name of the user %TargetUsername% to %new_firstname%. [object] => user [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %Roles% [Previous name] => %old_firstname% [Last name] => %LastName% ) [links] => Array ( [User profile page] => %EditUserLink% ) ) [4018] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4018 [severity] => 200 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => User Profiles [desc] => User changed last name for a user [mesg] => Changed the last name of the user %TargetUsername% to %new_lastname%. [object] => user [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %Roles% [First name] => %FirstName% [Previous last name] => %old_lastname% ) [links] => Array ( [User profile page] => %EditUserLink% ) ) [4019] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4019 [severity] => 200 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => User Profiles [desc] => User changed nickname for a user [mesg] => Changed the nickname of the user %TargetUsername% to %new_nickname%. [object] => user [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %Roles% [First name] => %FirstName% [Last name] => %LastName% [Previous nickname] => %old_nickname% ) [links] => Array ( [User profile page] => %EditUserLink% ) ) [4020] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4020 [severity] => 250 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => User Profiles [desc] => User changed the display name for a user [mesg] => Changed the display name of the user %TargetUsername% to %new_displayname%. [object] => user [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %Roles% [First name] => %FirstName% [Last name] => %LastName% [Previous display name] => %old_displayname% ) [links] => Array ( [User profile page] => %EditUserLink% ) ) [4021] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4021 [severity] => 300 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => User Profiles [desc] => User's website URL was modified [mesg] => Changed the website URL of the user %TargetUsername% to %new_url%. [object] => user [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %Roles% [First name] => %FirstName% [Last name] => %LastName% [Previous website URL] => %old_url% ) [links] => Array ( [User profile page] => %EditUserLink% ) ) [4025] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4025 [severity] => 500 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => User Profiles [desc] => User created an application password [mesg] => The application password %friendly_name%. [object] => user [event_type] => added [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %roles% [First name] => %firstname% [Last name] => %lastname% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [4026] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4026 [severity] => 500 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => User Profiles [desc] => User created an application password [mesg] => The application password %friendly_name% for the user %login%. [object] => user [event_type] => added [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %roles% [First name] => %firstname% [Last name] => %lastname% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [4027] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4027 [severity] => 400 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => User Profiles [desc] => User revoked all application passwords [mesg] => All application passwords. [object] => user [event_type] => revoked [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %roles% [First name] => %firstname% [Last name] => %lastname% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [4028] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4028 [severity] => 400 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => User Profiles [desc] => User revoked all application passwords for a user [mesg] => All application passwords from the user %login%. [object] => user [event_type] => revoked [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %roles% [First name] => %firstname% [Last name] => %lastname% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [4029] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4029 [severity] => 400 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => User Profiles [desc] => Admin sent a password reset request to a user [mesg] => Sent a password reset request to the user %login%. [object] => user [event_type] => submitted [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %roles% [First name] => %firstname% [Last name] => %lastname% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [4008] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4008 [severity] => 500 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => Multisite User Profiles [desc] => User granted Super Admin privileges [mesg] => Granted Super Admin privileges to the user %TargetUsername%. [object] => user [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %Roles% [First name] => %FirstName% [Last name] => %LastName% ) [links] => Array ( [User profile page] => %EditUserLink% ) ) [4009] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4009 [severity] => 500 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => Multisite User Profiles [desc] => User revoked from Super Admin privileges [mesg] => Revoked Super Admin privileges from %TargetUsername%. [object] => user [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %Roles% [First name] => %FirstName% [Last name] => %LastName% ) [links] => Array ( [User profile page] => %EditUserLink% ) ) [4010] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4010 [severity] => 300 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => Multisite User Profiles [desc] => Existing user added to a site [mesg] => Added user %TargetUsername% to the site %SiteName%. [object] => user [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %TargetUserRole% [First name] => %FirstName% [Last name] => %LastName% ) [links] => Array ( [User profile page] => %EditUserLink% ) ) [4011] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4011 [severity] => 300 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => Multisite User Profiles [desc] => User removed from site [mesg] => Removed user %TargetUsername% from the site %SiteName% [object] => user [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Site role] => %TargetUserRole% [First name] => %FirstName% [Last name] => %LastName% ) [links] => Array ( [User profile page] => %EditUserLink% ) ) [4012] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4012 [severity] => 500 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => Multisite User Profiles [desc] => New network user created [mesg] => Created the new network user %NewUserData->Username%. [object] => user [event_type] => created [metadata] => Array ( [First name] => %NewUserData->FirstName% [Last name] => %NewUserData->LastName% ) [links] => Array ( [User profile page] => %EditUserLink% ) ) [4013] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4013 [severity] => 400 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => Multisite User Profiles [desc] => Network user has been activated [mesg] => User %NewUserData->Username% has been activated. [object] => user [event_type] => activated [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %NewUserData->Roles% [First name] => %NewUserData->FirstName% [Last name] => %NewUserData->LastName% ) [links] => Array ( [User profile page] => %EditUserLink% ) ) [4024] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4024 [severity] => 250 [catg] => User Accounts [subcatg] => Multisite User Profiles [desc] => Network user has signed-up [mesg] => User with the email address %email_address% has signed up to the network. [object] => user [event_type] => created [metadata] => Array ( [Username] => %username% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5000] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5000 [severity] => 500 [catg] => Plugins & Themes [subcatg] => Plugins [desc] => User installed a plugin [mesg] => Installed the plugin %Plugin->Name%. [object] => plugin [event_type] => installed [metadata] => Array ( [Version] => %Plugin->Version% [Install location] => %Plugin->plugin_dir_path% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5001] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5001 [severity] => 400 [catg] => Plugins & Themes [subcatg] => Plugins [desc] => User activated a WordPress plugin [mesg] => Activated the plugin %PluginData->Name%. [object] => plugin [event_type] => activated [metadata] => Array ( [Version] => %PluginData->Version% [Install location] => %PluginFile% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5002] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5002 [severity] => 400 [catg] => Plugins & Themes [subcatg] => Plugins [desc] => User deactivated a WordPress plugin [mesg] => Deactivated the plugin %PluginData->Name%. [object] => plugin [event_type] => deactivated [metadata] => Array ( [Version] => %PluginData->Version% [Install location] => %PluginFile% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5003] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5003 [severity] => 400 [catg] => Plugins & Themes [subcatg] => Plugins [desc] => User uninstalled a plugin [mesg] => Uninstalled the plugin %PluginData->Name%. [object] => plugin [event_type] => uninstalled [metadata] => Array ( [Version] => %PluginData->Version% [Install location] => %PluginFile% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5004] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5004 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Plugins & Themes [subcatg] => Plugins [desc] => User upgraded a plugin [mesg] => Updated the plugin %PluginData->Name%. [object] => plugin [event_type] => updated [metadata] => Array ( [Updated version] => %PluginData->Version% [Install location] => %PluginFile% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5019] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5019 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Plugins & Themes [subcatg] => Plugins [desc] => A plugin created a post [mesg] => The plugin created the post %PostTitle%. [object] => post [event_type] => created [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Plugin] => %PluginName% ) [links] => Array ( [View page in the editor] => %EditorLinkPage% ) ) [5025] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5025 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Plugins & Themes [subcatg] => Plugins [desc] => A plugin deleted a post [mesg] => A plugin deleted the post %PostTitle%. [object] => post [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Plugin] => %PluginName% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5028] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5028 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Plugins & Themes [subcatg] => Plugins [desc] => Changed the Automatic updates setting for a plugin. [mesg] => Changed the Automatic updates setting for the plugin %name%. [object] => plugin [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( [Install location] => %install_directory% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5029] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5029 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Plugins & Themes [subcatg] => Plugins [desc] => Changed the Automatic updates setting for a theme. [mesg] => Changed the Automatic updates setting for the theme %name%. [object] => theme [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( [Install location] => %install_directory% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2051] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2051 [severity] => 400 [catg] => Plugins & Themes [subcatg] => Plugins [desc] => User changed a file using the plugin editor [mesg] => Modified the file %File% with the plugin editor. [object] => file [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5005] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5005 [severity] => 500 [catg] => Plugins & Themes [subcatg] => Themes [desc] => User installed a theme [mesg] => Installed the theme %Theme->Name%. [object] => theme [event_type] => installed [metadata] => Array ( [Version] => %Theme->Version% [Install location] => %Theme->get_template_directory% ) [links] => Array ( [0] => ) ) [5006] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5006 [severity] => 400 [catg] => Plugins & Themes [subcatg] => Themes [desc] => User activated a theme [mesg] => Activated the theme %Theme->Name%. [object] => theme [event_type] => activated [metadata] => Array ( [Version] => %Theme->Version% [Install location] => %Theme->get_template_directory% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5007] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5007 [severity] => 400 [catg] => Plugins & Themes [subcatg] => Themes [desc] => User uninstalled a theme [mesg] => Deleted the theme %Theme->Name%. [object] => theme [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( [Version] => %Theme->Version% [Install location] => %Theme->get_template_directory% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5031] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5031 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Plugins & Themes [subcatg] => Themes [desc] => User updated a theme [mesg] => Updated the theme %Theme->Name%. [object] => theme [event_type] => updated [metadata] => Array ( [New version] => %Theme->Version% [Install location] => %Theme->get_template_directory% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2046] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2046 [severity] => 400 [catg] => Plugins & Themes [subcatg] => Themes [desc] => User changed a file using the theme editor [mesg] => Modified the file %Theme%/%File% with the theme editor. [object] => file [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5008] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5008 [severity] => 400 [catg] => Plugins & Themes [subcatg] => Themes on Multisite [desc] => Activated theme on network [mesg] => Network activated the theme %Theme->Name%. [object] => theme [event_type] => activated [metadata] => Array ( [Version] => %Theme->Version% [Install location] => %Theme->get_template_directory% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5009] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5009 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Plugins & Themes [subcatg] => Themes on Multisite [desc] => Deactivated theme from network [mesg] => Network deactivated the theme %Theme->Name%. [object] => theme [event_type] => deactivated [metadata] => Array ( [Version] => %Theme->Version% [Install location] => %Theme->get_template_directory% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [0] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 0 [severity] => E_CRITICAL [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => System [desc] => Unknown Error [mesg] => An unexpected error has occurred. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [1] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 1 [severity] => E_CRITICAL [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => System [desc] => PHP error [mesg] => %Message%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [2] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 2 [severity] => 2 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => System [desc] => PHP warning [mesg] => %Message%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [3] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 3 [severity] => 8 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => System [desc] => PHP notice [mesg] => %Message%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [4] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 4 [severity] => E_CRITICAL [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => System [desc] => PHP exception [mesg] => %Message%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5 [severity] => E_CRITICAL [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => System [desc] => PHP shutdown error [mesg] => %Message%. [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6004] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6004 [severity] => 300 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => System [desc] => WordPress was updated [mesg] => Updated WordPress. [object] => system [event_type] => updated [metadata] => Array ( [Previous version] => %OldVersion% [New version] => %NewVersion% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [9999] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 9999 [severity] => E_CRITICAL [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => System [desc] => Advertising Extensions [mesg] => %PromoName% %PromoMessage% [object] => [event_type] => [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6000] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6000 [severity] => 200 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Activity log plugin [desc] => Events automatically pruned by system [mesg] => System automatically deleted %EventCount% events from the activity log. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6006] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6006 [severity] => 300 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Activity log plugin [desc] => Reset the plugin's settings to default [mesg] => Reset the activity log plugin's settings to default. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6034] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6034 [severity] => 500 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Activity log plugin [desc] => Purged the activity log [mesg] => Purged the activity log. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6038] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6038 [severity] => 500 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Activity log plugin [desc] => Deleted all the data about a user from the activity log. [mesg] => Deleted all the data about the user %user% from the activity log. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( [Role] => %Role% [First name] => %FirstName% [Last name] => %LastName% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6039] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6039 [severity] => 500 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Activity log plugin [desc] => Deleted all the data of a specific type from the activity log. [mesg] => Deleted all the data about the %1$deleted_data_type% %2$deleted_data% from the activity log. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6043] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6043 [severity] => 400 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Activity log plugin [desc] => Some WP Activity Log plugin settings on this site were propagated and overridden from the MainWP dashboard [mesg] => Some WP Activity Log plugin settings on this site were propagated and overridden from the MainWP dashboard. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6046] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6046 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Activity log plugin [desc] => Changed the status of the Login Page Notification [mesg] => Changed the status of the Login Page Notification. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6047] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6047 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Activity log plugin [desc] => Changed the text of the Login Page Notification [mesg] => Changed the text of the Login Page Notification. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6048] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6048 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Activity log plugin [desc] => Changed the status of the Reverse proxy / firewall option [mesg] => Changed the status of the Reverse proxy / firewall option. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6049] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6049 [severity] => 400 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Activity log plugin [desc] => Changed the Restrict plugin access setting [mesg] => Changed the Restrict plugin access setting to %new_setting%. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous setting] => %previous_setting% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6050] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6050 [severity] => 400 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Activity log plugin [desc] => The user %user% to / from the list of users who can view the activity log [mesg] => The user %user% to / from the list of users who can view the activity log. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => added [metadata] => Array ( [Previous list of users who had access to view the activity log] => %previous_users% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6051] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6051 [severity] => 300 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Activity log plugin [desc] => Changed the status of the Hide plugin in plugins page setting [mesg] => Changed the status of the Hide plugin in plugins page setting. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6052] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6052 [severity] => 400 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Activity log plugin [desc] => Changed the Activity log retention setting [mesg] => Changed the Activity log retention to %new_setting%. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous setting] => %previous_setting% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6053] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6053 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Activity log plugin [desc] => A user was added to / from the list of excluded users from the activity log [mesg] => The user %user% to / from the list of excluded users from the activity log. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => added [metadata] => Array ( [Previous list of users] => %previous_users% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6054] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6054 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Activity log plugin [desc] => A user role was added to / from the list of excluded roles from the activity log [mesg] => The user role %role% to / from the list of excluded roles from the activity log. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => added [metadata] => Array ( [Previous list of users] => %previous_users% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6055] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6055 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Activity log plugin [desc] => An IP address was added to / from the list of excluded IP addresses from the activity log [mesg] => The IP address %ip% to / from the list of excluded IP addresses from the activity log. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => added [metadata] => Array ( [Previous list of IPs] => %previous_ips% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6056] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6056 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Activity log plugin [desc] => A post type was added to / from the list of excluded post types from the activity log [mesg] => The post type %post_type% to / from the list of excluded post types from the activity log. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => added [metadata] => Array ( [Previous list of Post types] => %previous_types% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6057] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6057 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Activity log plugin [desc] => A custom field was added to / from the list of excluded custom fields from the activity log [mesg] => The custom field %custom_field% to / from the list of excluded custom fields from the activity log. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => added [metadata] => Array ( [Previous list of Custom fields] => %previous_fields% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6058] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6058 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Activity log plugin [desc] => A custom field was added to / from the list of excluded user profile custom fields from the activity log [mesg] => The custom field %custom_field% to / from the list of excluded user profile custom fields from the activity log. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => added [metadata] => Array ( [Previous list of user profile Custom fields] => %previous_fields% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6310] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6310 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations [desc] => Changed the status of the Daily Summary of Activity Log [mesg] => Changed the status of the Daily Summary of Activity Log.. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6311] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6311 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations [desc] => Modified the recipients of the Daily Summary of Activity Log. [mesg] => Modified the recipients of the Daily Summary of Activity Log. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [New recipient] => %recipient% [Previous recipient] => %previous_recipient% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6312] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6312 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations [desc] => Changed the status of a built in notification [mesg] => Changed the status of the built in notification %notification_name%. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6313] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6313 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations [desc] => Modified the recipient(s) of the built a notification [mesg] => Modified the recipient(s) of the built in notification %notification_name%. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => added [metadata] => Array ( [New recipient(s)] => %recipient% [Previous recipient(s)] => %previous_recipient% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6314] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6314 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations [desc] => Added a new custom notification [mesg] => Added a new custom notification %notification_name%. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => added [metadata] => Array ( [Recipient(s)] => %recipient% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6315] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6315 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations [desc] => Modified a custom notification [mesg] => Modified the custom notification %notification_name%. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Recipient(s)] => %recipient% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6316] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6316 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations [desc] => Changed the status of a custom notification [mesg] => Changed the status of the custom notification %notification_name%. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6317] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6317 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations [desc] => Deleted a custom notification [mesg] => Deleted the custom notification %notification_name%. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6318] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6318 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations [desc] => Modified a default notification template [mesg] => Modified the default %template_name% notification template. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6320] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6320 [severity] => 400 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations [desc] => Added a new integrations connection [mesg] => Added / removed the integrations connection %name% [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => added [metadata] => Array ( [Connection type] => %type% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6321] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6321 [severity] => 400 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations [desc] => Modified an integrations connection [mesg] => Modified the integrations connection %name%. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Connection type] => %type% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6322] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6322 [severity] => 400 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations [desc] => Deleted a integrations connection [mesg] => Deleted the integrations connection %name%. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6323] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6323 [severity] => 400 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations [desc] => Added a new activity log mirror [mesg] => Added a new activity log mirror %name%. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => added [metadata] => Array ( [Connection used by this mirror] => %connection% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6324] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6324 [severity] => 400 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations [desc] => Modified an activity log mirror [mesg] => Modified the activity log mirror %name%. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Connection used by this mirror] => %connection% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6325] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6325 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations [desc] => Changed the status of an activity log mirror [mesg] => Changed the status of the activity log mirror %name%. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( [Connection used by this mirror] => %connection% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6326] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6326 [severity] => 400 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations [desc] => Deleted an activity log mirror [mesg] => Deleted the activity log mirror %name%. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6327] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6327 [severity] => 400 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Notifications & Integrations [desc] => Changed the status of Logging of events to the database [mesg] => Changed the status of Logging of events to the database. [object] => wp-activity-log [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6001] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6001 [severity] => 500 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Option Anyone Can Register in WordPress settings changed [mesg] => The Membership setting Anyone can register. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6002] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6002 [severity] => 500 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => New User Default Role changed [mesg] => Changed the New user default role WordPress setting. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous role] => %OldRole% [New role] => %NewRole% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6003] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6003 [severity] => 500 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => WordPress Administrator Notification email changed [mesg] => Change the Administrator email address in the WordPress settings. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous address] => %OldEmail% [New address] => %NewEmail% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6005] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6005 [severity] => 400 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => User changes the WordPress Permalinks [mesg] => Changed the WordPress permalinks. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous permalinks] => %OldPattern% [New permalinks] => %NewPattern% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6008] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6008 [severity] => 200 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Enabled/Disabled the option Discourage search engines from indexing this site [mesg] => Changed the status of the WordPress setting Search engine visibility (Discourage search engines from indexing this site) [object] => system-setting [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6009] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6009 [severity] => 300 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Enabled/Disabled comments on all the website [mesg] => Changed the status of the WordPress setting Allow people to submit comments on new posts. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6010] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6010 [severity] => 300 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Enabled/Disabled the option Comment author must fill out name and email [mesg] => Changed the status of the WordPress setting .Comment author must fill out name and email. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6011] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6011 [severity] => 300 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Enabled/Disabled the option Users must be logged in and registered to comment [mesg] => Changed the status of the WordPress setting Users must be registered and logged in to comment. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6012] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6012 [severity] => 200 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Enabled/Disabled the option to automatically close comments [mesg] => Changed the status of the WordPress setting Automatically close comments after %Value% days. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6013] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6013 [severity] => 200 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Changed the value of the option Automatically close comments [mesg] => Changed the value of the WordPress setting Automatically close comments after a number of days to %NewValue%. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous value] => %OldValue% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6014] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6014 [severity] => 300 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Enabled/Disabled the option for comments to be manually approved [mesg] => Changed the value of the WordPress setting Comments must be manualy approved. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6015] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6015 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Enabled/Disabled the option for an author to have previously approved comments for the comments to appear [mesg] => Changed the value of the WordPress setting Comment author must have a previously approved comment. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6016] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6016 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Changed the number of links that a comment must have to be held in the queue [mesg] => Changed the value of the WordPress setting Hold a comment in the queue if it contains links to %NewValue% links. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous value] => %OldValue% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6017] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6017 [severity] => 200 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Modified the list of keywords for comments moderation [mesg] => Modified the list of keywords for comments moderation in WordPress. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6018] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6018 [severity] => 200 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Modified the list of keywords for comments blacklisting [mesg] => Modified the list of Disallowed comment keys (keywords) for comments blacklisting in WordPress. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6024] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6024 [severity] => 500 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Option WordPress Address (URL) in WordPress settings changed [mesg] => Changed the WordPress address (URL) tp %new_url%. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous URL] => %old_url% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6025] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6025 [severity] => 500 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Option Site Address (URL) in WordPress settings changed [mesg] => Changed the Site address (URL) to %new_url%. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous URL] => %old_url% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6035] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6035 [severity] => 500 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Option Your homepage displays in WordPress settings changed [mesg] => Changed the Your homepage displays WordPress setting to %new_homepage%. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous setting] => %old_homepage% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6036] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6036 [severity] => 500 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Option homepage in WordPress settings changed [mesg] => Changed the Homepage in the WordPress settings to %new_page%. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous page] => %old_page% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6037] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6037 [severity] => 500 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Option posts page in WordPress settings changed [mesg] => Changed the Posts page in the WordPress settings to %new_page%. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous page] => %old_page% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6040] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6040 [severity] => 500 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Option Timezone in WordPress settings changed [mesg] => Changed the Timezone in the WordPress settings to %new_timezone%. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous timezone] => %old_timezone% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6041] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6041 [severity] => 500 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Option Date format in WordPress settings changed [mesg] => Changed the Date format in the WordPress settings to %new_date_format%. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous format] => %old_date_format% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6042] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6042 [severity] => 500 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Option Time format in WordPress settings changed [mesg] => Changed the Time format in the WordPress settings to %new_time_format%. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous format] => %old_time_format% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6044] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6044 [severity] => 400 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Option Automatic updates setting changed [mesg] => Changed the Automatic updates setting. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [New setting status] => %updates_status% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6045] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6045 [severity] => 400 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Option Site Language setting changed [mesg] => Changed the Site Language to %new_value%. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous setting] => %previous_value% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6059] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6059 [severity] => 400 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => WordPress Site Settings [desc] => Option Site Title changed [mesg] => Changed the Site Title to %new_value%. [object] => system-setting [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous setting] => %previous_value% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5010] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5010 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Database Events [desc] => Plugin created table [mesg] => The plugin %Plugin->Name% created this table in the database. [object] => database [event_type] => created [metadata] => Array ( [Table] => %TableNames% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5011] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5011 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Database Events [desc] => Plugin modified table structure [mesg] => The plugin %Plugin->Name% modified the structure of a database table. [object] => database [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Table] => %TableNames% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5012] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5012 [severity] => 300 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Database Events [desc] => Plugin deleted table [mesg] => The plugin %Plugin->Name% deleted this table from the database. [object] => database [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( [Table] => %TableNames% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5013] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5013 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Database Events [desc] => Theme created tables [mesg] => The theme %Theme->Name% created this tables in the database. [object] => database [event_type] => created [metadata] => Array ( [Table] => %TableNames% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5014] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5014 [severity] => 250 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Database Events [desc] => Theme modified tables structure [mesg] => The theme %Theme->Name% modified the structure of this database table [object] => database [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Table] => %TableNames% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5015] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5015 [severity] => 300 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Database Events [desc] => Theme deleted tables [mesg] => The theme %Theme->Name% deleted this table from the database. [object] => database [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( [Tables] => %TableNames% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5016] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5016 [severity] => 400 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Database Events [desc] => Unknown component created tables [mesg] => An unknown component created these tables in the database. [object] => database [event_type] => created [metadata] => Array ( [Tables] => %TableNames% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5017] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5017 [severity] => 400 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Database Events [desc] => Unknown component modified tables structure [mesg] => An unknown component modified the structure of these database tables. [object] => database [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Tables] => %TableNames% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5018] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5018 [severity] => 400 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Database Events [desc] => Unknown component deleted tables [mesg] => An unknown component deleted these tables from the database. [object] => database [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( [Tables] => %TableNames% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5022] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5022 [severity] => 400 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Database Events [desc] => WordPress created tables [mesg] => WordPress has created these tables in the database. [object] => database [event_type] => created [metadata] => Array ( [Tables] => %TableNames% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5023] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5023 [severity] => 400 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Database Events [desc] => WordPress modified tables structure [mesg] => WordPress modified the structure of these database tables. [object] => database [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Tables] => %TableNames% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [5024] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 5024 [severity] => 400 [catg] => WordPress & System [subcatg] => Database Events [desc] => WordPress deleted tables [mesg] => WordPress deleted these tables from the database. [object] => database [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( [Tables] => %TableNames% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [7000] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 7000 [severity] => 500 [catg] => Multisite Network Sites [subcatg] => MultiSite [desc] => New site added on the network [mesg] => Added the new site %SiteName% to the network. [object] => multisite-network [event_type] => added [metadata] => Array ( [URL] => %BlogURL% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [7001] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 7001 [severity] => 400 [catg] => Multisite Network Sites [subcatg] => MultiSite [desc] => Existing site archived [mesg] => Archived the site %SiteName% on the network. [object] => multisite-network [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [URL] => %BlogURL% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [7002] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 7002 [severity] => 400 [catg] => Multisite Network Sites [subcatg] => MultiSite [desc] => Archived site has been unarchived [mesg] => Unarchived the site %SiteName%. [object] => multisite-network [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [URL] => %BlogURL% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [7003] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 7003 [severity] => 400 [catg] => Multisite Network Sites [subcatg] => MultiSite [desc] => Deactivated site has been activated [mesg] => Activated the site %SiteName% on the network. [object] => multisite-network [event_type] => activated [metadata] => Array ( [URL] => %BlogURL% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [7004] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 7004 [severity] => 400 [catg] => Multisite Network Sites [subcatg] => MultiSite [desc] => Site has been deactivated [mesg] => Deactiveated the site %SiteName% on the network. [object] => multisite-network [event_type] => deactivated [metadata] => Array ( [URL] => %BlogURL% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [7005] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 7005 [severity] => 400 [catg] => Multisite Network Sites [subcatg] => MultiSite [desc] => Existing site deleted from network [mesg] => The site: %SiteName%. [object] => multisite-network [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( [URL] => %BlogURL% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [7007] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 7007 [severity] => 500 [catg] => Multisite Network Sites [subcatg] => MultiSite [desc] => Allow site administrators to add new users to their sites settings changed [mesg] => Changed the status of the network setting Allow site administrators to add new users to their sites. [object] => multisite-network [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [7008] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 7008 [severity] => 400 [catg] => Multisite Network Sites [subcatg] => MultiSite [desc] => Site upload space settings changed [mesg] => Changed the status of the network setting Site upload space (to limit space allocated for each site's upload directory). [object] => multisite-network [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [7009] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 7009 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Multisite Network Sites [subcatg] => MultiSite [desc] => Site upload space file size settings changed [mesg] => Changed the file size in the Site upload space network setting to %new_value%. [object] => multisite-network [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous size (MB)] => %old_value% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [7010] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 7010 [severity] => 500 [catg] => Multisite Network Sites [subcatg] => MultiSite [desc] => Site Upload file types settings changed [mesg] => Changed the network setting Upload file types (list of allowed file types). [object] => multisite-network [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous value] => %old_value% [New value] => %new_value% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [7011] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 7011 [severity] => 500 [catg] => Multisite Network Sites [subcatg] => MultiSite [desc] => Site Max upload file size settings changed [mesg] => Changed the Max upload file size network setting to %new_value%. [object] => multisite-network [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous size (KB)] => %old_value% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [7012] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 7012 [severity] => 400 [catg] => Multisite Network Sites [subcatg] => MultiSite [desc] => Allow new registrations settings changed [mesg] => Changed the Allow new registrations setting to %new_setting%. [object] => multisite-network [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous setting] => %previous_setting% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8801] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8801 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Post Changes [desc] => User changed title of a post [mesg] => Changed the SEO title of the post %PostTitle% to %NewSEOTitle%. [object] => yoast-seo-metabox [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Previous title] => %OldSEOTitle% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% ) ) [8802] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8802 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Post Changes [desc] => User changed the meta description of a post [mesg] => Changed the Meta description of the post %PostTitle%. [object] => yoast-seo-metabox [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Previous description] => %old_desc% [New description] => %new_desc% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% ) ) [8803] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8803 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Post Changes [desc] => User changed setting to allow search engines to show post in search results of a post [mesg] => Changed the setting Allow seach engines to show post in search results for the post %PostTitle% to %NewStatus%. [object] => yoast-seo-metabox [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Previous setting] => %OldStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% ) ) [8804] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8804 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Post Changes [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled the option for search engine to follow links of a post [mesg] => Changed the status of the setting Search engines to follow links in post in the post %PostTitle%. [object] => yoast-seo-metabox [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% ) ) [8805] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8805 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Post Changes [desc] => User set the Meta robots advanced setting of a post [mesg] => Changed the Meta robots advanced setting for the post %PostTitle% to %NewStatus%. [object] => yoast-seo-metabox [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Previous setting] => %OldStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% ) ) [8806] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8806 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Post Changes [desc] => User changed the canonical URL of a post [mesg] => Changed the Canonical URL of the post %PostTitle%. [object] => yoast-seo-metabox [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Previous URL] => %OldCanonicalUrl% [New URL] => %NewCanonicalUrl% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% ) ) [8807] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8807 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Post Changes [desc] => User changed the focus keyword of a post [mesg] => Changed the focus keyword for the post %PostTitle% to %new_keywords%. [object] => yoast-seo-metabox [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Previous keyword] => %old_keywords% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% ) ) [8808] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8808 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Post Changes [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled the option Cornerston Content of a post [mesg] => Changed the setting Cornerstone content in the post %PostTitle%. [object] => yoast-seo-metabox [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% ) ) [8850] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8850 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Post Changes [desc] => User changed Breadcrumbs Title for a post [mesg] => Changed the Breadcrumbs Title for the post %PostTitle% to %new_breadcrumb%. [object] => yoast-seo-metabox [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Previous Breadcrumbs Title] => %old_breadcrumb% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% ) ) [8851] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8851 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Post Changes [desc] => User changed to the Schema settings of a post [mesg] => Changed the Page type in the Schema settings to %new_type% [object] => yoast-seo-metabox [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Previous Page type] => %old_type% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% ) ) [8852] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8852 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Post Changes [desc] => User changed to the Schema settings of a post [mesg] => Changed the Article type in the Schema settings to %new_type% [object] => yoast-seo-metabox [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Post ID] => %PostID% [Post type] => %PostType% [Post status] => %PostStatus% [Previous Article type] => %old_type% ) [links] => Array ( [View the post in editor] => %EditorLinkPost% ) ) [8809] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8809 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Website Changes [desc] => User changed the Title Separator [mesg] => Changed the Title separator in the plugin settings to %new%. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous separator] => %old% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8810] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8810 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Website Changes [desc] => User changed the Homepage Title [mesg] => Changed the Knowledge Graph & Schema.org in the plugin settings to %new%. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous title] => %old% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8811] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8811 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Website Changes [desc] => User changed the Homepage Meta description [mesg] => Changed the homepage Meta description. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous description] => %old% [New description] => %new% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8812] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8812 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Website Changes [desc] => User changed the Knowledge Graph & Schema.org [mesg] => Changed the Knowledge Graph & Schema.org in the plugin settings to %new%. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous setting] => %old% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8815] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8815 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled SEO analysis in the Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the status of the SEO Analysis plugin feature. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8816] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8816 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled readability analysis in the Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the Readability Analysis plugin feature. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8817] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8817 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled cornerstone content in the Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the Cornerstone content plugin feature. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8818] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8818 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled the text link counter in the Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the Text link counter plugin feature. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8819] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8819 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled XML sitemaps in the Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the XML sitemap plugin feature. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8820] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8820 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled an integration in the Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the status of the %type% integration. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8821] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8821 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled the admin bar menu in the Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the Admin bar menu plugin feature. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8822] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8822 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User changed the Posts/Pages meta description template in the Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the %SEOPostType% Meta description template to %new%. [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous template] => %old% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8824] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8824 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User set the option to show the Yoast SEO Meta Box for Posts/Pages in the Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the status of the option to show the Yoast SEO Meta Box for %SEOPostType%. [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8825] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8825 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled the advanced or schema settings for authors in the Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the setting Security: advanced or schema settings for authors in the plugin. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8826] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8826 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled redirecting attachment URLs in the Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the status of the setting Redirect attachment URLs in the Media search appearance settings. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8827] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8827 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled Usage tracking in the Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the status of the Usage tracking plugin setting. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8828] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8828 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled REST API: Head endpoint in the Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the status of the REST API: Head endpoint plugin setting. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8829] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8829 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Added/Removed a social profile in the Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the URL of an Organization social profile. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => added [metadata] => Array ( [Social media profile] => %social_profile% [Old URL] => %old_url% [New URL] => %new_url% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8838] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8838 [severity] => 400 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User changed who should have access to the setting on Network Level [mesg] => Changed the setting Who should have access to the Yoast SEO settings on a multisite network to %new%. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( [Previous setting] => %old% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8839] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8839 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => New sites inherit their SEO options from site changed [mesg] => Changed the setting New sites in the network inherit their SEO settings from this site to %new%. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( [Previous setting] => %old% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8840] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8840 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => Reset the site's SEO settings to default [mesg] => Reset the SEO settings of the site %old% to default. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( [Site ID] => %old% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8842] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8842 [severity] => 400 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => Disabled a plugin feature networkwide [mesg] => Disabled the plugin feature %feature_name% networkwide. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => disabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8843] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8843 [severity] => 400 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => Allowed site administrators to toggle a plugin feature on or off for their site [mesg] => Allowed site administrators to toggle the plugin feature %feature_name% on or off on their sites. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8813] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8813 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled the option Show Posts/Pages in Search Results in the Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the status of the content type setting to show %SEOPostType% in search results. [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8814] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8814 [severity] => 200 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User changed the Posts/Pages title template in the Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the %SEOPostType% SEO title template in the plugin settings to %new%. [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous template] => %old% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8830] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8830 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled the taxonomies to show in search results setting in the Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the status of the taxonomies setting to show %SEOPostType% in search results. [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8831] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8831 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Modified the SEO title template for a taxonomy in the Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the SEO title template for the taxonomy %SEOPostType% to %new%. [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous title] => %old% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8832] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8832 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Modified the Meta description template for a taxonomy in the Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the Meta description template for the taxonomy %SEOPostType% to %new%. [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous description] => %old% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8833] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8833 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled Author or Data archives in Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the status of the %archive_type% archives in the plugin settings. [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8834] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8834 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled showing Author or Date archives in search results in Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the status of the setting to show the %archive_type% archives in the search results. [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8835] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8835 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Modified the SEO title template for Author or Date archives in the Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the SEO title template for the %archive_type% archives to %new%. [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous title] => %old% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8836] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8836 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Modified the SEO Meta description for Author or Date archives in the Yoast SEO plugin settings [mesg] => Changed the Meta description template for the %archive_type% archives to %new%. [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous description] => %old% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8837] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8837 [severity] => 250 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Enabled/Disabled the SEO meta box for a taxonomy [mesg] => Changed the status of the setting to show SEO settings for the %SEOPostType% taxonomy. [object] => yoast-seo-search-appearance [event_type] => enabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8853] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8853 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User the Default Page type in the Scheme settings [mesg] => Changed the Default Page type in the Schema settings for %SEOPostType% to %new_type%. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => added [metadata] => Array ( [Previous Default Page type] => %old_type% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8854] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8854 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User the Default Article type in the Scheme settings [mesg] => Changed the Default Article type in the Schema settings for %SEOPostType% to %new_type%. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => added [metadata] => Array ( [Previous Default Article type] => %old_type% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8841] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8841 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => User Added/Removed/Modified a Webmaster Tools verification code for a search engine [mesg] => Changed the Webmaster Tools verification code for a search engine. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => added [metadata] => Array ( [Search engine] => %search_engine_type% [Previous code] => %old% [New code] => %new% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8844] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8844 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => Changed the status of the setting Add Open Graph meta data in the Facebook settings [mesg] => Changed the status of the setting Add Open Graph meta data in the Facebook settings. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => disabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8845] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8845 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => Changed the Default Image in the Facebook settings [mesg] => Changed the Default Image in the Facebook settings to %image_name%. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Image path] => %image_path% [Previous image] => %old_image% [Previous image path] => %old_path% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8846] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8846 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => Changed the status of the setting Add Twitter card meta data in the Twitter settings [mesg] => Changed the status of the setting Add Twitter card meta data in the Twitter settings. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => disabled [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8847] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8847 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => Changed the Default card type to use in Twitter settings [mesg] => Changed the Default card type to use in Twitter settings to %new_setting%. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous setting] => %old_setting% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8848] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8848 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => Changed the Pinterest confirmation meta tag in the Pinterest settings [mesg] => Changed the Pinterest confirmation meta tag in the Pinterest settings to %new_value%. [object] => yoast-seo [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous value] => %old_value% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8855] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8855 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => A new plain / regex redirect was added [mesg] => A %redirect_code% %redirect_type% redirect for the old URL %old_url%. [object] => yoast-seo-redirects [event_type] => added [metadata] => Array ( [New URL] => %new_url% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8856] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8856 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => A plain / regex redirect was modified [mesg] => A %redirect_type% redirect was modified. [object] => yoast-seo-redirects [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Previous old URL] => %old_url% [New old URL] => %new_old_url% [Previous new URL] => %old_new_url% [New new URL] => %new_new_url% [Previous redirect type] => %old_redirect_code% [New redirect type] => %new_redirect_code% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8857] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8857 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => A plain / regex redirect was deleted [mesg] => A %redirect_code% %redirect_type% redirect for the URL %old_url% was deleted. [object] => yoast-seo-redirects [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [8858] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 8858 [severity] => 300 [catg] => Yoast SEO [subcatg] => Plugin Settings Changes [desc] => The Redirect method was modified [mesg] => The Redirect method has been Changed to %new_method%. [object] => yoast-seo-redirects [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( [Old redirect method] => %old_method% ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6028] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6028 [severity] => 400 [catg] => File Changes [subcatg] => Monitor File Changes [desc] => File content has been modified [mesg] => Content of file(s) on this website modified. %ReviewChangesLink% [object] => file [event_type] => modified [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6029] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6029 [severity] => 500 [catg] => File Changes [subcatg] => Monitor File Changes [desc] => File added to the site [mesg] => New file(s) added on this website. %ReviewAdditionsLink% [object] => file [event_type] => added [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6030] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6030 [severity] => 300 [catg] => File Changes [subcatg] => Monitor File Changes [desc] => File deleted from the site [mesg] => File(s) deleted from this website. %ReviewDeletionsLink% [object] => file [event_type] => deleted [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6031] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6031 [severity] => 200 [catg] => File Changes [subcatg] => Monitor File Changes [desc] => File not scanned because it is bigger than the maximum file size limit [mesg] => File not scanned because it is bigger than the maximum file size limit %LineBreak% File: %File% %LineBreak% Location: %FileLocation% %LineBreak% %ReviewChangesLink% [object] => system [event_type] => blocked [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6032] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6032 [severity] => 200 [catg] => File Changes [subcatg] => Monitor File Changes [desc] => File integrity scan stopped due to the limit of 200,000 files [mesg] => Your website has more than 200,000 files so the file integrity scanner cannot scan them all. Contact support for more information. %LineBreak% %ContactSupport% [object] => system [event_type] => blocked [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) [6033] => WSAL_Alert Object ( [code] => 6033 [severity] => 200 [catg] => File Changes [subcatg] => Monitor File Changes [desc] => File integrity scan started/stopped [mesg] => The file integrity scan has %ScanStatus%. [object] => system [event_type] => started [metadata] => Array ( ) [links] => Array ( ) ) ) [deprecated_events:protected] => Array ( [0] => 2004 [1] => 2005 [2] => 2006 [3] => 2007 [4] => 2009 [5] => 2013 [6] => 2015 [7] => 2018 [8] => 2020 [9] => 2022 [10] => 2026 [11] => 2028 [12] => 2059 [13] => 2060 [14] => 2061 [15] => 2064 [16] => 2066 [17] => 2069 [18] => 2075 [19] => 2087 [20] => 2102 [21] => 2103 [22] => 2113 [23] => 2114 [24] => 2115 [25] => 2116 [26] => 2117 [27] => 2118 [28] => 5020 [29] => 5026 [30] => 2107 [31] => 2003 [32] => 2029 [33] => 2030 [34] => 2031 [35] => 2032 [36] => 2033 [37] => 2034 [38] => 2035 [39] => 2036 [40] => 2037 [41] => 2038 [42] => 2039 [43] => 2040 [44] => 2041 [45] => 2056 [46] => 2057 [47] => 2058 [48] => 2063 [49] => 2067 [50] => 2068 [51] => 2070 [52] => 2072 [53] => 2076 [54] => 2088 [55] => 2104 [56] => 2105 [57] => 5021 [58] => 5027 [59] => 2108 ) [loggers:protected] => Array ( [0] => WSAL_Loggers_Database Object ( [plugin:protected] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object *RECURSION* ) [1] => WSAL_NP_Notifier Object ( [alert_date:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => [email_address:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => [phone_number:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => [alert_id:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => [alert_data:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => [s1_data:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => [s2_data:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => [s3_data:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => [s4_data:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => [s5_data:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => [s6_data:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => [s7_data:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => [s8_data:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => [is_built_in:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => [has_template:protected] => [notifications:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => [cache_expiration:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => 43200 [is_url_shortner:WSAL_NP_Notifier:private] => [plugin:protected] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object *RECURSION* ) ) [plugin:protected] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object *RECURSION* [pipeline:protected] => Array ( ) [triggered_types:protected] => Array ( ) [wp_users:WSAL_AlertManager:private] => Array ( ) [ignored_cpts] => Array ( [0] => attachment [1] => revision [2] => nav_menu_item [3] => customize_changeset [4] => custom_css [5] => wfcm_file_event ) [date_format:WSAL_AlertManager:private] => F j, Y [sanitized_date_format:WSAL_AlertManager:private] => Y-m-d ) [sensors] => WSAL_SensorManager Object ( [sensors:protected] => Array ( [0] => WSAL_Sensors_LogInOut Object ( [current_user:protected] => [plugin:protected] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object *RECURSION* ) [1] => WSAL_Sensors_YoastSEO Object ( [post_id:WSAL_Sensors_YoastSEO:private] => 0 [post:WSAL_Sensors_YoastSEO:private] => [post_seo_data:WSAL_Sensors_YoastSEO:private] => Array ( [_yoast_wpseo_title] => [_yoast_wpseo_metadesc] => [_yoast_wpseo_focuskw] => [_yoast_wpseo_is_cornerstone] => [_yoast_wpseo_meta-robots-noindex] => [_yoast_wpseo_meta-robots-nofollow] => [_yoast_wpseo_meta-robots-adv] => [_yoast_wpseo_canonical] => [_yoast_wpseo_schema_page_type] => [_yoast_wpseo_schema_article_type] => ) [schema_labels:WSAL_Sensors_YoastSEO:private] => Array ( [Article] => Article [BlogPosting] => Blog Post [SocialMediaPosting] => Social Media Posting [NewsArticle] => News Article [AdvertiserContentArticle] => Advertiser Content Article [SatiricalArticle] => Satirical Article [ScholarlyArticle] => Scholarly Article [TechArticle] => Tech Article [Report] => Report [WebPage] => Web Page [ItemPage] => Item Page [AboutPage] => About Page [FAQPage] => FAQ Page [QAPage] => QA Page [ProfilePage] => Profile Page [ContactPage] => Contact Page [MedicalWebPage] => Medical Web Page [CollectionPage] => Collection Page [CheckoutPage] => Checkout Page [RealEstateListing] => Real Estate Listing [SearchResultsPage] => Search Results Page [_yoast_wpseo_bctitle] => ) [plugin:protected] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object *RECURSION* ) [2] => WSAL_Sensors_FileChanges Object ( [root_path:WSAL_Sensors_FileChanges:private] => /home/bsbks/public_html/ [plugin:protected] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object *RECURSION* ) ) [plugin:protected] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object *RECURSION* ) [settings:protected] => WSAL_Settings Object ( [plugin:protected] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object *RECURSION* [site_admins:WSAL_Settings:private] => Array ( ) [pruning:protected] => 0 [disabled:protected] => [viewers:protected] => [per_page:protected] => [excluded_users:protected] => Array ( ) [excluded_roles:protected] => Array ( ) [excluded_post_meta:protected] => Array ( ) [excluded_user_meta:protected] => Array ( ) [post_types:protected] => Array ( ) [excluded_ip:protected] => Array ( ) [geek_alerts] => Array ( [0] => 1004 [1] => 1005 [2] => 1006 [3] => 1007 [4] => 2023 [5] => 2024 [6] => 2053 [7] => 2054 [8] => 2055 [9] => 2062 [10] => 2100 [11] => 2111 [12] => 2112 [13] => 2124 [14] => 2125 [15] => 2131 [16] => 2132 [17] => 2094 [18] => 2095 [19] => 2043 [20] => 2071 [21] => 2082 [22] => 2083 [23] => 2085 [24] => 2089 [25] => 4014 [26] => 4015 [27] => 4016 [28] => 5019 [29] => 5025 [30] => 6001 [31] => 6002 [32] => 6008 [33] => 6010 [34] => 6011 [35] => 6012 [36] => 6013 [37] => 6014 [38] => 6015 [39] => 6016 [40] => 6017 [41] => 6018 [42] => 6024 [43] => 6025 ) [always_disabled_alerts] => Array ( [0] => 5010 [1] => 5011 [2] => 5012 [3] => 5013 [4] => 5014 [5] => 5015 [6] => 5016 [7] => 5017 [8] => 5018 [9] => 5022 [10] => 5023 [11] => 5024 ) [current_screen:WSAL_Settings:private] => ) [autoloader] => WSAL_Autoloader Object ( [plugin:protected] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object *RECURSION* [paths:protected] => Array ( [WSAL_] => Array ( [0] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-security-audit-log-premium/classes/ ) [WSAL_NP_] => Array ( [0] => /home/bsbks/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-security-audit-log-premium/extensions/email-notifications/classes/ ) ) ) [constants] => WSAL_ConstantManager Object ( [constants:protected] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [name] => WSAL_CRITICAL [value] => 500 [description] => Critical severity events. ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [name] => WSAL_HIGH [value] => 400 [description] => High severity events. ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [name] => WSAL_MEDIUM [value] => 300 [description] => Medium severity events. ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [name] => WSAL_LOW [value] => 250 [description] => Low severity events. ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [name] => WSAL_INFORMATIONAL [value] => 200 [description] => Informational events. ) ) [constants_cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [options_helper] => WSAL\Helpers\Options Object ( [prefix] => wsal_ ) [cleanup_hooks:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => WSAL_Loggers_Database Object ( [plugin:protected] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object *RECURSION* ) [1] => clean_up ) ) [extensions] => [allowed_html_tags] => Array ( [a] => Array ( [href] => Array ( ) [title] => Array ( ) [target] => Array ( ) ) [br] => Array ( ) [code] => Array ( ) [em] => Array ( ) [strong] => Array ( ) [p] => Array ( [class] => Array ( ) ) ) [notifications_util] => WSAL_NP_Common Object ( [wsal] => WpSecurityAuditLog Object *RECURSION* ) [external_db_util] => [reports_util] => [user_sessions] => [third_party_extensions] => Array ( ) ) [1] => recurring_schedules ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [AIOWPSecurity_Cronjob_Handler::cron_schedules] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => AIOWPSecurity_Cronjob_Handler [1] => cron_schedules ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000007bf6760000000000677e8907add_wp_cron_schedule] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => ActionScheduler_QueueRunner Object ( [async_request:protected] => ActionScheduler_AsyncRequest_QueueRunner Object ( [store:protected] => ActionScheduler_DBStore Object ( [claim_before_date:ActionScheduler_DBStore:private] => ) [prefix:protected] => as [action:protected] => async_request_queue_runner [identifier:protected] => as_async_request_queue_runner [data:protected] => Array ( ) ) [cleaner:protected] => ActionScheduler_QueueCleaner Object ( [batch_size:protected] => 20 [store:ActionScheduler_QueueCleaner:private] => ActionScheduler_DBStore Object ( [claim_before_date:ActionScheduler_DBStore:private] => ) [month_in_seconds:ActionScheduler_QueueCleaner:private] => 2678400 ) [monitor:protected] => ActionScheduler_FatalErrorMonitor Object ( [claim:ActionScheduler_FatalErrorMonitor:private] => [store:ActionScheduler_FatalErrorMonitor:private] => ActionScheduler_DBStore Object ( [claim_before_date:ActionScheduler_DBStore:private] => ) [action_id:ActionScheduler_FatalErrorMonitor:private] => 0 ) [store:protected] => ActionScheduler_DBStore Object ( [claim_before_date:ActionScheduler_DBStore:private] => ) [created_time:ActionScheduler_Abstract_QueueRunner:private] => 1737028481.2113 ) [1] => add_wp_cron_schedule ) [accepted_args] => 1 ) [000000007bf67f4200000000677e8907add_cron_schedule] => Array ( [function] => Array ( [0] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Integrations\Admin\Background_Indexing_Integration Object ( [complete_indexation_action:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Actions\Indexing\Indexable_Indexing_Complete_Action Object ( [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object ( [repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object ( [builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder Object ( [author_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Author_Builder Object ( [author_archive:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Author_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Author_Archive_Helper Object ( [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Author_Archive_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [post_type_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Author_Archive_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object ( [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) ) ) [version:protected] => 2 [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object ( [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object ( ) [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object ( [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) ) [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* ) [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object ( [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) ) [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object ( [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) ) ) [post_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Post_Builder Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object ( [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object ( ) [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object ( [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) ) [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* ) [post_type_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object ( [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) ) [version:protected] => 2 [meta:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Meta_Helper Object ( ) [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object ( [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) ) [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object ( [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) ) ) [term_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Term_Builder Object ( [taxonomy_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper Object ( [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object ( ) ) [version:protected] => 2 [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object ( [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object ( ) [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object ( [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) ) [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* ) [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object ( [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) ) [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object ( [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) ) ) [home_page_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Home_Page_Builder Object ( [options:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) [version:protected] => 2 [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object ( [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object ( ) [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object ( [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) ) [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* ) [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) [open_graph_image:protected] => 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Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) ) ) [post_type_archive_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Post_Type_Archive_Builder Object ( [options:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [version:protected] => 2 [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object ( [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object ( ) [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object ( [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) ) [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* ) [post_type_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object ( [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) ) ) [date_archive_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Date_Archive_Builder Object ( [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Date_Archive_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [version:protected] => 1 ) [system_page_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_System_Page_Builder Object ( [options:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [version:protected] => 1 ) [hierarchy_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder Object ( [saved_ancestors:protected] => Array ( ) [indexable_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [indexable_hierarchy_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Hierarchy_Repository Object ( [builder:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder Object *RECURSION* [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object *RECURSION* ) [primary_term_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Primary_Term_Repository Object ( ) [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [post:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object ( [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object ( ) [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object ( [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) ) [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* ) [indexable_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object *RECURSION* ) [primary_term_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Primary_Term_Builder Object ( [repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Primary_Term_Repository Object ( ) [indexable_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Primary_Term_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object *RECURSION* [primary_term:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Primary_Term_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Primary_Term_Helper Object ( ) [meta:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Primary_Term_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Meta_Helper Object ( ) ) [link_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Link_Builder Object ( [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [url_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) [image_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object *RECURSION* [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object ( [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object ( ) [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object ( [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) ) [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* ) [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* ) [indexable_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object *RECURSION* [version_manager:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Services\Indexables\Indexable_Version_Manager Object ( [indexable_builder_versions:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Values\Indexables\Indexable_Builder_Versions Object ( [indexable_builder_versions_by_type:protected] => Array ( [date-archive] => 1 [general] => 1 [home-page] => 2 [post] => 2 [post-type-archive] => 2 [term] => 2 [user] => 2 [system-page] => 1 ) ) ) ) [hierarchy_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Hierarchy_Repository Object ( [builder:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder Object ( [saved_ancestors:protected] => Array ( ) [indexable_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [indexable_hierarchy_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Hierarchy_Repository Object *RECURSION* [primary_term_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Primary_Term_Repository Object ( ) [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [post:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object ( [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object ( ) [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object ( [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) ) [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* ) [indexable_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object *RECURSION* ) [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object *RECURSION* ) [current_page:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Current_Page_Helper Object ( [wp_query_wrapper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Current_Page_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Wrappers\WP_Query_Wrapper Object ( ) ) [logger:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Loggers\Logger Object ( [wrapped_logger:protected] => YoastSEO_Vendor\Psr\Log\NullLogger Object ( ) ) [wpdb:protected] => wpdb Object ( [show_errors] => [suppress_errors] => 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We believe you shouldn't have to figure it all out on your own. At the Bennington State Bank, we know that most people are not financial experts. That's why we equip our neighbors with the information and confidence they need to make financial decisions and reach their goals. We want you to be confident you're making educated financial decisions for yourself and the generations after you.
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We listen. We approach every conversation by listening to the problems you're encountering. And then we help you solve those problems. We've created a truly customized approach, because we believe every customer is unique.
We're locals. We are part of the community and passionate about seeing our neighbors thrive. We're committed to setting you, and the generations after you, up for success. We're not going anywhere.
We prioritize your family. We know financial conversations can be uncomfortable. We serve your family with care, experience, and professionalism. We do all that we can to navigate family dynamics and emotion in times of grief.
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cxfgh_postmeta [posts] => cxfgh_posts [terms] => cxfgh_terms [term_relationships] => cxfgh_term_relationships [term_taxonomy] => cxfgh_term_taxonomy [termmeta] => cxfgh_termmeta [usermeta] => cxfgh_usermeta [users] => cxfgh_users [blogs] => [blogmeta] => [registration_log] => [signups] => [site] => [sitecategories] => [sitemeta] => [field_types] => Array ( [post_author] => %d [post_parent] => %d [menu_order] => %d [term_id] => %d [term_group] => %d [term_taxonomy_id] => %d [parent] => %d [count] => %d [object_id] => %d [term_order] => %d [ID] => %d [comment_ID] => %d [comment_post_ID] => %d [comment_parent] => %d [user_id] => %d [link_id] => %d [link_owner] => %d [link_rating] => %d [option_id] => %d [blog_id] => %d [meta_id] => %d [post_id] => %d [user_status] => %d [umeta_id] => %d [comment_karma] => %d [comment_count] => %d [active] => %d [cat_id] => %d [deleted] => %d [lang_id] => %d [mature] => %d [public] => %d [site_id] => %d [spam] => %d ) [charset] => utf8mb4 [collate] => utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci [dbuser:protected] => bsbks [dbpassword:protected] => fXGZpu6wH67x97Q% [dbname:protected] => wp_bsbksavada [dbhost:protected] => localhost [dbh:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 3591daad22de08524295e1bd073aceeff11e6579 $ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 23 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.42-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 [server_version] => 50742 [stat] => Uptime: 351541 Threads: 1 Questions: 75182842 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 1626 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 512 Queries per second avg: 213.866 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 340282 [warning_count] => 0 ) [func_call] => $db->query("SELECT * FROM cxfgh_posts WHERE ID = 13253 LIMIT 1") [is_mysql] => 1 [incompatible_modes:protected] => Array ( [0] => NO_ZERO_DATE [1] => ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY [2] => STRICT_TRANS_TABLES [3] => STRICT_ALL_TABLES [4] => TRADITIONAL [5] => ANSI ) [allow_unsafe_unquoted_parameters:wpdb:private] => 1 [use_mysqli:wpdb:private] => 1 [has_connected:wpdb:private] => 1 [time_start] => [error] => [categories] => cxfgh_categories [post2cat] => cxfgh_post2cat [link2cat] => cxfgh_link2cat [wpcatcha_login_fails] => cxfgh_wpc_login_fails [wpcatcha_accesslocks] => cxfgh_wpc_accesslocks [lockdown_login_fails] => cxfgh_login_fails [lockdown_lockdowns] => cxfgh_lockdowns [actionscheduler_actions] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_actions [actionscheduler_claims] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_claims [actionscheduler_groups] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_groups [actionscheduler_logs] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_logs ) [indexable_helper:protected] => [version_manager:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Services\Indexables\Indexable_Version_Manager Object ( [indexable_builder_versions:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Values\Indexables\Indexable_Builder_Versions Object ( [indexable_builder_versions_by_type:protected] => Array ( [date-archive] => 1 [general] => 1 [home-page] => 2 [post] => 2 [post-type-archive] => 2 [term] => 2 [user] => 2 [system-page] => 1 ) ) ) ) [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [environment_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Environment_Helper Object ( ) [indexing_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexing_Helper Object ( [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [date_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Date_Helper Object ( ) [notification_center:protected] => Yoast_Notification_Center Object ( [notifications:Yoast_Notification_Center:private] => Array ( ) [new:Yoast_Notification_Center:private] => Array ( ) [resolved:Yoast_Notification_Center:private] => 0 [queued_transactions:Yoast_Notification_Center:private] => Array ( ) [notifications_retrieved:Yoast_Notification_Center:private] => 1 [notifications_need_storage:Yoast_Notification_Center:private] => ) [indexing_actions:protected] => Array ( [0] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Actions\Indexing\Indexable_Post_Indexation_Action Object ( [post_type_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object ( [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) ) [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object ( [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object ( ) [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object ( [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) ) [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object ( [builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder Object ( [author_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Author_Builder Object ( [author_archive:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Author_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Author_Archive_Helper Object ( [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Author_Archive_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [post_type_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Author_Archive_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object ( [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) ) ) [version:protected] => 2 [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object *RECURSION* [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object ( [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) ) [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object ( [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) ) ) [post_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Post_Builder Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object *RECURSION* [post_type_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object ( [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) ) [version:protected] => 2 [meta:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Meta_Helper Object ( ) [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object ( [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) ) [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object ( [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) ) ) [term_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Term_Builder Object ( [taxonomy_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper Object ( [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object ( ) ) [version:protected] => 2 [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object *RECURSION* [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object ( [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) ) [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object ( [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) ) ) [home_page_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Home_Page_Builder Object ( [options:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) [version:protected] => 2 [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object *RECURSION* [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object ( [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) ) [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object ( [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) ) ) [post_type_archive_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Post_Type_Archive_Builder Object ( [options:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [version:protected] => 2 [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object *RECURSION* [post_type_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object ( [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) ) ) [date_archive_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Date_Archive_Builder Object ( [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Date_Archive_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [version:protected] => 1 ) [system_page_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_System_Page_Builder Object ( [options:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [version:protected] => 1 ) [hierarchy_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder Object ( [saved_ancestors:protected] => Array ( ) [indexable_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [indexable_hierarchy_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Hierarchy_Repository Object ( [builder:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder Object *RECURSION* [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object *RECURSION* ) [primary_term_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Primary_Term_Repository Object ( ) [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [post:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object *RECURSION* [indexable_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object *RECURSION* ) [primary_term_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Primary_Term_Builder Object ( [repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Primary_Term_Repository Object ( ) [indexable_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Primary_Term_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object *RECURSION* [primary_term:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Primary_Term_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Primary_Term_Helper Object ( ) [meta:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Primary_Term_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Meta_Helper Object ( ) ) [link_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Link_Builder Object ( [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [url_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) [image_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object *RECURSION* [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object *RECURSION* [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* ) [indexable_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object *RECURSION* [version_manager:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Services\Indexables\Indexable_Version_Manager Object ( [indexable_builder_versions:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Values\Indexables\Indexable_Builder_Versions Object ( [indexable_builder_versions_by_type:protected] => Array ( [date-archive] => 1 [general] => 1 [home-page] => 2 [post] => 2 [post-type-archive] => 2 [term] => 2 [user] => 2 [system-page] => 1 ) ) ) ) [hierarchy_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Hierarchy_Repository Object ( [builder:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder Object ( [saved_ancestors:protected] => Array ( ) [indexable_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [indexable_hierarchy_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Hierarchy_Repository Object *RECURSION* [primary_term_repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Primary_Term_Repository Object ( ) [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [post:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object *RECURSION* [indexable_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Hierarchy_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object *RECURSION* ) [indexable_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Indexable_Helper Object *RECURSION* ) [current_page:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Current_Page_Helper Object ( [wp_query_wrapper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Current_Page_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Wrappers\WP_Query_Wrapper Object ( ) ) [logger:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Loggers\Logger Object ( [wrapped_logger:protected] => YoastSEO_Vendor\Psr\Log\NullLogger Object ( ) ) [wpdb:protected] => wpdb Object ( [show_errors] => [suppress_errors] => [last_error] => [num_queries] => 85 [num_rows] => 1 [rows_affected] => 0 [insert_id] => 0 [last_query] => SELECT * FROM cxfgh_posts WHERE ID = 13253 LIMIT 1 [last_result] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 13253 [post_author] => 4 [post_date] => 2024-08-26 12:54:09 [post_date_gmt] => 2024-08-26 17:54:09 [post_content] => [fusion_builder_container 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We believe you shouldn't have to figure it all out on your own. At the Bennington State Bank, we know that most people are not financial experts. That's why we equip our neighbors with the information and confidence they need to make financial decisions and reach their goals. We want you to be confident you're making educated financial decisions for yourself and the generations after you.
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We listen. We approach every conversation by listening to the problems you're encountering. And then we help you solve those problems. We've created a truly customized approach, because we believe every customer is unique.
We're locals. We are part of the community and passionate about seeing our neighbors thrive. We're committed to setting you, and the generations after you, up for success. We're not going anywhere.
We prioritize your family. We know financial conversations can be uncomfortable. We serve your family with care, experience, and professionalism. We do all that we can to navigate family dynamics and emotion in times of grief.
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ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY [2] => STRICT_TRANS_TABLES [3] => STRICT_ALL_TABLES [4] => TRADITIONAL [5] => ANSI ) [allow_unsafe_unquoted_parameters:wpdb:private] => 1 [use_mysqli:wpdb:private] => 1 [has_connected:wpdb:private] => 1 [time_start] => [error] => [categories] => cxfgh_categories [post2cat] => cxfgh_post2cat [link2cat] => cxfgh_link2cat [wpcatcha_login_fails] => cxfgh_wpc_login_fails [wpcatcha_accesslocks] => cxfgh_wpc_accesslocks [lockdown_login_fails] => cxfgh_login_fails [lockdown_lockdowns] => cxfgh_lockdowns [actionscheduler_actions] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_actions [actionscheduler_claims] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_claims [actionscheduler_groups] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_groups [actionscheduler_logs] => cxfgh_actionscheduler_logs ) [indexable_helper:protected] => [version_manager:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Services\Indexables\Indexable_Version_Manager Object ( [indexable_builder_versions:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Values\Indexables\Indexable_Builder_Versions Object ( 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[options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object ( [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object ( ) [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object ( [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) ) [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* ) [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object ( [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) ) [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object ( [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) ) ) [post_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Post_Builder Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object ( [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object ( ) [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object ( [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) ) [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* ) [post_type_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object ( [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) ) [version:protected] => 2 [meta:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Meta_Helper Object ( ) [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object ( [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) ) [twitter_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper Object ( [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Twitter\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) ) ) [term_builder:Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Builder:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Builders\Indexable_Term_Builder Object ( [taxonomy_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper Object ( [options:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Taxonomy_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object ( ) ) [version:protected] => 2 [post_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper Object ( [string:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\String_Helper Object ( ) [post_type:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Type_Helper Object ( [options_helper:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) ) [repository:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Post_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* ) [image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\Indexable_Repository Object *RECURSION* [seo_links_repository:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Repositories\SEO_Links_Repository Object ( ) [options_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Options_Helper Object ( ) [url_helper:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) ) [open_graph_image:protected] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper Object ( [url:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Url_Helper Object ( ) [image:Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Open_Graph\Image_Helper:private] => Yoast\WP\SEO\Helpers\Image_Helper Object ( [indexable_repository:protected]